Everything posted by Ritz Brick
[REVIEW]:Minifig Pack - Star Wars #3 3342
The actual name of the set is " Chewbacca and 2 Biker Scouts Minifig Pack - Star Wars #3', but I shortened it down. I noticed these 4 minifig packs are missing from our review index and I've always wanted these for myself. Unfortunately sets #1 and #2 are very expensive! I wasn't able to get these two sealed, but are still in very good condition. These could be called the original 'battlepacks' even before battlepacks were actually a term. Released in 2000, some sets already had these minifigs in them, but these did introduce some new ones that are common fare nowadays. I have never seen much on these sets so this review will be very picture heavy. Set info: Name: Chewbacca and 2 Biker Scouts Minifig Pack - Star Wars #3 Number: 3342 Pieces: 22 Minifigures: 3 Year of release: 2000 So happy when these two showed up in the mail today. I would be amazed to see a set now that has only 21 pieces and no building. Side of the box shows our 3 characters. Even back in 2000 TLC was advertising 'NEW' 'EXCLUSIVE' minifigures (Chewie). Although back in the day this actually meant something. The back of the box shows the entire line up of these minifigure display stands, Star Wars, Ninja, City and Rock Raiders. You can see here you're supposed to puncture the side of the box, now who would want to do that? Plus the other 3 Star Wars ones, the first two are upwards of $60-$70 for sealed. Instructions on the back, if you really needed them. The year 2000 was a much simpler time, when all you needed to defeat your enemy was a glowing megaphone. Old dark grey, brown. Love these classic colours. (The 3 2x2 grey plates aren't actually supposed to be there, the seller included them). In addition to this wonderful dark grey, the piece is engraved. (it looks dirty, but it's really shiny). Classic Chewie in his brown and black bowcaster glory. Two of these guys, I prefer the printed face over the solid black head anyday. (See next picture) No there is nothing wrong with the lighting here, the one on the right is the most recent incarnation of the scout trooper. Our poor guy on the left has spent too much time in the sun. As you can see the printed visor gives a better impression. Now onto the cards, here is Chewie's card. Front and back. You can see from the reflection, they are quite glossy. "They are also fooled easily.." The gang is all here, I bet the backdrops could be used for some forced perspective shots. I really appreciate how Lego had considered the biker scouts as two different figs, with their own description and backdrops. Final thoughts; When these were released they were $5 USD. Which is a great deal nowadays. They were only available from the catalogs, so I wasn't able to get them when I was a kid. Maybe its the nostalgia kicking in that makes me like these so much, or the fact nothing like them has been produced since. These shall proudly be displayed with my other classic sets.
- MOC: Battle for Coruscant
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
I'm sorry but that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard "I don't like the largest ship in the SWU because it's too big."
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Does nobody find the Star Wars General Questions Thread helpful anymore?
REVIEW: 75017 Duel on Geonosis
Thanks for getting this out so early, gives everyone a good glimpse. I must say I'm not a big fan of the new minifgures as of late being so detailed, but that Poggle and Dooku are just amazing. Yoda not so much, not really getting the smile. I feel like as of late TLC is trying to go back to their roots with the original version of this set, with the little play features that I'm sure will be very entertaining for kids. (and myself of course)
UCS 10227 B-Wing is going to be discontinued - now!
Interesting, although not surprising. On May 5th I went to the Canadian shop@home, the B-Wing was discounted, but sold out, didn't have the oppurtunity to add to the cart, not even a minute later when I went back and checked at some of the other Star Wars stuff, the B-Wing was back up, discounted and just said it would be back ordered until the 16th. I ordered it and got the usual email reminding me it was back ordered. I find it interesting that it would be sold out and then discontinued so soon after, without that usual wait of it just being on the site saying sold out. Hopefully there is no confusion with it being discontinued and someone not getting their B-Wing they hoped for. My thoughts on the B-Wing and its low sales. Although while I do think the ship is rather intriguing, it wasn't a must buy for me. I figured it would sit on the shelves like usual to give me (and others) more time to think about buying it.
UCS set discounts: Is 50% too much?
Not to mention 10030 felt like it was discounted forever.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I had the same feelings you had. But I picked it up last second and haven't regretted it since.
- LDD MOC: Master Mundi's Rescue
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I'm currently in the process of boxing up all my Star Wars playsets, smaller ships and minifigures, to replace with the UCS sets I've missed. Just put through an order on Lego shop for; 10240 X-Wing 10221 Super Star Destroyer 10227 B-Wing Plus what I've been piecing out and slowly ordering EDIT:from Bricklink; 10019 Rebel Blockade Runner 10030 Star Destoryer 10026 Naboo Starfighter 10129 Snowspeeder 10134 Y-Wing Starfighter 10143 Death Star II I'm a bit worried to total it all up in one number or else I might pass out.
Have you ever seen this minifigures?
While the figs themselves look pretty crummy, the rounded lightsabres are quite interesting. I've always wondered what they would look like.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
What's the purpose of the advent calendar having Zam Wessel's ship, but not the one Anakin and Obi Wan use? And the Gunship is the same as what we had in the first calendar. Plus could anyone tell me which ship is the 2nd from the left, bottom row. It looks like a smaller droid fighter.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Last time I checked the C3P0 from 10188 has lighter coloured hands, the lighter, almost tan colour 3P0 is from 7106, 4475, 7190, 4504, and 10144, the darker comes from 8129, 8092 and 10198.
[MOC] Yoda and Luke on Dagobah
Really great job on the lighting in the first picture. The trees look a bit strange to me, the roots look like they should be a bit further down the trunk.
- Talz Gauntlet
Are Star Wars MOC Builders becoming a dying breed?
To throw out my two cents, I've found as Lego has started producing more and more sets with advanced techniques which most MOC'ers already use (not that there aren't others) there has become less of a need to make your own builds. I used to build because it wasn't already made, for example, I had built a couple of TIE variants in 08, since the most recent TIE fighter was released, I had no need to make my own, TLC version was good enough for me. For the future I could see more MOCS of buildings, battles ect. rather than vehicles
UCS 10221 Super Star Destroyer - another modding attempt
That last picture is awesome with the wave, the biggest problem I've found with the star destroyers and gaps is that it can be very hard to fix without having to bend the plates slightly.
LEGO 10175 - ebay or bricklink?
While buying the whole thing may be cheaper, parting it out is much for fun and rewarding, makes you appreciate the build that much more I found.
- [MOC] Imperial Turbolaser Turret
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- [MOC] Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
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