I think ill give each minifig his own 8 x 8 dioramma with about 50 pieces added (serperate files of course) maybe ill post them too if i can figure out how to render and all that cool stuff.
Well Im just looking to help the process along considering there is so many this time around. How can I extract the db.lif I cant seem to even find it in the LDD folder.
I was on brickshelf.com eariler and stumbled upon this png of some minifig decorations. I am trying to figure out where it came from and how I can get my hands on the complete list . Here is a link http://www.brickshel...y.cgi?i=5787070
The new skirts/kilts attatch to the legs ok but when you try to put a torso on top it dont let you do it unless you scaffold it on then there is a big gap between the body and legs