Annoyed at my local supermarket (Kaufland) here in Germany
I have never seen Kaufland selling much Lego ( only medium size or little Sets if at all).Maybe I am to young to know theres times. I have to go there again and check it out. I thought only real cheap stores like Wiglu or Kodi. This are sad news =/ On the other hand many of the bigger markets around here have a lot of Lego and sometimes very good sales. What's also noteworthy is that in my home town many of the stores where I bought Lego in my childhood turned away and only sell other toys or are only selling bikes and skateboards etc.
The Lunacy of Lego Investors
There are some resellers who have "extreme prices" but if you look at the history of bought sets, you see they are not very often bought. More of a Problem are the people who sell everything old as "hyper rare collectors stuff" or lie in ofher ways. I by myself encountered tactics where someone had only 1 Pirate Ship ( suspiciously low price) but stated he had 4 sold 4 and I never got it. It took months to get the money back. Overall most of the times the people are the ones who buy an old star wars set for 100+ which only consists of a little build and two figures which are rare. I can understand this well but for every overpriced auction or whatever there are the ones who are very inexperienced sellers and you can make good deals. But If you are a figure collector (which I am not) I could understand some of the problem in Lego's politics as many of you stated before.
Lego at risk of 'genericide'
I've never seen non Lego building Toys out of a Toy'R'Us or in some "low end" discount store which does not carry Lego at all. Also it was 95% Mega Blocks. I wonder if Kreo etc is even sold somewhere in Germany. But because of the rarity of them they are very often confused because the mainstream does not even know that there are other Companies selling something looking like Lego ( at least in my generation). So the potential of them being called Lego is very high. I have to admit that i have thought about buying some Mega Blocks Halo Sets, because I like the Video Game Series. But that should not be wrong. But this effect of generalising names Is very common and so I think it will happen to Lego, too. I never had a non Lego Toy in my hands so I can't tell about their quality or "feeling". Maybe Mega Blocks is more common in the US because the military stuff is more liked in Toys. In the End it is Kind of sad but I think they will not grow stronger in public opinion( i can only speak for Germany) because they ( the clones) are mostly regarded as "china stuff" even if they are not ( where are Mega Blocks and other are from? US ?).
Hi there
Hello, My name is Gero, I'm 22 years old(from Germany) and rediscovered my love for Lego My personal History with Lego: Nearly all of the toys of my childhood where Lego and I was introduced at an early age ( maybe 3 or so) by my father who had many of his own in the 70s. So when I think back in a nostalgic way there are always the Weekends my family ( brother and mother too) build together our great City or some Space port. My fascination ended somewhere in the teens as I killed my time with computer games and programming. But in the last summer as I visited my parents and went through the countless Boxes of Lego Sets an fire was ignited again and I began to rebuild them and also buy the ones I wanted all the time as a kid but could never have. At the same time the new Lego sets seemed to be much better then I expected since I disliked anything after 2000( I know thy got better somewhere after 2003+ but as a young person this 2-3 years of really bad sets seemed endless). There are not many things that are so deeply connected to my good memory as Lego. So my love is very much nostalgia driven. Which are my favourite Themes? Space of the 90's ( Mainly 96 and before that). All the Aquazone stuff. I liked the fist better, but the later where not total crap like many say. Star Wars is also up there but I'm far from a completionist and collect only the ones who i like, which is off cause a t totally illogical process. Also I like the historical Ninja/ Samurai/ Japan mediaeval times. Generally I like many themes the only ones I have not a connection with is technic which was more my fathers thing. Rock Raids was very nice and the game was one of the First Games my brother and i played on the Computer. How are my Building skills? I'm not very good compared too most people here, because I'm still stuck in the "skill" i had as ad Kid. I was good for my age and was creative but never improved since then. The main problem is that I moved to go to college ( I'm studying sociology) and my flat is too little for anything. So 99% of the Lego is at home where I am only for 2-3 Weeks every 6 months. What's in my collection? I have most of the 92-97 Lego System Sets. And some Sets of the era up to today( they make up like 25%). Brickset sates I should own ca. 300 Sets and 80000 Bricks ( I don't know how reliable that is). Around 2/3 are complete and build. My recent additions where a lot of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Also i have kind of inherited my fathers Techinc collection which is also mainly grounded in the 90's. What's the reason for joining the Forum? I've read a lot for some time but was too afraid to create an account and write something mainly because of the feel that my English is not good enough. But today i feel brave :D Well Its more like that i read some interesting discussions and just wanted to join in =) Also I think this is a great chance to join up and learn more. At last I really hope this is readable and not too much Text for some guy showing up without some impressive MOCs to show of or anything else of high interest and didn't make some beginners Mistake ^^
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