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Everything posted by Kingslayer

  1. I wonder what colour scheme Takanuva would have seeing as kopaka has stolen his. Unless the golden armour is unique to this wave and Taka Nuva would supposedly come in to it later. Also if there is no Nuva and Takanuva still comes in, would he even still be called Takanuva or Just Toa Takua?
  2. What about the trans dark green from Nex and Rocka
  3. I don't know about that. The stand shows some colours duplicating in different sets. Blue, green and Black. So I imagine it will work the same way as the spiders did from IFB. A few different colours from different sets but not unique to just one. I would be nice to see six different colours though. Especially because of the gold one too with Loss. God knows the story reason behind that thing
  4. I think there needs to be other toa teams somewhere down the line. Sure, maybe sales were never as good once they left the mata, but Bionicle wouldn't have lasted nearly as long if they hadn't changed, IMO I know what you mean. I theories next wave that we will get Jungle, Stone, Water enemies(?) as titans and the other three will be normal sets. That still only is about 6 sets. How many sets usually come out in the summer?
  5. Just don't think they sell as well. Although I think in the case being Pohatu, they will get more sales because he is brown because of that nostalgia factor. I suspect if they ever do add more toa teams they may not be brown, with the exception of possibly Onewa
  6. You're probably right. I just hate the silver that's all. Fun metal would have been a better choice if not tan IMO
  7. Anyone see the silver in earth defender? Probably a place holder right? Maybe it's the same with pohatus silver
  8. If I had to change one set it would be Pohatu and his colour scheme. It's not just the fact he uses silver instead of tan although that is a big deal. There just seems to be masses of silver compared to brown. Just not a fan. When I get the set I might add more brown and change the silver to gunmetal.
  9. Exactly what an Oh-Wunner would say. How's that closet working out for you. Honestly though I seen far more Oh-Three-ers around
  10. Takua and Pewkew. I loved the function
  11. It would be cool to make super toa by adding their defender to them
  12. Hey cool. Combiners. I can see this working a lot better with CCBS seeing as pieces are nearly indestructible.
  13. Please tell me thats a reference. Also as for what Chro said, store exclusives would be cool. Although if there are I hope they would be bad guys. We dont seem to have much this wave. It also may mean we might get a few more sets in wave 2 if we are lucky
  14. Im going to guess that Gali, Pohatu and Lewa will be £10 and Tahu, Onua and Kopaka will be £20. The Defenders will probably be about £7 and Spidey will probably be either £10 or £20 I think hopefully everything will be around the £150 mark I remember when it was £3 for small, £6 for canister and £15 for large, meaning that a whole YEAR(not just a wave) would come to around £150. God have times changed and Im sure there were years where they were cheaper than this.
  15. So what are people thinking? Do we know for certain Kopaka and Tahu are titans?I would call them team leaders seeing as they seem to be the only ones with gold chest plates
  16. Not really. At least with the Metru and Mata I always saw Po-Toa and ripped and fit, but Onu-Toa as just bigger built body frames who were short and stocky.
  17. Very certain we will get the proper villains in wave 2
  18. I'm probably going to get all the sets on the same day. But I'll build Tahu first as he was my first Bionicle(well his Nuva version was) then a the defenders, then the rest of the Toa. Then lord of skull spiders.
  19. Doesnt matter to much dude. Even ifn they are we should be able to changeit easy from the HF draw
  20. Well what if the defenders arent even Matoran. Tohunga showed that with a few pieces, you could make something that looked great. Although i do think there is a much greater appeal for minifgs rather than Bionicle, no matter how popular it becomes
  21. I think this speaks volumes about demand for collectibles. I dont think we;ll see them come back in any big way at all, because they just wouldnt sell all to well IMO
  22. Well. Aside from Bionicle 3 that is. Let's not get ahead of ourselves now.
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