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Ritz Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Ritz Brick

  1. Ritz Brick replied to Kendo's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Better than any TLC version I've seen. It is a touch long. Maybe the back curved brick could be a bit higher. and may I suggest replacing the hammer with the black harpoon piece (if you have it) Still, great job
  2. Ritz Brick replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    k thanks Sorry if this has been mentioned (I haven't really followed this thread much) but has there been any word of amazon.fr releasing sets early again?
  3. I guess so, but I don't see anything wrong with this one. EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized that it would be in old gray. Stickers it is then.
  4. I guess anything is possible until the clone wars runs into episode 3 and we start getting ridiculous sets. UCS Light on Darth Vader's Control Panel 1000 pieces, all trans red with numbered bags for each page. "Reenact your favorite scene with this life sized control panel light." In short, no I don't think we'll get that any time soon (2013)
  5. With all that, I'm surprised no one has complained about having 3 imperial stickers on 2x2 round when theres already a perfectly good printed imperial logo on a 2x2.
  6. So here are my minifigs in question. They came with the 2006 X-Wing. So does anyone else think that this means the X_Wing will stay in production longer?
  7. Ritz Brick replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    it's crazy how they're being released already. This is a bit off-topic but I'm getting Jabbas Palace for $25 CDN..but it has no box. What do you think just the set and the minifigs would go for on BL?
  8. At least its nice that TLC made the wings rotate at the same time. Yeah. To me it doesn't look like there's anything to keep the wings upright
  9. I think that was fairly obvious from the start. to me with the wing mechanism you just turn it by hand?
  10. this thing is 25% off at the Lego Store in Canada. THe employee has been trying to convince me to buy it.
  11. Cockpit seems a bit high. Great none the less. I like the use of that piece on the ends of the guns.
  12. Agreed, I rather like my UCS one, the long mandibles make it look sleeker. So here's some info I got, it's not much but it's something; The Battle for/on Geonosis (the one with the proton cannon) box will be the same size as the AAT one.
  13. How are AT-AT drivers helmets opened? Maybe this year TLC will bring back the reversable head for open helmets? One side is black and the other has a creepy clone face?
  14. Yes, but I'm sure a 10 year old might not notice the difference.
  15. Tell me about it, I had a mint, black X-Wing and Dagobah's Hut box. Got thrown away, my USC MF, thrown away But in regards to Sir's collection, I really like how you got the black and blue boxes for what looks like most of the sets. Good going
  16. hmm, I was unsure about buying the Hyena Droid Bomber...didn't like it then, still don't really like it. Bought the Wampa Cave...don't like the cave. Snowspeeder is good though. on the otherhand, I was unsure about buying Plo Koon's JSF. LOVE IT!
  17. Last time I checked AT-AT driver helmet was completely closed? IMO people might think an open ARF helmet might look to much like a biker scour.
  18. I dont like the old sets, but I like the original figs, Boba ect. I'm pretty sure the Malevolence doesn't/won't exist.
  19. So how did they build the dry docks jk. Ok that makes sense. I was just thinking of an ISD taking off like an airplane or taking off vertically.
  20. Yeah same, to me the CW figs are just like..blegh thanks for all the wrinkles, but those Gungans just won't seem to fit in with the others. TBH I'd be fine with the old Nien Numb face. It seves its purpose. But seeing how Ten Numb didnt wear a helmet...that might require something new.
  21. So Venators and ISD's and others were made at the Kuat Drive Yards which sounds like it would be a ground based operation.... Now how did they take off? Other thing, how did they get the Death Star up? Did they start building in space or start on the ground. How could they get it to maintain it's orbit while it's mass is chaning constantly?
  22. MF should def be ROTJ themed, no questions asked. It played a huge role with Lando and Numb in it. and we already got 2 falcons from ANH, AND waaayy to many Hoth Hans. My thoughts on Ewok attack...maybe Paploo again? a black ewok for sure and maybe one of the female ones? Lastly. I agree with the to much detail Gungans. All the old figs had their downfalls but they're classics. I get tossed up between bad minifigs (Old Greivous) and the super detailed ones (new greivous). Classic vs something that looks more like an action figure than a lego figure.
  23. So I saw this built in the Lego Store for $130 and just shook my head. The Lego Store guy said they've sold 4 since they got them in November
  24. R2 is the original style one with white dome, regular Chewie and Leia's hair seems like a mmix of the proper hair and fondant hair. (Normal face, shame some pupilled eyes would make hher MUCH better) I'll upload some detailed pics Sunday.
  25. He was Endor for a while. So the only set I could imagine him in would be speeder bike chase with Leia and 3/4 scout troopers and speeders. Maybe some trees.
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