Everything posted by Sirius Black
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
(OOC, I'm probably missing something obvious here, but how did i go from 9/9 health to 0/9 from the five damage I took?)
Gotham City Mafia
Your chosen character The Mad Hatter Your availability during the coming few weeks. Oh, I have plenty of time. In fact, one could even say I have time to kill, but that has too many side effects. I'm not mad enough to try that again, and that's saying something. Riddler, you seem to have a thing for puzzles. Here's one for you. Why is a raven like a writing desk? It's driving me mad. Mad, I tell you! Your previous Mafia game history Eurodina, Fabuland Houswives, and Baritones 3. Inexperience, Silence of the Lamb, and bad luck respectively. Your existing interest in the Batman universe. Oh, I absolutely love those Christopher Nolan movies! Did I ever tell you where I got these hats? No? Anyways, I'm also a fairly avid collector of Lego Batman, and enjoy the Batman universe. Enough about the bat though. Things are going to get a little mad around here, and there's nothing he can do to stop it! Ahahahahahahahaha! Freee coffee and doughnuts! Get yourself some freee coffee and free doughnuts! They're fat-free, sugar-free, and most definitely free of any Mind Control devices! If you don't believe me, try one yourself, and you'll agree, I guarantee it!
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob will attack Bandit (Axe) from the back row
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
This was getting ridiculous, Bob thought, as the Dementor yet again managed to survive another round. If six heroes cannot take down one monster, how can we possibly fare later on? Deciding to ponder on these thoughts later, Bob moved in once again for the kill. Maybe this time the Dementor will die? "Bob will attack Dementor yet again from the back row. Bob is getting tired of doing this..."
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
"Would this battle never end?" Bob wondered to himself as the Dementor once again failed to die. Letting out a cry of frustration, Bob moved in once more to polish off the foul beast. "Bob will (yet again) attack Dementor from the back row! This time, Dementor will not survive!"
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob growled in frustration as his weapon once again failed to connect with it's intended target. This seemed to be becoming a recurring result, and it was getting on his nerves. Well, at least he wasn't a ranger. If he couldn't even hit an enemy in melee combat, it would be doubly difficult for him to try to use a bow against his enemies. Resolving to try to locate a better weapon upon returning to Heroica Hall, Bob redirected his thoughts to killing the foul creature that had proved so difficult for him to destroy. Bob will attack dementor from the back row once again. Dementor will die" Looking around to see how the other Heroes were faring, Bob noticed Namyrra muttering to herself about equality in usage of her gemstones. Shaking his head ever so slightly at the strangeness of her actions, Bob turned back to the battle yet again, eager to take down the dementor.
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob shook his head slightly, as a mist seemed to clear out of his head. Glancing down, he noticed he appeared to be combating something, or someone. Looking back up again, the end of his staff appeared to be pointing... At Dyric? Bob stared in confusion. What could possibly have come over him to apparently attack a fellow hero? "Bob is sorry, Bob does not know what came over him. Bob is glad Bob did not damage Dyric though. Bob would have been most grieved had Bob done so. Bob will avenge Bob's temporary loss in sanity by..." Bob trailed off, noticing that Dyric's eyes appeared to be glazed over. Bob took a few cautious steps back, apparently Dyric had been affected. Deciding further apology would be futile as Dyric was apparently not currently Dyric, Bob redirected his focus once again to the battle. "Bob will avenge Bob's temporary loss in sanity by attacking Dementor from the back row. Dementor will die!
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
so do I even need to do anything this round, or am I auto-attacking?
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Werewolf and Dementors look familiar to Bob. But Bob does not remember Dementors being able to petrify people. At least, not literally. Bob will cast fire spell at werewolf from back row. Do any heroes have silver with them? Or chocolate? Chocolate sounds good to Bob. Bob isn't sure why though. (OOC. Sorry for the lack of posting over the last few days, I've been without WiFi entirely, and only able to post on the odd occasion when I could use another network. I've not been able to participate much due to computer and wifi issues, but hopefully that will change by tomorrow at the latest)
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob will attack bandit (axe) from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob shall once again attack Mutant Frog A from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob shall attack Mutant frog A from the back row.
Heroica RPG - Quest#9: Trespassers
Bob is curious as to why Skrall feels bandit has information, but Bob will be happy to keep bandit alive. Bob will attack the bandit from the back row with Bob's snake staff. (OOC, I'm using a different (and significantly older) computer than the one I typically use, mine is temporarily unusable, and for some strange reason, I am unable to post in bold and italics, or use emoticons. Not sure why, but if y'all can bear with me on that for a few days until I can change back, I'd appreciate it. Sorry Masked for any inconveniences that this causes.)
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Bob glanced up, his ears perking slightly at the sound of his voice. Surprised, he realized that it was part of a roll call. Could it actually be the case? Bob had waited for several months now, and finally was being given the opportunity to prove himself, it appeared. Joining up with another hero, one by the name of Dylan, if Bob remembered correctly, Bob made his way over to the party leader, eager to meet him, and get questing.
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Bob glanced back at the sign-up board, noticing a new quest posted on the list. With a mental shrug, Bob decided to add his name to the list for quest 10.
Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Video Game
One word to describe the trailer: Unbelievably Epic!!! :sweet: Hopefully the game will live up to the trailer, but it probably will have the typical pace of the previous game. Gotta love the scene in Dumbledore's office though. Now I'm really wanting an official version of the Sirius Black shown in the trailer .
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Bob looked at the quest board, suprised to find signups for another quest. It had been a while since anything new had appeared, and although the quest was slanted towards rouges and rangers, Bob decided it was worth his time to sign up, as he had nothing better to do. Walking over to the board, Bob signed up for quest #9.
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Personally, I'm going to wait and see if he'll live up to everyone's expectations...
Heroica RPG General Discussion
:laugh: I got a good chuckle out of this. Of course, he'd probably want to keep ahold of (literally) vital bones like his leg, for example. I'm fine with him being here, as long as we can create a clear set of rules regarding him, which would keep him on an equal status with the others. I do think we are reading into this just a bit much, I'm a house elf, but I don't have any traditional house elf special abilities, making me just the same as your average hero. As long as he has the exact capabilities of the other heroes, does his skeleton-ness really matter?
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
(I assume you were referring to me?) Bob watched as the skeleton, apparently having not heard either his or Haldor's questions, approached him. Upon reaching Bob, the skeleton boomed in a remarkably loud voice "Greetings Elf, how are you? I am Maximus Glacius, the undead skeleton! Bob is rather bored, or was before skeleton arrived. Bob has been awaiting questing now for over two months, and Bob has had nothing else to do during that time. Bob was just about to grab a meal, would skeleton like to... Bob trailed off, realizing that skeletons don't eat (or do they? ) Deciding to eat later, and not to do so in front of the skeleton, just in case he would take offense, Bob continued the conversation. So, skeleton is undead, skeleton? Does that mean skeleton is alive? Where did skeleton get skeleton's name from? It is most intriguing. What does skeleton's name mean?
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Bob began to worry that this might appear like an interrogation to the apparently alive skeleton ( ), but this individual's characteristics were so convoluted that bob felt he would go insane trying to puzzle it out on his own. How can skeleton even have brain? If skeleton's leg falls off, then does skeleton even have muscles? If skeleton has no muscles, then how does skeleton move? Bob is so confused....
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
Bob stared at the new arrival. The hall had been unbearably quiet ever since Bob had failed to be included in a quest the second time around. Heroica had rapidly become rather boring, as Bob found himself without a quest, or fellow heroes with which to associate. Perhaps, Bob wondered, he could find some way to pass the time now. "Bob is curious, how can a skeleton be a hero? If skeleton's legs fall off every time skeleton engages in physical activity, would skeleton not fall apart in battle? Is skeleton just made of bone, or is skeleton still, well, partially intact? Bob began to feel rather awkward about this line of questioning, and decided to gauge the newcomers response before asking anymore questions. However, Bob did wonder how exactly a skeleton could shout out his name, or even be considered a male... He wasn't about to ask though.
Tj19941994's Selling Thread
Just wanted to let you know your flickr links (at least for me) don't seem to be working. Once you get the pics up, I might be interested in the bulk HP sets.
MOC: Hogsmeade
You know, just the other day I was wondering when you would start your Hogsmeade project, it's been a while since you mentioned it. And here it is! It looks great. My only critique is that I don't recall the station being on the edge of the lake, but it gives an added bonus to the looks. The bridge looks a little rough on the edges, but I'm guessing it still is a wip. Overall, it looks great and has a lot of potential! I can't wait to see the finished work .
Harry Potter and the Sword of Irony
:laugh: This is definitely one of the best brickfilms I've seen in a long time. I'm going to have to go back through it again to try to catch all of the humor. Great job
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