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Ritz Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Ritz Brick

  1. I thought troops dropped from the AT-AT's via cables.
  2. Your mods make me want to buy this. Can the AT-RT fit in the tank?
  3. That is amazing, all the little details on the side. One quick question, the 8 guns that are near the bridge, are they positionable?
  4. flick fire headlights anyone?
  5. I know a was giving away the gold minfigure keychains if you spent $75 or more, under the arms, in between the legs and the top part of the legs were just a tan colour. TLC probably figured people would put them on display and not really look at the details.
  6. I love how you took out the random tan stuff you see on the outside, but did you also remove the random yellow and blue from the interior structure?
  7. Could just be the currency exchange. But I know with Canadian prices and US prices, it isn't the just the exchange, the thing is just naturally less expensive. But for my actual question. Is the Ten Numb figure in the B-Wing supposed to be the little guy with Lando on the Falcon? or is that a different person?
  8. kind of a dumb question, but where were Shaak Ti and Saesee Tiin in the PT? all I know is in the deleted scenes of ROTS there was one of Shaak Ti getting killed by Grievous in the Invisible Hand. But im sure that is to insignificant to base a minfig off of.
  9. Don't we have enough Slave 1? but if there was one, I sure hope it wont be boba's it got way less screen time than Jango's This could be a great way to get a commander bly, but TLC would probably throw in ashoka in with it. Maybe putting Aayla in would be ok
  10. how about one of these guys? could include two droids, Luminara and Anakin, Rex and maybe a few clones. Possibly add a break-away bridge for playability.
  11. It might have just been a set exclusive to S@H, so not many people got it.
  12. Ritz Brick replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Remote pile of Cloth, probably my favorite part.
  13. Ritz Brick replied to LazerBlade's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The structure is fantastic, great detail. I just wished Anakin and Obi weren't wearing their hoods.
  14. I have thought of a few new set ideas. I'm not to big on the CW series, so sume OT and PT sets would be nice. The first is from Ep. III, Bail Organas XJ-2 Airspeeder. Includes Bail Organa and Yoda (from one of the last scenes after Yoda fails to beat Palpatine) Might be difficult, but im sure lego can pull it off. Next one is the Lars Homestead from Ep. IV. Includes Luke (ugh another one), Lars and Beru. Another Ep. IV Set, Tusken Ambush (might be to much like Lukes Landspeeder set buttt) Includes Luke, C3P0, 3 tuskens, Bantha and a sand red version of the speeder (why does TLC make it tan) Three Ep. VI sets Ewok Battlepack with a black ewok, 2 brown ones and a tan one with spears and bows and a catapult. Imperials Battle pack with 2 scout troopers and 2 stormtroopers (maybe some ohter kind of figs) and 2 speeder bikes The last one, is in Ep. V and VI, probably be an UCS Alliance Medical Frigate
  15. Maybe even one of those huge frigates from ROTJ during the second battle of the death star.
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