- Splitter Beast vs Furno & Evo Revamp
- MOC: Evo
MOC: Tongu
You seem to be really good at making incredibly well built and chiefly expressive mocs. I love this guy's oversized wrench, it holds so much personality and gives the moc something to do and pose with.
This thing is incredible. Nearly perfect. I don't know how to effectively critique it, it's so good. Not only is the build masterfully put together, it all FLOWS SO WELL. I love this.
- [MOD] CHI Mungus
Batu, Toa of Stone
I like this dude. There are very few things I enjoy more than seeing a builder use so many colors on a moc, but still make it flow well. Now I've never been a fan of the "mocpages" build style, I've always thought it was overcluttered and lacked dynamics, but you somehow make it work here. This guy's design is very compact, which I like, but it's almost too compact. Overall, he has a bit of a nondescript look, and though his colors are cool, he doesn't leave much of an impact, and besides the fact that the moc was very well made, it doesn't seem exactly "original."
[MOC] Nex Walker Turret
Let me preface by saying I had to change what I was listening to before writing this, for some reason I couldn't concentrate. Okay. It's wonky, and inconsistent. Now obviously, with smaller builds, it's harder to make Mocs look "good" as you have less room to put things, and all the pieces are proportionally bigger. That being said, I still think that this could of been done better. It's not horrible, and has a neat (if a bit unoriginal) concept behind it. I like this, but Only in theory. I've always been a big fan of mechs in the styling of this one, and it gets some key features right. -The gun head is super cool -driver placement works well That being said, I still don't really like this thing. -Those guns are stupid. It's ninety percent lego's fault, as the molds themselves just look like nonsense, but I'd still recommend using more subtle barrel pieces. -The torso, especially the back, is fifty different flavors of awkward. You could of slapped just about anything onto the back and infinitely improve how it looks. -The whole 'combining with the larger mech' concept isn't necessarily bad, but it's nothing to write home about. -Colorscheme desperately needs more grey, this is more of an opiniony thing for me, but with such a light colorscheme otherwise, I just think replacing most of that black with grey pieces would of looked better. Overall, I have mixed feelings about this moc. It underwhelms me.
[MOC] Mighty Steed
This is a really interesting moc. In fact, I think interesting would be the best way to describe it. It obviously has problems, and clearly isn't perfect, but the longer I stare at it the more I like it. If you were going for a straight up "creepy" look, I think you really nailed it. The odd proportions look physically impossible for a creature this size, and overall it gives a really "off" vibe, as in, it feels like something isn't quite right with it. For suggestions, I'd say that maybe focusing more on massing and shaping the moc would help, as it feels a big jumbled right now. Again, if that was the point, then you succeeded, but it really isn't that great of a look otherwise. I'd also say that making a longer and or larger tail would be worthwhile. I know that this thing stands already, but with that monster head it looks ridiculously un-balanced, so just in general, extending and thickening the tail, I think, would make it's design flow more naturally. I give it a 7/10. It's a REALLY interesting moc, and I'm very interested in seeing more 'rahi' flavored mocs from you.
(moc) Jac
hey so I don't know if there are any special rules when it comes to posting mocs I just saw people posting bionicle and related constraction stuff in this area so I'm gonna have a go with what could of been considered my 'self moc' til I decided self mocs are kind of stupid; Jac -small, simple build focused on form and making something that's instantly recognizeable (I wasn't going for piece count or complexity here) -I'm well aware of the fact that not all the pictures are that clear, but I think it's a simple enough design to get despite that -Hey sorry for all the pictures. Is this too much? I really don't have much to say about the moc, but I'd love to get like, I don't know, opinions? Thanks
Hi, I do things
hi My name is dakota. I also go by kelii, friendski goodguy, and some other Exciting Pet Names I've previously gone by vezonisme, suddenlyascientist, and occasionally when i felt particularly egotistical, just "scientist" I like legos. Mostly Bionicle and occasionally hero factory related things, and I've been moccing since about, 2010~2011. Besides legos, I'm really big into music. I currently have two 'main' solo projects going called Swervemobile and teeth made of glass Probably only check out Swervemobile if you're interested, unless you're really into experimental rock and or noise music. (I really don't like talking about my music projects much though as I feel like it'll sound like bragging, so I'm gonna move on now~) I previously only really uploaded Mocs on DeviantArt, but seeing as that site honestly kinda sucks, I figured I'd try out eurobricks. If any of you recognize me, here's a little note before you take any Drastic Action(!!!) -I'm not here to make waves -I honestly like moccing and would enjoy getting some legit as heck c&c -Things do stuff So in closing; Hi. How are you? I'm good. I'm gonna try and post some mocs. If you wanna talk, hit me up, just be aware I'm an incredibly nsfw when casual and on other sites and can I just say that Pixies "Doolittle" is a fantastic album
Practise Posting Here!
thefriendski replied to Pandora's post in a topic in New Member Section - PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING!heh
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