Everything posted by Ritz Brick
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Oh man, you got the Mandelorean one before I could, still waiting for mine to ship.
[MOC] Naboo Starfighter
Great MOC, good job giving a some thickness to the wings without making them look blocky.
- Pimp My Camper! Voting Thread
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
Worst: For me I have to say that this was the worst set of the entire line by far. It was the first set to usher in this theory of 'buying the set only because of the minifigures'. The build is awful and poorly designed, having to lift the entire front section just to get to the speeder, exposing a clunky build, unsightly technic beams and not to mention the afterthought flickfires. The 2006 version holds up much better, and doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth that I spent $90 on this. Best: While I only played TOR for a couple of months, I still picked this up just because of how interesting it looked. Being very surprised when I realized how sturdy of a build it is. Even if you don't like TOR, it still fits in with the other TIE fighters and our minifigures can easily blend in with other Star Wars MOCS.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
The Death Star does not come with an info card, but I'm sure there are custom ones floating around out there.
What does everyone like to do with the Lego sets they buy?
I build all of them, add the clones/BD's/Stormies and Rebels to the army. All large scale ships go on display. All the other small sets go on display, until I have to take them apart to display other sets.
[REVIEW]:75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar
Two things, it says Lego Star Wars, and because I love mini/micro models. Even though these are not the greatest, the pieces are almost perfect for other minis or micros.
[REVIEW]:75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar
Good point actually, in AOTC we see the most amount of Jedi at one time.
[SoNE Episode 1]: Precious Cargo
I actually did have the entire hallway built, but trying to take pictures was near impossible, also made it seem a bit to much like a building IMO
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
[REVIEW]:75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar
It's that time of the year again! No, not Christmas, but the time when the new Star Wars Advent Calendar is released. Becoming a bit of a tradition for me reviewing the past two, I bring you our newest Advent Calender which seems to become a new standard, selling alongside the City Calendar. Being released no where near Christmas is strange, but only one/two of the windows are actually Christmas themed, so everything else is pretty nice to have just for the parts or collecting value. Set Name: Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar Set Number: 75023 Pieces: 254 (there are about 20-30 extras) Minifigures: 9 Price: $49.99 CDN $39.99 USD Year of Release: 2013 Onto our review, the box photographs very strange because some of the printing (on Jango most notably) is textured. Making the light reflect off it in quite a positive way. The box does however give away the surprise exclusive minifigure. The top of the box shows us some of the minifigures we'll be getting in their "actual size". The back shows us the proper way to open the box and some of it's contents plus a code for the Yoda Chronicles. So you have two options, cut the tape on the sides and pull out the tray, or cut the tape on the back and flip it open thusly. Sidenote: save the black tray, it's great for sorting pieces in larger sets. The instructions are found on the inside of each door, some of the larger micro models can be a bit difficult at first, but some of them just need a second look. Day 1: Yellow astromech, same guy we got in the most recent Y-Wing. I like him. Day 2: Count Dooku's Solar Sailer (I didn't know what it was at first) Day 3: Count Dooku's Pilot Droid Fitting in with Day 2, this inclusion is a bit weak. I don't see the need for two of these. Day 4: Zam Wessel`s Speeder Seems like a missed opportunity not making a redone Zam, or to build Anakin and Kenobi`s speeder. Bag 5: Cloud Car Day 6: Boro-wait..Endor Trooper Much angrier than any previous Rebel we`ve had. But he does have a reversible head. Settling down. Day 7: Weapon rack. It`s become a theme in Advent Calendars to not supply the minifigures with weapons, but to just throw them all together later on... Day 8 Republic Attack Gunship Ok, so this is a huge pet peeve of mine, I saw many comments praising this model, even though it is a complete rip-off of the other Gunship we got in the first advent calendar except this one has the binocular piece on top. Day 9: Acclamator It`s very tough to build large scale ships in micro, but this is a fairly good rendition. Day 10: Clone Trooper Fitting, seeing our last two builds. Day 11: AT-TE That strange stud on top? Patience grasshopper. Mother and child. Day 12: LAAT Dropship As you probably guessed, these two can hook up, quite well actually. Day 13: Battle Droid Nothing special here. Day 14: Geonosian Fighter Personally I hate this, I feel like the geonosian fighter is just to difficult to re-create in Lego, in any scale. Day 15: Geonosian No wings? Day 16: Another weapons rack. Day 17: Naboo Starship (before it's blown up at the beginning of Episode II Day 18: Scout Trooper Only seen in the new Ewok Village, this guy is a gem. Day 19: Separatist Shuttle. We've gotten one of these in the first calendar as well, but a little different build and different colour. Day 20: Obi Wan's Jedi Starfighter. Day 21: Jango Fett's Slave 1 Built in the same way as the first advent calendars Slave 1...but different colours obviously. Wings can rotate. Day 22: Boba Fett Lovely figure, exclusive to this set and I can't imagine being added into another set in the near future. Plus a reversible head when he's busy shooting Obi Wan. Day 23: A silly rocket sled dealy. Day 24: Jango Fett These seems to fall along the lines of the Santa Darth Maul, having a villain as the Santa character doesn't make any sense to me. The colours go horribly together and the torso is pretty much useless for anything else. Even with Jango being a popular character. I feel having Obi Wan being the Santa making more sense. (he does have the beard after all). Here is the entirety of the calendar all laid out. It's fairly lackluster to me, but oh well. Someone else will like it. Looks like the Kaminoans didn't give Jango enough money to provide his family with a large enough sled. In previous years the Advent Calendars have been a decent mix of the movies, but clearly thing one focuses much more on Episode II. With only 4 days being something other than AOTC related. Overall: Obviously the Advent Calendars are following suit with the regular sets, where the minifigures are the main draw to the set with the sets being less than average. Personally I would be much happier if TLC just hired Legostein to create all their new micro and mini models. Build: 7/10 It goes by pretty quick, but I imagine it being a lot more fun building it one per day like you're supposed to. Design: 3/10 Most of these builds are just awful, not to mention the ones that we've seen already. Come on, we've only had 3 calendars so far. Price: 8/10 I'm impartial to prices Pieces: 8/10 We do get a good array of small pieces, plus lots of extra goodies. Playability: 9/10 One of these days I'm going to make a huge battle scene consisting of micro scale vehicles. A lot of these do go together. LAAT/AT-TE, Clone/Battle Droid, Slave 1/Jedi Starfighter, Solar Sailer/Pilot Droid. Minifigures: 8/10 The plain old battle droid and the pilot droid bring down this mark a bit, but the Boba and the Scout Trooper more than make up for it. Total: 43/60
[SoNE Episode 1]: Precious Cargo
"We were ordered to bring aboard as many rebels that were escaping Bespin as as possible. Even though I was flying a cargo ship, we had moved our security files into another room to hold some troopers. Calling the holding cell cramped was an understatement. There was extra emphasis on not allowing those tricky rebels any chance to escape. The Empire spared no expense in extra Stormtrooper guards. But we remembered what they did to our fellow soldiers on the Death Star." BZZ BZZ BZZ. "The alarm going off telling us there were some incoming fighters attempting to intercept us. I came rushing down the hallway towards to cockpit for my co-pilot needed some assistance". "Luckily enough one of our escort fighters arrived. I think we'll be alright from here on out."
- REVIEW: Clone Lieutenant
- REVIEW: Clone Lieutenant
- REVIEW: Clone Lieutenant
REVIEW: Clone Lieutenant
Not really much of a review, but some of our European members may not be able to get a hold of one, so here's a little mini review. Originally this minifigure was only given away to volunteers at the June Star Wars Weekend in California. But is now released in a poly bag for anyone who spends $50 or more at a Lego Store or at shop@home. It appears that it varies among stores whether you can receive two from a $100 purchase, or if it's one per order. I placed two separate orders at shop@home and managed to get my hands on two of these guys. Regardless, onto some pictures. Packaged in the typical minifigure polybag, it shows him aimlessly walking around a battlefield with several explosions, not to mention a potential foreshadowing too order 66 . Note there is no set number. Attempting to open the bag another way to preserve it was faulty, and was then forced to rip the pre-made tears. Oh well. 5 pieces like it says. Unfortunately this is made from the dreaded 'China plastic' which can be distinguished by the plain neck piece and a small 'lego' logo on the inside of the right arm. Neither of the arms or legs seemed flimsy, but may wear out easier than our regular parts. As mentioned you can't tell from looking normally it's of lower quality. He does look very nice though. I wasn't expecting the blue to be this light. Figuring it would be more of a dark blue. The back is printed the same as any other clone we've received. He sports the same 4 blue dot pattern as seen on the Clone Captain, Sergeant and Commander. If I can give any advice to our European members, if you're looking to get one of these guys. Wait until more people have made their $50 purchases and gotten extras. Lowest price on Bricklink so far is $14.47. Getting more reasonable than the initial $30-$50.
I'm sure if you just out some red tiles on it, they wouldn't seem to much out of place
Yes it is a shame, I was looking at a way of modding it similar to the way most people modded the old AT-TE by adding some extra plates, but the angles on this one are much more difficult and it is a bit more cramped inside. I will try once I get them together
That was what I thought at first, but this one is really worth it, it seems much more movie accurate and nothing tends to fell off.
Picked this guy up as soon as they were available and just getting around to the review now. I had already built it and threw away the box before I took it apart again for this review. Set Information Name: AT-TE Number: 75019 Pieces: 794 Minifigures: 5 Year of Release: 2013 Price: £79.99 GBP $89.99 USD $119.99 CDN No box, but the front of the instructions adorn the same art, less the set information. Listed above. Bag 1 will supply us with 3 of the 5 minfigures and parts to make the main frame. This is most of the technic we will see in this set. Not shown is a brick separator. Here are our first 3 minifigs. We saw the regular 'Geonosis' battle droid in the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid. And we've seen the torso and head of the battle droid commander in the 2010 Droid Tri Fighter. The clone commander however is brand new and a welcome addition to my legion of clones. We only get 3 printed pieces and 1 of them is extra, it's a shame they're just thrown into a box as we'll see later on. There are two instructions books, the second one is half the size of the first. The instructions are very easy to read and don't have very many pieces added at a time. Yoda is featured on the top corner of every page. Main frame built, the 4 blue technic pins will be used to secure the plating later on and the grey technic boxes are where 4 of the legs attach. This structure will be familiar to anyone who has built the previous AT-TE or the AT-OT. It will be where the handle slides into. Bag 1 completed. We had some technic beams to the sides to keep it sturdy and the grey bits coming out the side are where the other two legs will attach. Bag 2 gives us a nice array of dark red mainly for the cockpit and the 4 turrets on the front. We have 4 of these clear pieces which are nice to have, they have the grooves on the sides, easier to see on the grey ones. No stickers will be placed on these. Speaking of stickers, here are two of them, another one of these is places on the other large triangle brick adjacent to this one. Cockpit is added. Interesting design choice here, the sole purpose of that clip brick is to prevent this section from flipping up, so no goofy missiles underneath here. Bag 2 completed and most of the front section is finished. Bag 3 gives us our last two Jedi minifigs and parts to build 4 legs. Here are our two Jedi, Mace Windu and Coleman Trebor who was killed by Jango Fett before he really got onto the battlefield. I noticed this with all the Jedi for this wave. Mace, Coleman, Obi Wan, Anakin and Stass Allie all have the same leg prints, just in different colours. Seems a bit cheap IMO. We can also see the brown for Mace don't match up very well. Coleman Trebor's head is made of the hard rubber, that has a little bit of give towards the top. He does look very odd from straight on or from the sides. Onto the building, after building two sets of legs. (2 are opposite eachother). We're ready to put them on. They're held on by just one technic rod each, but does the job. The unsightly rod end will be covered up with a disc. We also add a little ladder towards the back end. Bag 4 we will build the remaining two legs and the armour plating. The two disc pieces are printed, but the other 6 pieces are stickers. They don't make a huge difference whether they are placed on, or not. The two legs on the side get an extra joint on the... ankle? Adds for some extra movement. They don't stick out the side too much. Unlike 7675. Also unlike 7675, no elastics holding the legs in place! The armour plates are built the same but opposites. These ones do a better job covering up the big gaps, but still leave a lot of air holes. Bag 5 will build us the two top plates and the main gun. 6 flick fires here 4 more stickers, these don't add much to the set either and I really do hate placing stickers on curved slopes. Front section with the main gun attached. There is a seat for our clone to sit, but no controls. Oh well, flick fires never work anyway. This thing however I'm very confused about, theres no way to flick the missles out, so you have to pull the thing out. As shown by the bricks with the grooves. Then fire them? I'm not sure, anyway. I'll probably just remove it later on. Or maybe it's just extra ammo? I don't think this top part is even meant to be opened anyway. So I don't understand why they're here. Back portion is a bit larger and no silly flick missles. It is hinged though so it does restrict access to the back. In the back we find the box mentioned earlier and two clips for holding something, no seats and we can practically see through the entire vehicle. Unlike 7675, this one seems a bit more difficult to modify and remove those unsightly holes. Besides that, here are some different angles of our completed AT-TE. I didn't have 7675 on hand to compare sizes, but I can tell just from looking at it. This one is much more narrow and not as long. It may be taller however. The poor battle droids are horribly outnumbered in this scenario. Final Thoughts: Overall this is definately an improvement over our last two AT-TE's but there is still the problem of having the big gaps in the sides and bottom. It's nice that most of the Jedi we see during ATOC are included in this years wave. A lot of people have wanted a Coleman Trebor (despite his failed attempt and killing Dooku). Build: 7/10 Building 4 of the same thing is never fun, but it seems like TLC used the least amount of bricks possible for the legs, armour. So it isn't quite as boring. Design: 6/10 A more accurate scale and accuracy comes at the cost of having big holes in it. Pieces: 7/10 Nothing too interesting other than some printed pieces and 4 clear windows. Playability: 8/10 It actually does okay all terrain, the inclusion of the battle droids to add some fighting falls short as they have to face 2 Jedi and an AT-TE Price: 7/10 I'm impartial to the prices, they aren't ever going to go down, so I'll enjoy them while I can. Minifigures: 9/10 A new clone commander and Coleman Trebor are welcome additions to anyones collection. Coming in at a final score of 44/60. 73% Satisfaction.
Future Star Wars Sets
Now here's a good idea. This is something I could really see becoming a set. Done in the same way as the most recent A-Wing. One thing I would change is taking out the astromech for Crix Madine or some other rebel leader.
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Never realized how similar the helmets are. Hopefully most people know what hipsters are.
The comparison topic
this was something I was thinking about doing as well but you beat me too it, I'll try and get some pictures of mine. I remember something along the lines of this where someone had a picture of the USC Death Star II with the scale USC SSD, then the SSD with the scale UCS ISD then the UCS ISD in scale with the Blockade Runner in scale with a mini X-wing. (wow a lot of acronyms)
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
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