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Sirius Black

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Sirius Black

  1. Nice review Masked! The extremely high Market price can definitely be a turn-off for many buyers, but it is worth the price. So where did you manage to pick one of these guys up? Hopefully you got it for a fair price. .
  2. Hey, at least the higher authority gave us the Gryffindors and Slytherins . Don't be all 'glass half empty' about it . Good job though, we don't see enough HP themed funnies here. My only critique is the lighting, which could use some work.
  3. Heroica Hall had been noticeably quiet as of late. Of course, the absence of some of the more talkative individuals helped with that, but lately, conversation had been a rare occurence. Glancing over at the quest board, Bob noticed two quest sign-ups availiable. Having learned his lesson of not signing up for just one quest, Bob put his name down for both Quest #4: Taming the Lions and Quest #5: Cave Sounds
  4. I'm not the biggest fan of microscale building, but that ARC is absolutely amazing . The tail gun is absolute genius, and I love how you managed to maintain it's unique shape at such a small scale. Great work!
  5. I've played in three games, Eurodina, Fabuland Housewives, and Baritones 3. I sorta just lingered for a while in the first, would probably have survived Fabuland if I hadn't gone mute, and didn't get a chance to do much in Baritones (Mega*****ing neutral poisoners ) thanks to Rick. I don't really feel like I belong in an asylum, I think everyone else should be in one though. Just because I'm a dead wizard doesn't mean I'm asylum material, does it?
  6. Whoah, that has to be the most epic poster for a Lego game yet . Is it just me, or does it look like TLG created a new Hermione figure for 5-7?
  7. Where did you hear this?
  8. Love it! The fire is done perfectly, and Dumbledore's hair is both accurate and incredibly hilarious. Never would have thought to use that piece on him. One (rather picky) question: are black skeletons the best choice for Inferi? It's been a while since I've seen HBP, so I am not sure.
  9. Updated: One Shadow Arf is sold, two still are available for trade.
  10. + 1 to Masked Builder for CM trade. Shipped incredibly quickly!
  11. Are you saying that you know there actually will be at least one wave of LotR sets? Where did you see it listed?
  12. "Bob has always had magic, Cinna. Bob never was able to make much use of it until recently though, when Bob escaped from the captivity most house elves are held in. Bob is still learning, Bob always finds new things to learn. A figure with a black cape walked up to the table, chuckling at a nearby dwarf. "Yo" The two mages turned to take a look at the newcomer. Cinna greeted him, asking about his history. The name's Dyric Rone. I'm a rogue from a long line of rogues. Like I was just telling some of the guys over there, my family has a hint of royal blood in it. Didn't help me none, as I got exiled from the country my family lived in when the real royalty discovered our rogue-ish actions. Bob was sorry to hear that. Exile was never fun. While the newcomer seemed quite polite, Bob wasn't quite sure if he should trust a rouge. Deciding to join in the conversation and get a better idea of who Dyric was, he spoke up. Bob is sorry to hear that. But Bob is wondering to which rougish actions Dyric is referring to? Perhaps Dyric will have the chance to return to Dyric's country after a few quests that prove Dyrics honor?
  13. Give us a link! A town hall would be great, and it seems like a move TLG would make..
  14. Bob looked up from his ponderings, startled to find someone standing across the table from him. "Hello there, what has you down?" She said, setting a glass of wine in front of him. "And do you mind if I sit here?" After a split second of hesitation, Bob decided he would definitely enjoy the company. It had been a most boring week. His shovel had yet to be used, and he hadn't found wandering the town to be very heroic. "Bob would like the company! Bob is sad because Bob hasn't had the chance to prove himself. Bob has heard tales of heroes and drunken heroes and drunken roosters roaming the lands and finding treasures, but all Bob can do right now is wander the town. Bob is wondering if you are a mage? Bob hasn't seen very many mages around recently. Bob also wonders where you come from?
  15. After wandering the town for a few days, looking for something to pass the time with before new quests were announced, Bob found himself back at Heroica Hall. Surprisingly, it was fairly quiet. Bob attributed this to the fact that most of the boisterous (and more than slightly insane, in some cases) rouges, barbarians, knights, and chickens were off questing. Bob looked down at his shovel sadly, wishing that he had the opportunity to use it. Sitting at an empty table, Bob observed the other heroes still present in the hall.
  16. Bob looked at the list of Heroes who had been accepted for quests. His name was absent from the list. Disappointed, but determined to return for future quests, Bob wandered off again.
  17. "Bob would like to buy a shovel! Bob heard that shovels can find treasure! Bob loves treasure!" Bob headed over to Gnomeos, picked up a shovel, and left 10 gold behind. It seemed like almost everyone who wasn't sleeping off a late night drinking was making a mad rush on the potions, bedrolls, and shovels. After the initial excitement of the shovel had warn off, Bob realized he was penniless again. Well, at least the food and drink around here was free, so he wouldn't starve. (Bob buys shovel for ten gold, leaving Bob with 0 gold)
  18. "Bob, sadly, knows much about slavery. Most House elves like Bob are in slavery. Bob himself used to be a slave, but Bob does not speak of that now. Bob will only say that Bob will never be a slave again, and that Bob's former master found himself short ten coins."
  19. This is definitely a popular concept! I think there have been a little over 500 posts in both threads in just two days . That's impressive Sandy! I can't wait for a quest to get started!
  20. Bob thinks that's why he can do it. Bob would also like to order another goose.
  21. Bob has never seen a Barbarian march. Bob thinks that barbarians are more likely to charge screaming in hordes. Barbarians please don't think Bob has anything against barbarians. Bob loves having barbarians to distract enemies with.
  22. After a break from the tumult of Heroica Hall, Bob wandered back in. The occupants of the hall seem to have multiplied, Bob thought. Still, he couldn't help but notice that he was the only one of his species in the room. Sure, there were some others who claimed to be elves, but beyond their slightly pointy ears, Bob really didn't see that much resemblance. He sat to the side, watching quietly, until he noticed someone with whom he had something in common. "Friends, look, Cronk sees puppy! Nice puppy. Fellow knight Cristopher has nice puppy. Cronk pet. See, Cronk gentle. " Bob wasn't a fan of dogs, he'd run into a few rather nasty ones on his journey to Heroica, but this Cronk person was speaking in third person! Bob eagerly walked over to him, while simultaneously trying to stay away from the dog as well. "Hello Cronk! Bob couldn't help but notice that Cronk already has a group of Cronk's friends to go questing and adventuring with. Would Cronk mind if Bob joined Cronk's group?"
  23. Bob shakily stood back up again. For a moment, he wondered what kind of heroes would leave a Mage-Elf passed out on the floor from lack of oxygen. Deciding to ponder on it more later on, he wandered over to a board with current quests on it "Beasts destroying food? Bob does not like that. Maybe Bob could go-wait, no mages? Mages wouldn't cause the crops to burst into flames! Well, maybe the drunk ones around here might.." Passing over the second quest, Bob looked down at the third quest. Now this looks interesting. Bob will sign up for this one! Bob likes saving people! Jotting his name down, Bob then wandered off to the nearest inn, not noticing (or ignoring) the quizzical looks in his direction.
  24. The doors to Heroica Hall once again open, this time to reveal a rather unusual traveller. The heroes inside (the ones that aren't passed out from too many drinks, that is) turned and stared at the figure. "Hello heroes, and heroes-who-have-passed-out-from-too-many-drinks! Bob is here! Bob-The-Former-House-Elf-Now-Free-Mage-Elf-Who-Has-Too-Many-Hyphens-In-His-Name has come to join the heroes in their adventures, but heroes can call me Bob!" Having said all this in one breath, Bob promptly passed out from lack of oxygen. Bob, (level one mage) Former-House-Elf-Now-Free-Mage-Elf, male, unknown age Power: 4 Health: 5/5 Ether: 5/5 Gold 10 Inventory: Snake Staff (WP: 3), Ruby/fire, Elemental gem.
  25. Impressive! You've put a lot of time into this, and it looks great!
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