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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Ttimman

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    None of nobody's business!
  • Interests
    LEGO, LEGO, and LEGO. Oh and food, mass quantities of food...

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  1. I have found that the only way is to basically rewrite all of the XML and HTML code that relates to the building/programming instructions and manually transform all of the old building instructions images to the right image format one at a time. This was a process that took me nearly a week to accomplish. The resultant zip folder to be extracted directly to the C drive of Windows is just under 30 Mb. and will only work as-is if it was installed in the default location.
  2. I absolutely love this idea! You did a great job on the fashion leaders!
  3. 81.6 in the front and 94.8 44r in the back, Unimog wheels are too expensive, otherwise I'd probably use them in the back.
  4. I have decided to make a Ferrari 250 GTO and decided to bring it here for constructive criticism and the likes, so here it is. The first picture I took of it. Ferrari 250 GTO Wip by T.timman, on Flickr Left side view with my sig-fig on top. Ferrari 250 GTO Wip by T.timman, on Flickr Rudimentary rear axle for test purposes. Ferrari 250 GTO Wip by T.timman, on Flickr The bottom Ferrari 250 GTO Wip by T.timman, on Flickr The front, showing the front suspension (which at the time is the only suspension it has) Ferrari 250 GTO Wip by T.timman, on Flickr It currently is in a "see if it works" stage, I will be adjusting the rear to live axle soon. I look forward to sharing more of this with all of you when it starts take shape.
  5. Insanely clever!
  6. Top notch work!
  7. My entry for the contest. Better picture
  8. I can only assume so, after all, even illegal connections are allowed so long as the pieces are solely un-modified LEGO parts.
  9. I've got one question for you Sheepo, if you don't use an actual return to center mechanism for your car's steering then how do you get the front wheels so perfectly straight when you drive them around? Is it just crazy good timing, special gear combination, rubber-bands or what?
  10. I have joined, I just don't know where to go from there.
  11. This truck is totally awesome! I would definitely build it if I had ask the parts!
  12. Would a giant evil rahi be able to count? No rider, just an awesome rahi?
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