MOC: Modular Apartment
Thanks. I am waiting on some more bricks to finish tiling the sidewalk and interiors of most of my town, so I hope to eventually update the pictures. Thanks for the critique!
MOC: Modular Corner Library
My second modular building. I was hoping to build this in a different color, but the only color I had at the time was yellow. Please leave any suggestions below. Images at:
MOC: Modular Apartment
Hello. This is my first attempt at a modular apartment, but I think it turned out well. Feel free to comment about anything you think I could do to make it even better. Thanks! Apartment Front by IagoParrot, on Flickr Images located at:
Expand the Winter Village II - Voting Thread
1. tatertots- 3 4. Dix- 1 6. Darkblane- 1
New modular building? 10224 Town Hall
February 1st would be great! The modular sets haven't been released this early before and it's nice not having to wait until summer!
New modular building? 10224 Town Hall
Has anyone heard of a possible release date?
Harry Potter Castle (All sets)
Has anyone seen any pictures of all the Harry Potter Lego sets combined into one large castle? I had most of the Sorcerer's Stone parts at one time but disassembled them for other projects, and I was curious to see if anyone had put all of the sets together.
Toy Story
You could always take the army men and make a war memorial in a park. You could make the men into statues and the tank and maybe add a cannon.
MOC: Modular Town Hall
Nice MOC! You said the reason for using the transparent bricks in the back, but I like that better than the green!
MOC - Persian Corner
That's awesome! Really nice design! When you get pictures of the interior, please post them. Can't wait to see them!!
MOC: Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop
Wow! That's amazing! Can't wait to see more!
Fire Brigade Truck Launcher?
Thanks a lot! I've been wondering that for a while!
Fire Brigade Truck Launcher?
First, I hope I'm posting this in the right section. In the back of the ground floor of the Fire Brigade set, I've seen pictures of the back with a truck launcher of some sort sticking out of the back doors, but in other pictures I don't see it. I do not currently own this set, but I have seen it at LEGO stores, and it didn't have the launcher. So, my question is, what is it and why is it in some pictures and not others?
MOC: Fitness Club
I really like this MOC! The treadmill, stationary bikes and all the other details are just incredible!
MOC: Post Office and Cafe
I really like the design of this MOC! I like how the bottom floor is divided into the three sections (cafe, post office and stairs).
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