Everything posted by Jangu Fett
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wow, thank you, everyone for posting new pics. The sets look great, however the forward mandables on the MF look small. The Sith Infiltrator is huge, love it. Likeing everything but the Ewok Attack and Podracers. The Podracers look great, but I just can't get a set that has a mini-figure of Jake Lloyds Anakin.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Thanks for the pics. I better start saving up. I hope now that we have photos that clear one come soon, it's really hard to see any detail with the zoom. Especially for the Daithomir Speeder and Podracers. Really want to see the Sith Infiltrator.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I think these rumors might be true, I certainly want any way of getting another Padme figure. Bit dissapointed with the Republic Frigate being a Consular-class, but I'll wait to see pics. Don't care one bit about the podracers. As for the Malevolence, possible. The 10188 Death Star was $400 and included 24 mini-figs. If it's true, I need confirmation, like tomorrow. That way I have time to save up for it.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I don't know, I don't think it's a Acclamater. It's to "blocky", not really angular. And it's not because of the pixalation. It doesn't look to have the bridge on top. And the back (what I think is the back) seems flared, maybe the Peltas wing flaps?.?. I have to go with the Pelta Frigate, do really like that ship. And it's not like we can see ANY details, about the ship, so... Either Acclamator or Pelta, they both would be awesome.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I'm thinking that the Republic Frigate, is the CW Pelta Medical Frigate. Although it's possible that it is another Ep.1 "Republic Cruiser", that was pictured earlier. We'll see soon enough, but not soon enough for me.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Yes 2011 is supposed to rock our world, but that list is straight overkill. Some of the sets listed are strong possiblities. The Rancor pit set with 3-4 figure, thats a really believable one, same with the Lars Homestead. The Death Watch Hideout, could be true, But not with another 4 Death Watch Mandalorians. Maybe 2, no more. I really hope it is. And the Expanded Universe (Star Wars:Force Unleased) sets are could also be true, but the Escape from Kamino wouldn't have 12 figures. Marek, Vader, Fett(maybe), 2 Stormtroopers and a buildable Carbonite Droid, yes.( It would be really cool to have a mini Tie Advanced like the Death Star 10188 ) Not 6 Stormtroopers, and 2 Jet stormtroopers
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
As much as I hope these set are real, I don't see TLC releasing any set with so many figures. Unless all these sets are like the 10188 Death Star. And if all the sets are like that Lego will lose some money. Each of those rumored set would be over $100, unless it's just the figures. I mean the Arena set alone has 26 figures, although the Death Watch Hideout, set look the most possible. A large ship, or enviroment, with 6-7 figures. I can see that. I hope for that. As for the Battle of the Bull Rancor, they haven't done a regular Rancor. So I don't think this will happen. And if they do release a new set for FU or FU2, I hope it's the upddated Rogue Shadow, with Marek, Kota, Eclipse, and maybe Fett. And is it just me or does most of the sets include a Fett/Mandaloian of some kind........ Massive Wish-List.
Future Star Wars Minifigs
Any new figure they make is good with me, but I don't know why they did such a annoying charater like that Navar Webb, of whatever that want-to-be jedi name was. My top 3 would most likely be....not in any order, 1) A new Jango Fett 2) Pre Viszla 3) A NEW PADME, ANY NEW PADME
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The sets sound good, not sure if I believe them. But didn't KimT tease or hint of possible Geonosian sets??? As for the Republic Frigate, I'm guessing it's from CW.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I like the look of the new Imperial V-Wing, I just hope the wings rotate, for the fighters proper landing gear. Like in the comic photo.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
All the first 2001 wave sets look really good, with the exception of the Naboo see.(Just my opinion.) I'm really hoping for a rumor list for the summer sets soon. We seem to be running out of items about the next wave to complain or praise about. I'm really excited about the Mando BP, that's a set I'll get a couple of. I'm hoping to see a good pic of the Clone BP, and Imp. V-Wing. I'll still get both but I want to get a good clean pic or them.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
A Kamino set would be awesome, if it's CW I can only hope it includes that squid ship from the Season 3 trailer. If it's a Kamino from EP.2, it needs to have a new Jango.
Future Star Wars Sets
A redesigned large Jabba's Palace would be really nice, it would rule if it came with a Rancor. I would like to see Anakin's CW fighter the Azure Angel, and Ventress's fanblade Fighter. I think both would be really cool, but the figure choices for either ship is pretty limited. And I don't think we need another Anakin. A Royal Naboo Ship would be cool, maybe done in light grey instead of all chrome. Anything to get a new Padme. Why not new BPs with 2 Figures and a "10188 Death Star Vader's TIE" sized ship? A redone smaller Ep3 JSF with 2 Jedi. Not Obi-Wan or Anakin.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Oh, yes I'll be getting multiples of this BP. But what is that behind the speeder, and Mando with the turret??
Future Star Wars Sets
Well, from the trailers for the CW season 3, I think we be seeing a set with Pre Vizsla and maybe Duchess Satine. No proof, but there is a scene of Mandalore. I'd like to see one of those Mandalorian transports, that the Death Watch used to evacuate their base on Concordia. A set with Durge, would be awesome,especially with his jetpack. Other sets I'd liek to see are, a UCS Slave-1. A updated system Darth Vaders Jedi Eta Fighter, a latge Acclamator (AOTC or CW), with a mini Jedi fighter or RGS. Similar to the Death Star. The Ebon Hawk with Revan and Bastilla Shan, and the new updated Rogue Shadow from FU2, with Kota, Proxy, a new Juno and Starkiller. That's my top pick.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
That Imperial pilot could be Juno Eclipse, before she was pick to pilot the Rogue Shadow. But, I think that is highly unlikely. If it is a female pilot, cool, but the Empire doesn't seem to look to kindly on aliens or females. Very few Imperial female/alien characters of note.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Oh, I didn't see Sugi on the box. Now I'm confused, the box shows one but the blown up figures show a charater named Sugil that looks like Cato Parasitti. Sorry, but Sugi, or any other figure doesn't have a head that big. Unless it's a helmet, and I don't remember Sugi wearing a helmet that looked like that. Is it possible that Cato is included with the BHS, or in another set. A exclusive maybe?.?.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Wait, is Sugi included with the Bounty Hunter Ship? From the photos I see Aurra Sing, Embo, a Assassin Droid and Cato Parasitti (named Sugil). I really hope the Mando BP have Jetpacks for at lest 2 of the figures. And does anyone know if that vehicle is a new BARC Speeder with the Clone Trooper BP?
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I'm happy with the way the sets are looking. Everything looks really good, can't really make out the vehicle with the Clones BP, but still. I'm surprised with how much I'm liking the Jedi Shuttle and Imperial V-Wing. The Halos colors don't look quite right, but a good looking ship, IMO. I think my clone sare going to be overrun by Mandalorians, very soon.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I could see TLC adding Vos to the T-6, it's really nothing special. As was stated before, it a large semi-circle, with no weapons to draw in the kids. Adding another new mini-fig, should off-set the ship having no armaments. And it really not a "high profile" ship. As for the BP having only 3 MFs...... No this I just don't believe. The only new mold MF rumored, is the ARF. And thats just the helmet. What saying that we won't get 2 normal Clones, ARFs or Bomb Squad Clones?? AS for the Clone Commando, it really shouldn't look to different from a normal clone, not in lego form, anyway.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I am really excited for the new figures, especially Aurra Sing and Embo. Sure Shaak Ti and Seasee Tinn are great to, but I really can't wait for any photos to surface. I wonder if Embos hat/shield has a printed design on it.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Yes, I know, but thing could change. Wishful thinking, maybe if we write to them asking for it.?.? Maybe we'll see it.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The Naboo set is sounding like a upset, no new Ep1 Obi Wan, Padme. Not even Boss Nass.?.? Hopefully it will be better then, what we are expecting. For the second half I'm really hoping TLC will release that Yavin Temple playset, that was shown in the back of the SW Lego Dictionary. I'm also hoping to see the armed version of the Sep. Shuttle. Again from the SWLD. Wishful thinking, but, still....
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but wasn't there a couple CW episodes that had the Jedi Shuttle. With Adi Gallia? That could be the new jedi MF. And no I don't want another Freeco Speeder. I was using that as a example, everyone seems to want another X-Wing, or other OT ship that has beem released more then once. That goes for the current wave. Another Snowspeeder, GG Starfighter, Slave-1, CTT, etc.. This will be my 4th Slave-1, I'm a sucker for that ship . I'd like to spend my money on something I haven't got a number of time already.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Sorry, Brickdoctor. I'm hoping for a new Trans-Black saber blade. Or a new "Darksaber" weapon altogether. I don't mind the absents of any OT/PT sets, isn't CW cannon, anyway? How many times can you do the same ships???? 3 X-Wings, "technically" 3 Y-wings. OK, yes I know one was CW, but still a Y-Wing. How many TIEs??? Although the TIE Defender was cool. Almost everything from the OT, was done. Maybe not done great, but were done well, the first time. If all of 2011 sets were new CW sets I would love that. It's something different. A new Freeco speeder wouldn't hurt either, didin't care for the first try. Isn't it totally enclosed??? As for the OT, I agree. We are due for a new scale Millennium Falcon. And i missed getting the second release.
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