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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Saw the prices of the new sets. They are really getting expensive. Unbelievable like 75156 Krennic’s Imperial Shuttle $89.99 USD / $119.99 CAD / €100 EU. You can't say, yeah that's inflation. Those Lego Star Wars prices are getting ridiculous or is it just me? Does Lego have to pay so much 'royalties' to Disney to make Lego Star Wars sets. I have to find another hobby
  2. Just saw this on a Belgium Ebay like website. http://www.2dehands.be/speelgoed-spelletjes/speelgoed/lego/lego-verzameling-1978-2014-2000-293405293.html I guy sells all his Lego sets 2000 pcs in total. Weighing more than 1000kg. Also a lot of Star Wars sets. You need a truck to move all the boxes
  3. Pff, in the Netherlands we have to pay €330 for this set that's $370
  4. LED's are cheap and connected to a 9V power supply you can use a 470 Ohm resistor.
  5. In my view the clone turbo tank 8098 and AT-TE Walker 7675. You can buy them relatively cheap.
  6. WOW really amazing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Where do you store such a beautiful behemoth. Or did you get rid you're television and watch this masterpiece in the living room for the next comming months. Awesome made!
  7. This Porsche is more in the scale of the 42039 24 hours race car.
  8. Nerdfoprez funny this is the picture I remembered about the wall mount
  9. Hello Baldy, There is a topic about a wall mount for the 10179. Maybe you can adapt that one to the 7965 or the 75105. Cheers, Koenta
  10. This is really an awesome MOC. Is this ship build in minifigure scale or is it slightly bigger. (I thought the UCS one is minifigure scale) Do you have more beautiful MOC's like this one. Keep up the great work
  11. Looks sweet, a baby AT-AT. Nice build. The only thing I want to nag about is the ankle. It looks a bit skinny.
  12. My god 80 sets, you need extra rooms in your house to keep them. The so called Lego room(s). My wife won't let me.I have them all in boxes at my attic. My sons play with some of them. Can you share some pictures.
  13. I have a lot of UCS sets, and some big random sets. I have now around 30 sets. There is a Lego club in the Netherlands it is called Lowlug. www.lowlug.nl also check http://lego.startpagina.nl
  14. Yes there are, here is one
  15. Wow this is amazing!!! What has the next MOC AT-AT have to have to over top this one. Totally radio controlled with automatic doors and radio controlled minifigures
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