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Sirius Black

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Sirius Black

  1. Here's hoping we get something comparable to the chopper from the original Dino Attack! That was a sweet vehicle . (edit) This theme based on the description reminds me more of the Adventurers theme then the Dino Attack theme.
  2. I got my hands on a few Shadow Arfs back when they came out and have decided to cut down a bit on the number I have. So, I'm offering 2 Shadow ARFs for trade. They have been opened and displayed, are in mint condition, and include the original polybags. In exchange, I am looking for (not in any order) Gryffindor torsos from the 2010-2011 line; bulk tan, dk tan, and medium flesh bricks; Sirius Black minifig; S3 elves, samurai); S5 Gangster, dwarf, Graduate. If you have other S4 or S5 figures, contact me with what you have, and I'll see if we can work something out. Regular ARF Troopers; The Sand green troopers (from 7913) Brown and Dk. Brown 1x4, 1x2, 1x1, and 1x6 tiles Flesh hands and heads (non CW style); UCS Star Destoyer; (Would really, really, like that ) Will use BL prices to determine trades. If you have an offer, please shoot me a pm or reply directly here with what you have and we can try to work something out. I also have quite a few duplicates of S1 figs for trade, let me know what you want. Would prefer US trades, but depending on what you have will consider shipping internationally. Sirius
  3. Sirius Black replied to pinioncorp's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    How did I not run into this topic before? Minecraft is my other major addiction. As soon as this gets fully running, I'm in.
  4. Honestly, at this point we really have nowhere near enough to go on for an accusation. It seems that the majority of today's discussion has revolved (pointlessly) around Eugene's role playing. This whole situation reminds me of a play where someone was voted off based on their stutter. Accusing Eugene based on this is illogical. However, I don't quite follow your claims that Nika is a scum, Eugene. What evidence do you have that she was "trying to lead us away from finding a true scum?" Sure, she may have focused on your role-playing excessively, but is that really enough basis for a vote? What other information have we had today? Basically nil. So what was she distracting from? Could Nika be scum? Perhaps, but at this point, in my opinion, she is just as likely to be scum as anyone else.
  5. To attempt a vote, or not to attempt a vote? That is the question for today. Whatever we do, a random vote is not a good course of action. The odds are in their favor with a random vote. I'm inclined to see what happens as the day progresses, and possibly attempt a vote, but we need to be careful lest we accidentally vote off a honest member of our town.
  6. Hello, fellow citizens! I'm Sarah, the wife of Samuel , and mother of two lovely daughters. It's sad how quickly they grow up. It seems like it was just yesterday I was giving them their first piano lesson .
  7. To play, or not to play, that is the question... I'll give it a shot. What could possibly go wrong? (goes and sees who is hosting) On second thought.... Nah, Ill give this a shot. I've been away from EB for too long. 1. Past Mafia experience: Lost in Eurodina. Went suicidal in Fabuland Houswives. 2. Your availability to post for the next six to eight weeks Nothing going on, at least nothing going on in areas without internet. 3. Applied Knowledge of the board software's use of the term "portal" Wha? . Can you give me this in english please? I'm assuming by portal you mean the frontpage. So how does one apply knowledge of that? 4. Most embarrasing moment Siriusly? You've got to be kidding me... I'm gonna go with forgetting to post in Fabuland Houswives. . That was not a good day... And there was the time when I intentionally purchased Mega****ks. That wasn't the best day either...
  8. Let us know whenever you are ready and we can start setting up a mailing system!
  9. A Belville Mafia? I definitely didn't see that one coming... I'm interested in playing if there is a free slot available. Sirius
  10. Sirius Black replied to Remus_Lupin's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    The framework is excellent, and I absolutely love the fact that it is done to minifig scale. However, I can't help but feel that this is just a bit bland in places. From your reference picture, the Owlery looks to be a fairly worn building, so personally, I would have used some dk tan or dk grey as accents to give a sense of realism to it. Did you design this off of parts from 4842 alone? Sirius
  11. Reminds me of the event held by Classic Pirates, not sure if that is still going on or not. If we can establish a clear set of rules, I'm interested in joining! We'd need a way to make sure the value of what goes into the box is fairly equivalent to what comes out (BL prices?).
  12. Glad to know that my death furthered the Town's cause. Not many people can say that. (Unless, or course, you're a scummy mafia member ) And now for my character information: Thanks for a great game Hinckley!
  13. Ouch, tough night for the townies. (not that Im not partially responsible for it ). I had a feeling Waterbrick would be a target based on his activity though. Day five should be very interesting........
  14. Well, the title just about says it all, I am looking to trade off some of my yellow figures' heads and arms for flesh figs' heads and arms. No clone wars faces though . If you are looking for a specific head, let me know. If not, I can send you a random (or fairly specified lot). I have probably about 50-75 heads and arm lots I would be willing to trade. Alternatively, If you are looking for something else in exchange, check out my BST topic here. PM me if interested. Sirius
  15. You're not the only one. I had thought that I had posted early on during the day, and didn't take the time to go back and check overnight, (for my time zone anyway) when suddenly everyone started posting, meaning I missed the last three hour period where everything happened.. That's what I get for not double-checking to make sure I did post, I guess. You did a brilliant job with this game Hinck, and I enjoyed playing in it! Sirius
  16. Wow, I have to admit that I never considered that both of you could have been directing this to find out the mafia! Y'all really had me going there, I thought that from your latest two PMs that I had you figured out as scum Brody, I had already contacted Betsy about your claims regarding the third party in our discussions. You two really pulled that off brilliantly! At this point, having just gone over the arguments against Gertrude, I am willing to trust that they are right, and the reasons that they are given were not refuted well by you at all. Vote: Gertrude Goat (Scorpiox) To me especially,the deal-sealer is that you withdrew your vote. You seemed perfectly willing to follow along when another was the ringleader in the charges, not knowing that you were beings set up, yet when there was a possibility of you getting attention when Brody defended himself, you withdrew your vote. I'm willing to trust that this is the right conviction to make, and I hope that we are right. If not, tomorrow will be a very hard day. Lily
  17. So far, this seems to be one of the two main reasons that our Chief has fallen under suspicion. So, lets take a look at whether or not these were accurate reasons at the time. 1. True. In fact, it let to a vote or two on day one for him, and it was a major discussion point. Many of us felt that this was suspicious, so we can't really vote Brody off for this one 2. Also true, his original refutations were very poorly phrased at the least. A constant phrase of his was that investigating him or suspecting him was "ridiculous. While we know now this was true, it was poorly worded at best. 3. Not a good reason, but not good enough for you to have turned it into a point. 4. True as well, it was not a logical accusation 5. Also true, and brought up by others. So as we can see, most of these were valid reasons supported by others. I may be looking at the wrong statement, but from this, it doesn't seem like we can blame the Chief for the vote against Randy. I may be wrong, but based on what he said, it doesn't look like we can't really blame Brody for orchestrating Randy's death. Or is there something else that you know about this that we don't? (Say, a private discussion or something?) We need to know the facts before voting, as today is crucial in the fight against the mafia. Lily
  18. Losing our vigilante really hurts us, because we can only get rid of the mafia through voting now. However, we did get rid of two of the scum so far, so based on some research, I'm going to say that at most there are two left. Still, since we lost our vigilante, that means with a best-case scenario, it'll take two days to get rid of them. At the rate our town is dying, we need to get an accurate conviction today. Betsy, we're all ears to your suspicion.
  19. True. What I was asking is if we have proof that Randy was the killer. I was asking Hunter to clarify his earlier statement to see if this was indeed the case. If so, then I think we have our vote for the day.
  20. Which part? Are you saying that you have evidence that Randy murdered Gavin? . That's pretty impressive information! Unless he is a misguided vigilante, not a scum .
  21. Possibly, but maybe not all of the mafia can kill at night. I'm guessing that there still are two mafia members left.
  22. Removed Ice Skater from wanted list, and added 4 7915 V-Wings for sale.
  23. I see similarities between the two, although in the first game, the players in my opinion played better in general. However, since we are still on day one, I'd wait to give a full opinion until at least day 5-6 or when the game is over.
  24. I hate to say this, but looking back, I think that we made the wrong conviction. Think about it. If he was a mafia member, then wouldn't someone have tried to create/fabricate some evidence in his favor? His actions make me think that he was one, but everyone else's actions makes me think otherwise. Anyway, we'll see tomorrow where we stand.
  25. The reason that I mentioned that his insights could be useful, is because, as he is obviously influenced by the scum, he will possibly have some knowledge that he might let slip. Since we can't get rid of him right now, as I expressed a wish to do earlier, we might as well hear what he has to say, and as I said earlier, take everything he says with a grain of salt. He might let something slip. Just because I say someone could be useful does not mean that I am supporting them, or their murderous ways, but it does mean that they could have information. And as for my "burning desire to have a drink", since when is drinking a glass of water suspicious? . As for my husband, It does seem suspicious that he is hesitant to speak up, I agree. After all, Marcus isn't the only one working directly or indirectly for our scummy mayor. We also have Chief Brody, who is working for the mayor, and he (if I recall) has spoken up against him. I also don't understand your accusation of Gregor Goat. I would hate to do it, but at this point, husband, unless you can bring up any new evidence, I may have to go along with the others who have voted against you. If you have anything that you can say to defend yourself, now is the time to speak.
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