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About filsawgood

  • Birthday 01/05/1989

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  1. Yes, I adhere to the pressed mass to be minimal. One way of this is the placement of electric motors on axles. I will not say that I am satisfied with the model, but thanks anyway, I'm glad that she would be a little like
  2. Hi all! My new model - is realisation in Lego - off-road custom based on the legendary american SUV - Jeep Cherokee (XJ). Everything according to the canons - axles, a rear differential lock, winch, snorkel, fenders, footrests, thick-walled pipe bumpers, an expeditionary trunk, chandelier and big wheels.
  3. Thanks! Unfortunately, there is no way to shoot a video yet. I plan to do it later
  4. WRX is the third, final generation of my model, which was originally conceived as a light, fast sports car with all-wheel drive. I was inspired to build a car with a rich rally history – Mitsubishi Lancer EVO and Subaru. Impreza WRX. The model created in aggressive Japanese cars style, has a huge spoiler and an intercooler nostril on the hood. The car driven by all 4 wheels, which, in turn, they are rotated by the buggy motor. Steering performed by means of a servo motor. Managing all this junk is BuWizz brick, giving a huge increase in power over the original Lego electrics. Parts list and building instruction here
  5. 23: 1017: 64: 427: 342: 211: 1 it's damn hard to choose! All works are very cool! Octan - one love!
  6. Thanks! Oh yes, flex axle work is big brain time :))
  7. Building instruction for my Lego 8207 remake is ready! Check new video on my channel :) hm, strange...
  8. Thanks! Yes, I plan to make an instruction soon. I love the way it looks in yellow )
  9. 2. Lego 8207 Dune Duster - remake Original set: 8207 Discussion topic: here
  10. So the model is complete. As a result: - Width, height and length are kept as in the original; - The yellow color is changed to red due to the lack of discs in the desired color; - The functionality is preserved - steering and rear axle suspension; - The flexible axle is replaced by a prefabricated one of two axles and connector No. 4 - 92 parts instead of 86 in the original - Compared to the original, it is not possible to adjust the angle of the steering wheel.
  11. Remake of 8207 set completed. The final stage remains - to shoot the material in a presentable form. With the steering, I solved the issue without resorting to the steering racks as in the original set. All on rods and with the transition to an even width. I tried to keep the proportions and size of the original set as accurately as possible, and I want to say that I am satisfied with the result!
  12. I like the original yellow color better, but unfortunately there are no rimsin this color yet.
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