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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I brought The Hulk, Black Widow and im really happy with them. I got them as a last resort as to buying the figs on there ow would cost nearly £30 so I saved quite abit from doing that. I will be getting the fantastic 4 now as well as The Thing is a big figure
  2. Toad Bishop Blob Pyro (Side View) Pyro (Straight on) Ice-Man Harry Osborn (Spider-Man 3 on Glider) Harry Osborn (Spider-Man 3 Glider view) Jean Grey Will be making a few more this coming week
  3. What body did you use?What torso and head did you usE?
  4. Havok Sunspot Avalanche (Based on Xmen Evolution) Juggernaut (Please dont mention the eyes :( I cant do eyes:(....Not very happy with this as the paint I was using went abit funny on it)
  5. w.e. all I wanted was information or hints how you can make iceman....
  6. William Stryker based on Days of Futures Past version Viper based on her appearance in the Wolverine Viper is loaded
  7. Why dont you just keep yourself to yourself? There is no harm in asking a question.....
  8. Cool thanks, mine came with a Leia dresed in Endor clothing so just thought it was that, thanks for that :)
  9. Blink's head is I think Star Wars Leia Endor set, but I painted the pattern and eyes on. Here is a link to the head http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380876203654?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Warpath's body is from bootleg superhero set, but what you see is actually the back. I couldnt decide which way to have it, link for the body http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUPERHEROES-MINIFIGURES-COMIC-BOOK-CHARACTERS-TOY-compatible-with-LEGO-brand-/231244025012?pt=UK_Construction_Toys_Kits&var=&hash=item35d737ccb4 Only got the body as I couldnt find a better one. Thank you for your comments, working on Pyro, Iceman, Bishop, Viper, Avalanche, Toad, Stryker, Jean Grey, Harry Osborn (Spiderman3) and Juggernaut (Which will be a bigger fig than normal lego, but 100% made from lego, just painted) Also, I painted parts of Blinks hair, as I looked at the movie pictures and seems not to be full "Purple" When I did the eyes for Blink I thought it would take me ages, as I thought Id mess them up. However, did them first time.
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