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Ritz Brick

Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Ritz Brick

  1. Ritz Brick replied to Morten's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    You never fail to impress. Looking forward to your progress.
  2. Ritz Brick replied to deckard9's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hopefully it doesn't end up being to heavy for the motors. Still awesome.
  3. Should probably be here. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=52175&st=2675
  4. It's one of those things that at first glance the fact they are the same doesn't have a big difference, but once you see it, you cannot unsee it. If that makes any sense.
  5. Now time for the review of the Tie Bomber and Asteroid Field. Let me start off by saying this set/idea/minifigure is awful. Just so you won't be surprised later on. Set Information Name: Tie Bomber and Asteroid Field Number: 75008 Theme: Star Wars Year: 2013 Minifigures: 1 Pieces: 60 Price: $12.99 CDN $9.99 USD 9.99 GB Front of the box shows our typical stuff, information and a picture of what an asteroid field is supposed to look like. The back shows how to suspend the model and the other planets in the line. Our contents include the planet, instructions and a ball of pieces. If you are not aware, the pieces almost seemed vacuum sealed to fit into the planet. The fact both halves are the same is just ridiculous, have you ever heard of two asteroids being the same? All our pieces layed out, nothing interesting other than the printed windscreen piece and the grey astromech dome. As opposed to every other name plate pieces, the printing on this one is atrocious, there is a faint grey line around all the lettering, and everything seems grainy. Nothing new about the minifig so far. The helmet is a bit different, the mouth grille looks different and a little more extra details, as well as the eyes being farther apart. and the helmet is the same except that it has a CRAAAZY silver stripe on the top, look how impulsive they were. This hardly warrants putting another Tie pilot in the planet line. I mean, they've only made 9 so far, they couldn't have thought of something else? Yoda makes a random cameo in the book. (Very hard to take a picture of these super glossy instructions. Main body built, easily noted that it isn't symmetrical. The wings, this design has been used in other mine/midi scale Tie bombers I've seen. Completed, doesn't look to bad other than the connection of the wings to the body is very loose and wobbly. From behind, some round trans blue 1x1 make it look much better. A scary sight if you're a rebel.... or an asteroid. The front The wings can be folded to create the Imperial Snow Plow The whole shebang, very black. Now here's the big problem, the planet doesn't line up in any way and the asteroids look like cookie crumbs. Rating: Design: 6/10 The typical way of creating a mini scale Tie bomber, nothing special. Parts: 7/10 The round grey pieces are nice, nothing else really stands out.[/b] Minifigure: 1/10 Rehashing a minifigure that was used in the first series, a little extra printing hardly makes it different or unique. Build: 4/10 Took about 5 minutes to build, nothing else to say. Playability: 6/10 Could be combined with the Interceptor and the X-Wing . Price: 6/10 Overpriced but complaining doesn't do anything. Overall: 3/10 The only reason I picked this up is because a series isn't a series with one missing, meaning I only bought it because I felt I had to. The printing on the planet is sloppy, as well as the printing on the name plate. The whole concept of the asteroid field is terrible, plus the fact it just looks more like a dark planet. The Tie Bomber pilot is just the same recycled minifigure. If you aren't like me and just want certain planets or figs. No need to get this one.
  6. Went to my local Wal-Mart today and happened to find the series 3 planets. There was only one Kamino available but there was some kind of sticky substance on the planet. (Coruscant and the asteroid field had it on them as well, but I picked up different ones). So I'll just stick with these ones. First up is Coruscant Set Information Name: Republic Assault Ship & Coruscant (Acclamator) Number: 75007 Theme: Star Wars Year: 2013 Minifigures: 1 Pieces: 74 Price: $12.99 CDN $9.99 USD 9.99 GBP Still not a big fan of Yoda on the box art, but the green shows well with the black background. I wish TLC changes the way these are packaged, as mentioned before the planets are very prone to being touched and scratched so I rotate the planet around to look for imperfections. The back of the box features the other planets in this series. Contents, the pieces are stored inside the planet while the instructions are tucked in the box. Both halves are identical sigh.. Our pieces layed out, nothing to interesting here, just our usual selection of Star Wars parts. This piece is printed on. Interesting choice of face for the clone, I thought it was reversible but isn't. Same face used in the battlepacks. (makes sense). The main body, the white hinges stick out like a sort thumb, but they will be later covered up. Rear The grey plate with the groove helps keep the wings at the proper angle. Completed, told you the white would be covered up. Rear Front I lied Top New design for the base. The whole shebang. This is one the planet looks like close up, it isn't very accurate IMO, the orange should be more like lights instead of lines. I've also never seen Coruscant with clouds either. Rating: Design: 8/10 It's easy to tell what it is,the white pieces still stick out and I would have like a little dark red sprinkled in. Parts: 6/10 Our standard Star Wars pieces, nothing really stand out though, the printed piece is nice, but it's hard to find a use for it outside of this set. Minifigure: 10/10 I love the new clone trooper and you can never get enough of them. Build: 7/10 Takes about 5 minutes to build and nothing is confusing at all. Playability: 5/10 These sets mostly are for display, the Acclamator itself isn't really a swooshy ship to begin with. Price: 6/10 Overpriced but complaining doesn't do anything. Overall: 7/10 The minifigure is the most redeaming part of the set and Corsucant is a must have for the Star Wars galaxy, even if the printing is sloppy.
  7. As cool as it would be to have force ghosts, I don't really feel they would be all that necessary, even though they provide a lot of closure. I'm sure a kid might not understand the significance of them. But just see them as invisible minifigures.
  8. I've straightened some of my sails by just soaking them in water and ironing them between wax paper (similar to how you press leaves and flowers). I'm going to assume some sails will have different ink and such, so warm water might be a bit iffy. A soap meant for babies might work better as it's more gently and the chemicals aren't as strong.
  9. It feels to me that the Sandcrawler was such an insignificant vehicle, it wouldn't be re-made, unless it was made just to sell 'NEW' Jawas, which could be better included in a Lars Homestead set.
  10. Couldn't find the topic directly below this one?
  11. Since when has Ultimate Collector Series ever meant that it has to have a large piece count and is exactly what EVERYONE wants?
  12. Obviously there could have been more choices to do instead of the X-Wing, everyone knows that, it feels like it's been beat to death by how much everyone here needs to complain about it. Obviously an X-Wing has more sale ability than a big tree. Remember there are more people who buy Lego than the people on this forum, If you want an 'UCS Ewok Village' as ridiculous as that sounds, go make one. A tree is a heck of a lot easier to build than an X-Wing. Quit complaining, it's final decision.
  13. Your progress is coming along way faster than any Canada Post service.
  14. Ok I thought you had meant the newer Y-Wing. The walkers are good for pieces to create other vehicles and such.
  15. Well IMO the Gunship is a must for a clone 'army' whether or not you have 5 troopers or 20. Unfortunately the 7676 gunship prices are fairly high last time I checked, buying a bulk amount of clones on bricklink could be difficult as one seller may not sell a large quantity so you may have to buy from numerous sellers (extra shipping costs). The Y-Wing doesn't really have much to do with a clone army but it is definitely a good buy regardless. If I were you I would wait until the new Gunship is released, get that one, and buy some of the older clone walker battlepacks. That way you end up with some Jedi to help your smaller clone army.
  16. I was actually considering bricklinking 10129. Which pieces could you not get right away? Most of the pieces seemed fairly common when I took a first glance.
  17. I can see they rotate up and down, but the how can the cockpit turn?
  18. Do you know if the Magic Carpet ride is able to rotate all the way around? Great job by the way, been following this thread since you started.
  19. Not you or anyone else can predict what sets are coming in the future. That prototype could easily be modified to become either Kashyyyk set or Endor style. Anything is possible, it's pretty much TLC's slogan.
  20. Seems like such an odd choice for a mini set. It doesn't look as though the wings can rotate however.
  21. 6. sdrnet - 2 18. Priovit70 -1 22. sonicstarlight - 2
  22. Ritz Brick replied to Bricktooth's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    It really reminds me of the one from the Juggernaut, but all the differences really make it unique. Good job!
  23. Ritz Brick replied to Wedge09's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The lava could be done a lot better, instead of just trans-orange and some black tiles on it. Throwing in a mix of regular orange and red with translucent pieces makes it a bit more realistic. And maybe creating your own design for the mining platform instead of just what TLC has provided.
  24. Ritz Brick replied to Vicmackey80's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I'm sorry, but I don't want to sound negative. But this just isn't doing it for me, the customized minifigs are neat, but I don't get a Mygeeto feeling from some BURP's, 2 desert? bushes and a mismatched, discoloured white wall. I think must people associate Revenge of the Sith Mygeeto with the bridge, so if you could incorporate that into it, could be a little better.
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