Everything posted by GuyDudeMan27
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Try moving the arms up a bit. On mine I had to position them just right in order to fit. I also remember the top hatch giving me trouble, but it seems to be ok here.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
It's not photoshopped. Not using rubber bands has been done before. Mike Psiaki's amazing X-Wing uses no rubber bands. TLG is stuborn in their ways and want all four wings to deploy at once. That's why they use the rubber bands. The only X-Wing they made without rubber bands was the first one, which arguably has a better wing system than even Poe's X-Wing or 9493.
- X wing MOD/MOC
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
(LDD MOC) Another T-70 X-wing
I've been putting off replying here for a while, but I think now is as good a time as any. First off, as a model, I really like the design. 9493 is a really great base, and as it is I'm modding one to become simply put, a better X-Wing. While 9493 is probably a tad chunky for an X-wing, I think it can be gotten around with some nice mods, kind of like what you've done here. As for the T-70, I think of it as a much slimmer X-Wing. After looking at the models of them, that's more or less true. Now, by no means in 9493 a perfect T-65, but I have a soft spot for it. Really, what you've done here is convert a T-65 into a T-70. There's nothing wrong with that, (As I did a similar thing with my Z-95) but I don't feel it suits the T-70 well. Now, one thing in particular I absolutely love is the cockpit. I love Mike Psiaki's X-Wing (I built one about a year ago), and his cockpit was always a stand out. But putting it on 9493 was a stroke of genius. It just looks fantastic. I'll probably experiment with this and the new cockpit mold to see what I like better on my X-Wing. Additionally, The stand looks great. Could I see the stand on it's own? I might end up building something similar for my own models. But, I can also see some problem areas that could be improved on. The fuselage on the T-70 is more or less flat, if you will, doing away the hexagon shape of the T-65 in favor of some very gentle curves. I would take off all of the slopes around there, and just have some flat plates or tiles. I can't see if the 'hexagon' that 9493 used is still on there, but if it is I would suggest flattening it out. The 2x1 cheese slopes, however, are actually pretty accurate, but I would expand them out some more. I won't really dwell on the nose much, as it's a very touchy subject for almost every X-Wing model, but I think some improvements could probably be made. Another little thing carried over from 9493 is that inverted slope piece on the bottom. The T-70 has an almost entirely flat bottom. I would keep the rounded parts there, as I can see why they're needed, but definitely take off the inverted slope, and maybe thin out the bottom some, as it dips a bit low. The next thing would be the wings. Top wings, perfect. The slopes aren't perfectly accurate, but I like them. The bottom wings, however, are a tad bit of an issue. I would move the slopes coming of the engine forward, and then remove the large wing piece. Maybe even remove the slopes as well. Then, just have the engine connected on a 4x6 or 6x6 plate.The wing should only be about 3 studs wide, while the engine can go all the way back. I think that after some of these improvements, you could have an even better model than you have now. Now, if you don't wanna take my suggestions, that's totally fine. Your model isn't bad, it could just do with some improvement. One last suggestion from me would be to consider just turing this back into a T-65. Maybe as a side project. I'm sure it'd look great. Anyways, that's it from me. Happy modding (or doing nothing if you prefer)
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Maybe I'm just insane, but I think I remember when the leaked set names first came out, Hall of Mirrors was another name for the Battle at Takondana. Isn't that planet where Maz Kanata is rumored to be? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Hall of Mirrors also a code name for a smugglers hideout? And wasn't there a missing set number for one of the two sets? That would lead to them being the same set.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Has anyone had the idea of using the cockpit from Poe's X-Wing on a normal X-Wing? (I know people have but its just my way of asking for pics ) I'd love to see how it fits, as I want to try to incorporate it into my heavily modded 9493. My concern is the angles may be a tad too steep. Of course, I could use it at a slight angle itself. Any pics would be much appreciated.
Review: 75099 Rey's Speeder
Am I the only one who hates this set? I'm not a fan of the color, and the whole front looks a stud to being up and down. Not to mention all the junk on the sides. I would much prefer a simple little ship. Also, could someone take a picture of the blaster piece separated? It looks very interesting
[LDD MOC] Star Wars Rebels A-Wing Starfighter
Ah. That's weird. I'm mad that Rebels has thrown off the whole previously conceived canon, but at the same time, I don't care enough to get mad Anyways, I think it's a very good representation of the rebels A-Wing, and the official set will most likely end up very much like this.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
[LDD MOC] Star Wars Rebels A-Wing Starfighter
Looks nice. But you took out the nose notch, which was probably one o the better parts of the original set. Otherwise it's just like the older A-Wings. I assume the rebels one still has it, right?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Just call Lego customer service. They usually just send em out if you ask.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I really liked the last Tantive IV, but I ripped it apart a long time ago. With some mods, it could be a perfect model. I'd wait for a bit to see if a new one comes out, but don't get your hopes up either way. As for the turbo tank, I have both, and like both. The 2005 version has an amazing charm to it, and unlike the later version, has tilted plates. The later one is very nice and smooth, with some cool features, but just looks like a box to me. I'd go for the second one, as in the long run it's probably better. I didn't like the venator at all. It was super chunky, had weird angles, and the bottom broke apart the same night I built it. So it just kinda got scrapped quickly. You could probably design a better one using the original in LDD. I'd try, but I'm lazy
[WIP] - Imperial Outpost
Very nice! I really love the simplicity here. What exactly is he doing at an imperial outpost? I never kept up to date with his story past the beginning.
- [MOC] X-Wing Episode 7
[MOC] X-Wing Episode 7
The T-70 X-Wing has rustled my jimmies so to speak from the beginning. The only good way, in my opinion, to achieve the wings is Snot. Although I do like to see other version, TLG's rendition was a fail. Your wings here aren't bad, but I'd love to see them closed to truly decide. As for the nose, my issue is he angled bits you used. The length is ok (a few studs forward couldn't hurt), but the angled pieces make it look weird as kinda organic, when it should be very angular. I can understand it on the top, as the nose droops down, but I think that actually tilting it could achieve this effect a tad bit better, while retaining a flat top. The sides are a very similar story. Angular couldn't hurt them at all. Everything else is solid. The cockpit has grew on me, to the point where it's almost something I wanna play with. Now, this may just be me being brainwashed by TLG X-Wing, but I feel like a good X-Wing should be a bit chunky, and this looks almost like it has no weight. Of course, the T-70 is a different ship, but I can't shake that feeling. How much do you plan on changing this model? It seems like a pretty though crowd to please here
[MOC] Midi-scale Republic Cruiser (Jedi Consular Class Cruiser)
I really love this ships design, and you captured it perfectly. I thought te second picture was from the Lego Star Wats game XD. I'd love to see some more ships in this scale
[MOC] Very fast, Very dangerous
This is amazing! The story is superb, and the builds are the cherry on top. I can't wait to see what happens next!
X wing MOD/MOC
Not bad. I'm really digging the engine design. I want to figure out how to incorporate something like that on my own design. I commend you on those little details toward the back, another thing I need to review on mine. Using that astromech torso was a pretty cool solution. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
[LDD MOC] Midi CR90 Corvettes
Very nice! I really like the subtle differences with all the ships. The mini A-Wings are just perfection. I love the mini ghost as well. Any plans for actually building these?
- [MOC] Errant Venture
[MOC] Artoo gets the message
Great scene! I love it once the lighting is added. It's simple, but very effective. The angle could be a bit different, but it's fine the way it is.
[MOC] C-9979 Landing Craft
Very nice! I commend you for even trying this. The wings are done very very nicely, especially considering that they look very simple. I'm usdually one to hop on the Snot train, but I like your version here. That, and snot would be way too heavy. Do you have any intent on building this yourself?
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