Everything posted by Jarren
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Picture versus Video Reviews
Sounds like I'm also in the minority. I enjoy both, but lean toward video reviews. Sometimes my eyes want to take a break and let my ears do the reading, if you get what I'm saying :P If I want to get a set for its functionality, such as technic or larger flagship set, I want to see a video with the actual motion, instead of a set of stagnate pictures that usually do a poor job at showing how something works. A great example is the Exo-Suit. Pictures can kind of show it's ability to pose, but seeing a human move it around in real time gets the point across better. (But I was going to buy that set review or not anyway, haha) As for the argument against videos because its harder to find the point in the video discussing unique parts, while true, perhaps this is simply an issue that needs to be addressed with the reviewers making the videos, rather than a fault of the medium itself. I still have to scroll past the first 10 pictures of some reviews before they even open the bags! It just comes down to really understanding what the person reading or watching the review wants to see. I know thats a tall order, because everyone wants something different. Some people are interested in seeing all angles of the box, flip through the instruction manual front to back, and know the number of bags in the set (commonly happens in both video and pictures). I honestly couldn't care less, so I either scroll past that part of the pictorial review, or scrub past the video review. Neither one has benefits here. The quality of both mediums is mostly dictated by the presentation and format the review decides to use. As for the work put into them, I am not a reviewer myself, but I would imagine it would be harder to record a well made video than it is to take pictures. Audio doesn't have to be dealt with, and screaming children in the back room cannot be heard with pictures. So for some reviewers it might just not be practical. A few well done ones pop into my mind, Jangbricks and The Brick Show. I thought it was interesting, I tried to show my 6 year old brother some Jangbricks reviews, and he promptly let me know he wanted to watch The Brick Show instead. The only reason is because he likes to see people handling the sets up close. I prefer Jangbricks because of its cleaner look. Two distinct interests that reviewers need to cater to. Remember they are reviewing a kids toy, for kids, as well as adults.
Turtle Contest - Discussion Thread
Appreciate the contest rule update! I just wish I could have voted for more!
Turtle Contest - Discussion Thread
The toy story army men helmet was used in a non-licensed set, albeit in black. Not sure if that makes a difference though.
- MOC: Benny's Super Cycle
- Turtle Contest - Voting Thread
Turtle Contest - Discussion Thread
Can I just say that this contest has given me the LEGO itch again. Who would have thought that something so simple of a task can produce such varied results? Just curious if it has been decided how many turtles will be featured on the poster?
Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
Mobile Underwater Turtle Transport The latest advancement of the species. An addition to the fleet of mechanical turtle transportation. M.U.T.T. by Jarren Harkema, on Flickr I think I'm done now
Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
Say hi to See Turtle. Get it? Get it...? See Turtle by Jarren Harkema, on Flickr
[ LDD MOC ] Gundam Chroma S3 Polaris
A work of art. Speechless. I want one.
[MINI] Technic Mini Build Contest - Voting Topic
I became active after this contest was coming to a close, a bummer as I am a Technic fan, but all of these models are incredible! 6: 2 7: 4 16: 2 26: 4 31: 4 46: 2 50: 2 Great job all!
Turtle Contest - Discussion Thread
- Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
Dave the Turtle Dove is a timid creature. Despite his ability to fly, he is scared of heights, which is why he is never seen without his trusty helmet on his head. (Going to try to upload better pictures, I am ever amazed how lighting affects the entire shot) Dave The Turtle Dove by Jarren Harkema, on Flickr- LDD 4.3 and Mac OS Yosemite
Yup, reported to Apple, I might also want to report to LEGO, but not sure where to send it to make sure it is seen. I should have checked first on my developer beta build on my external HD. Glad I don't use LDD very much right now.- LDD 4.3 and Mac OS Yosemite
Hi all, with the release of the public Beta Program for Mac OS Yosemite, some of you may be interested to know that there is a serious bug that renders LDD practically useless. Trying to save any file, pre-existing, or brand new, will cause the application to crash. The only work around I have been able to find is to export the model as a LXFML or LDraw file. The interesting thing is it does create a file, but it contains no data. Thought I would share for anyone else who was eager to try the beta, and uses LDD!- Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
My third, and possibly last turtle, unless I get another inspiration. Terrance is a quiet and solitary creature. He enjoys talking long walks, where he can reflect upon his past 100 years. He thinks many of the young tortoises need to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life instead of always rushing around. Terrance Tortoise by Jarren Harkema, on Flickr- Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
Meet Timmy the Sea Turtle! Timmy is a gentle turtle, who enjoys spending his day floating around in warm clear waters. He is often seen playing with his friend, Tommy. See more photos, and meet Tommy, over on my Flickr Stream!- Turtle Contest - Discussion Thread
Does the word "Entries" here refer to each turtle or the person who is submitting it? For example, if I submit two turtles, does that count as two entries for the raffle?- Hey there! I'm Jarren
Hello everyone! I have enjoyed building with LEGO for as long as I can remember. I found Eurobricks when I was 13, and impatiently waited until I was 18 to join. Lately, with jobs and school, I have felt myself slip into a grey age, where I kept up on LEGO news and lurked forums, but didn't have the time or energy to build for myself. Now, with being able to join this community, I have realized my love of this hobby has never gone away. I really got around to doing this because of the Turtle Insanity contest being held right now, haha! I hope I can get to know at least some of you! I don't have much, but if anyone is interested in seeing some of my past creations, you can take a look at my Flickr. Thanks! Jarren- Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
Hi there! I've lurked the forums for a while, but finally decided to come out of my shell (pun intended) and join in this fun contest! M.O.T.T. Mobile Offensive Turtle Transport After observing the ingenuity of the human race, and it's mechanical transportation, the Chelonians decided to combine their strengths to forward the evolution of their species. More photos on Flickr - Turtle Contest - Entry Thread
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