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About TheGreatSpirit

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    Mainly Constraction Figures, have some interest in system sets.


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  1. Wow, this is absolutely incredible. Good work!
  2. I gotta say, this is actually quite nice. They look pretty good!
  3. If only they used this advice for Bionicle lol
  4. The solution is to wait a few months for the sets to be discounted by 40-50% on amazon, as they always do. SW CCBS prices have been ridiculous since Jyn Erso cost $25.00, it's honestly not surprising that they keep upping the prices for practically no real added value, only disappointing.
  5. Ooooooooff, I really should know better, but I want to believe...
  6. So I encountered this on 4chan's /toy/: Considering the, uh, """source""", this should be taken very, VERY lightly. Truth be told, I don't believe it myself, but this board has been essentially dead for the past few months, so really what's the harm in discussing this?
  7. Ill be honest, I was expecting to click on this link and see an abomination, which a lot of LDD models end up being... but this is actually quite good. I really do hope we get a clone wars Maul one day (unlikely, sadly) but in the meanwhile I hope someone tries and makes this (even if it does require a bit of heresy) when the regular Maul set is released.
  8. And like that my hopes are shattered
  9. How a lot of us are feeling right now For the record I really liked the sets in general, but in terms of advertising i didnt see too much outside of typical bionicle social circles. Friends of mine who owned G1 sets had no idea that bionicle was even back for months until I told them. Say what you will, their advertising campaign was completely ineffective.
  10. Galidor 2.0: Electric Boogaloo
  11. I'd reckon that we would get the cool looking death troopers with the Rogue One wave, as well as some of the protagonists with the typical galidor-like face molds.
  12. I worded that horribly, what I meant is that I've seen nobody mention it here, though now that I think about it someone probably has. Gali is rendered with Onua's torso printing
  13. Going off on a bit of a tangent, but just got Gali today, and I'm fairly certain nobody else has noticed a small error on the back of the packaging (Hint: on the back of the box, look at the upper right picture of her spinning function - pay extra attention to the torso armor). It's nothing, but I found it interesting enough to mention
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