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Ritz Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Ritz Brick

  1. I'm in love with the way you've constructed the cave, very well done.
  2. Ritz Brick replied to Rook's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I asked one of the guys at the Calgary store, all he said was all their MOCS are made by NALUG or SALUG, and one of the guys from SALUG works there. So, I'll need to sign up I guess. Thanks.
  3. Then everyone else who owns Cafe Corner and the others would be very upset because now their rare sets are HUGELY devalued. Also the sets don't have really specialized bricks, they wouldn't be too difficult to be recreated by yourself. or Mini Modulars is going to be released soon, get that.
  4. Ritz Brick replied to Dika59's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I like the way you've used plates to create the rocks, but maybe try to cover up the squareness of the last rock. Make it look a bit more natural.
  5. Ritz Brick replied to Eskallon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I just think buying 10+ of a set for the purpose of selling them takes away the fun of it. I'm sure a kid would;ve loved to get an Emerald Night (not knowing they were soon out of stock) instead of some guy hoarding 30.
  6. Ritz Brick replied to Rook's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    This is really neat idea, love the Alien Conquest MOC's Quick question, how does the Lego Store allow you to put in your own creations? Do you just ask them? The one in Calgary has had pretty much the same things since they opened.
  7. Ritz Brick replied to Eskallon's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    While I never have sold any of my sets, I do take in the factor of "what's this going to be worth in 5 years" when buying a set I may not totally enjoy. My UCS Falcon is now around 1,000 on Bricklink, while I'd never sell it (at least for a really long time) I do like how much it's gone up.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if the Arrest set is set up similar to Home One, where one side is the office and the other side would be where Yoda and Palpatine fight. There doesn't have to be Lego made functions, just use imagination.
  9. A lot of these have ridiculous prices and would be for minifigures only. $99.99 For Geonosian Arena with 12 Minifigures? And the Duel on Mustafar would have 9 minifigures? You want all the characters from one section in the movie worth $69.99. An actual set would have to include everything and in reality would end up being in the $200-$300 mark. Aswell seeing as how The originaly Bounty Hunter Pursuit was sold at roughly $30USD. I doubt, 10+ years later it would only be $39.99. Please make more reasonable suggestions other than loading minifigures into a set worth under $100.
  10. Somethings just don't go through the everyone, these are probably the most preliminary sets can get. So the need for asking silly things such as why Anakin has a red lightsabre and stuff like that is not necessary. Besides the fact. Jabba's Palace appears to have a really low piece count from what I see. A big empty room and a tower
  11. Ritz Brick replied to markg's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    To me the top part seems a little to thin for water to be on top. Nice addition though.
  12. Ritz Brick replied to Ralph_S's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Can't help but look at the UK Ford Focus and think of Top Gear. Good job none the less. Especially on the figures to.
  13. I just bought 7938 Passenger Train last week and it's my first Lego train. (I've owned other model trains before). I haven't heard of this happening before, but as the engine picks up speed, around the sixth speed. The magnets unhook and the last car/rear engine is left behind. Happens on both straightaways and curves. I don't know if this is related to the clicking i'm always hearing from the rear engine, but I've taken the entire wheel assemblys apart and still the same thing happens. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
  14. Ritz Brick replied to ImpendingDoom's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I really like the use of the bionicle foot and microfigs. Very well done.
  15. How about you just update your first post with the new video? or just make one longer video instead of posting a new reply every day?
  16. I understand what you're trying to achieve here, but it just ends up looking a bit messy. Try using mostly shades of green with just a few splashes grey or brown.
  17. You like variety with your clones? Personally I find that the printing on the helmets seem to wear off more easily. Most likely because I often remove helmets and that part is handled more often. For example my Ep. 3 Clone with the red markings has crisp torso printing, while the helmet it wearing really bad. I've also seen variation in the colouring on clone gunner helmets, but I remember someone saying something about that.
  18. The wings on the Geonosians look just amazing, props to Lego and all those Planets ('Large Circles') will look great on a shelf.But the Bariss looks to dissapointing with blue hood and cape.
  19. These are just great, although I feel like the figures with more 'human' heads, seem to be a bit small. I was wondering what a regular head would look like on it. Or if it would just blow the whole scale completley out of proportion.
  20. Ritz Brick replied to Darth Yogi's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This scale just presents so many great opportunities, I can't wait to see what you might be able to come up with next. Just a question, how poseable are these? I can see plenty of hinges, but didn't know how much the extra pieces could restrict movement.
  21. Ritz Brick replied to Darth Nihilus's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This looks a bit unfinished and blurry, maybe an overhead shot could give it a bit more justice.
  22. Ritz Brick replied to cavegod's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The Slave 1 just looks fantastic, as well as everything else. Very good work.
  23. Could I have an aquasharks tag as well please and thank you?
  24. Added all the required pieces to my Bricklink Wanted List, and then found a store which carries the most lots of my required pieces, added them up from any other required store and got a rough estimate.
  25. I was considering buying 10030 via the parts for the set off bricklink instead of buying the set itself (which seems to be fairly common now) for some ridiculous price. If I were to resell it in a couple years, do you think someone would buy it? Even if it isn't actually 10030, it's just a remake? I wouldn't try and pass it off as the real thing. I've calculated that buying the pieces for it instead of the set itself would only cost about $300-$400 depending on if I got the sticker or not ($52 )
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