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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. darkstonegrey replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
    Just discovered The Black Keys. Most everything from the Cyclic Law label.
  2. I've found that if I buy a bunch of large sets at a time that tends to slow down my need for more since a) I have no more room to store more boxed sets, and b) it makes it harder to choose what to build next and slows me down tearing thru builds.
  3. darkstonegrey replied to RaincloudDustbin's post in a topic in Community
    Question: When a player goes offside but is not involved in the play, at what point are they no longer considered offside? Is it once an opposing team member touches the ball, or the ball goes out of play?
  4. Emmet Minifig with Piece of Resistance and Tracking Device 2x Blue Spaceman re-issue I got these to add to Benny's SSS I ordered earlier this month. That Emmet will be an alternate for his roboguise, or I can just keep it all blue spacemen with Benny at the helm.
  5. That would take all the fun out of actually going into the LEGO store. Might as well just stay home and shop online from behind the glass of my monitor.
  6. I can't see wanting to build with anything other than LEGO, their quality of parts production and prompt customer service when a problem does occur is next to none.
  7. darkstonegrey replied to Tariq j's post in a topic in Community
    Thinking I just got a great deal on a MIB set thru eBay auction to then find the same MIB set up again for auction which ends up going for 25% less.
  8. Picked up a couple Stanley storage cases to sort and hold all the spare parts I now have floating around.
  9. darkstonegrey replied to BrickG's post in a topic in Community
    I get the vibe that The BrickShow is aimed more at the youngsters. All the more reason then they need to work on editing down some of their reviews. Tendency to repeat the same information, worded in a different way; summary is sometimes longer than the main review. 5-7 minutes should be ample time for what they're covering. More than that and you risk losing your audience.
  10. darkstonegrey replied to talos's post in a topic in Community
    When I first started searching for parts, I found BrickOwl's interface to be more accessible. Lately, I've been using BrickLink more mainly due to part availability/pricing/lot size.
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