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Ritz Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Ritz Brick

  1. that use of a tire is quite creative for that gun, those greebles are just amazing
  2. Personally, I dont really want to see another, the UCS trumped the others, but I dont expect a 10 year old to "play" with their UCS MF..
  3. bantha or something alon the lines of another dewback a rancor just seems to unrealistic and large for TLC to make.
  4. The people who work in the Lego Store in Calgary are idiots To me the dropship seems very sturdy with technic beams and such, but I know on the AT-OT some of the guns on the front and the sides can fall of easily.
  5. There is one. Something I noticed related to the roles of the ARC and so forth, looking at an old magazine, it shows to original ARC with a bomb dropping mechanism...so I guess it could be multi-purpose...or TLC adding random things to a set.
  6. Omigoodness sorry dutch rebel, I didn't see that Love your ideas KDM This seems kinda silly, but an addition could be Aayla, Bly, 2 clones and some Felucia scenery (I just want a Bly so bad)
  7. Agreed Just wondering, Oky and Pi, how durable are they? or do they fall apart on a whim?
  8. Guess what I got an email from TLC saying they will replace my Commander Cody helmet with no proof of purchas...my next thing, doesnt anyone need a misprinted Cody helmet?
  9. You seem to be an expert on the droid rack My question to you is, do you think that droid rack will work with the MTT?
  10. I doubt TLC re-releasing the same thing with han, chewie and leia
  11. Agreed, even a midiscale would be difficult with all the rounded bits and such.
  12. 1. Invisible Hand (similar to the Venator in terms of playability. Includes Anakin, Obi Wan, Palpatine, Greivous, Dooku, 2 droids-maybe more. 2.UCS Tie Those things were everywhere and not near produced as much as snowspeeders 3.Droid Super Tank Includes Anakin, Luminara, Rex, 2 droids and someclones.
  13. The head, legs and arms are also extremly flimsy and not much resistance.
  14. I think this "rumored" Home One won't be a playset, but the entire ship itself in some kind of UCS or scaled down ship like the venator
  15. I think he means the ship itself. This one Home One
  16. Yes there were two different versions of mace, also two versions of the Original CTT. They both have the same number though and I think the one with non LuL Mace has an extra Clone Trooper. I noticed that once reading my lego magazines and seeing two different CTT's with different piece counts.
  17. All those suggested sets seem great, but there are way to many minifigs to be included. A geonosian arena will probably never be built due to the massive size it would have to be. But..here are my suggestions... Battle of Geonosis (similar to battle of naboo) Has one of the turrets (can't remember name. 5 Geonosians, 4 clones and a Jedi (unamed so you coould change him/her) Battle of Kashyyyk (Haven't thought of vehicle.)5 kashyyyk troopers (redone) 2 Wookies (redone) 5 BD's
  18. Thats what I thought at first as well
  19. Maybe they couldnt decide between a Lightning Squad Type, Camo Type, Geonosian type, so they just made it generic.
  20. Which makes me wonder why TLC even made those creepy clone faces.
  21. Sure looks like it, its the...4th? Battle Droid Pilot TLC has produced, hopefully they get it right this time
  22. Ok, I just figured because I got it a year ago, they wouldn't replace it. and I hope they want the defected helmet, I have no use for another cody helmet
  23. In one pic its the same shield, and in the minfig lineup pic it appears trans purple.
  24. Jar Jar is definately not a spy well...not the kind I'd want. another thing I noticed on the gungan warrior, his box art is much different from the other picture of him. Which do you think we'll get?
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