Everything posted by Lind Whisperer
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Maybe I should buy a Potion and a Bedroll instead, then?
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Another question - what should I spend my first ten gold on? I was planning, after some thought, to buy two Venoms. If I'm not going to be receiving Free Hits, my health is not as much of a concern if I'm in the back row, so Potions might not be as optimal a purchase until I'm slightly more skilled. With Venoms, I can boost my effectiveness a bit, even if I don't get a good roll every time. A bedroll is also of course a good purchase, but I'm trying to max my effectiveness to the party as a whole, and if my whole health is only 7/7, I'm not sure that a bedroll would be the best first purchase...
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I'm going throwing weapons, all the way. Thank you all for your posts - I've learned a lot.
The Space Timeline
Just a few of my own personal thoughts on this*. Red coloring where it's my own fiction as to what happened. I pictured the 1970s-1990s sets as being set in the future with Mars Mission happening in real time. Life on Mars, I personally view as quite possibly being non-canon**, and thus not a part of the time-line. Mars Mission happened roughly around 2007, when the sets actually came out. (Probably a private company enterprise***). It was then that Humans were first exposed to aliens. Clutch Powers**** and his crew would be seen wearing these outfits for some reason, during the events of TAoCP. After the breakout at Prison Planet X4, the Galactic Senate*****(or some organization, it doesn't have to be the Senate...) decided to build a prison on Earth, with the new Alien Detainment Unit****** being formed to contain and subdue any problems. In 2011, the Hypaxxun Invasion of Earth took place, and the ADU was re-dubbed as the Alien Defense Unit. Also, just one more idea as to what the Space Skulls might be along the lines of. Granted, it's a stretch...but can't you just hear him asking "Who turned out the lights?". *I'll probably edit this later to include a more through list of my own thoughts as to the timeline. Sorry it's a big block of text for the moment... **Or, in a more confusing, but explaining, idea, Life On Mars might have happened in the Zonia system introduced way back with Jim Spaceborn. ***Granted, this may seem a bit non-plausible, but Forest Blackwell did build his own moon-base, and he did it secretly at that. ****Ninjago can be placed around 2048-, if you assume(and I'll admit that it's a pretty big assumption) that minifigs(Misako in particular) have similar cycles to humans. *****Mentioned in SPIII advertising materials. ******Think Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., not Men In Black.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Thanks - I was a little bit confused, but that really clears things up nicely. Thanks - I think I've figured it out now, but I will definitely ask if there's something that I don't understand.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I'll switch to the cards, then... Thanks for explaining that. I've read through several of the quests and I was almost certain that I'd seen ones where enemies could focus...Ah, well, the first step towards learning is knowing that you have more to learn...
Heroica RPG General Discussion
That is a great idea, and I did originally intend to arm Lind with throwing weapons...but you have to spend a turn retrieving them. And, as a level 1 player, with only 7 health points, that could very easily be deadly* if an enemy focused on me...not to mention that it would detract from the group's ability as a whole. The health aspect wouldn't be a problem if I was attacking from the back row, but according to the rules, you can only retrieve weapons from the front row. *Especially if I'm in a quest with the median level being 24.165...
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Thanks! I got the original idea for the deck from a combination of the concepts behind M:TG, and the way that Gambit is always shown with a handful of cards. I thought it might be interesting to have a whole race of people who carry them, as a sort of visual identification as to their personal leanings and natures*. *One of these days, I'll probably have a pic of Lind's personal deck to show, I'm still figuring out all the different cards at the moment...
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Yes. In my (short) little personal back-story, the Munchkins are fully human. For the last few hundred years, they've lived secluded in a small corner of forest*, with the occasional Hero going off to seek his fortunes in Eubric. They tend to be either Rogues or Rangers, with a few Clerics and Knights. (There's no real reason why you couldn't be a Barbarian or Mage Munchkin if you wanted to, the Munchkins just as a whole tend to value** swiftness and strategy over brute strength and use of majicks as weapons). *I've not tried to give the forest an exact location, as I would hate to say "It's here", only to find out that I'd placed it carefully right in the middle of Old Mack Donauld's duck pond, or something else embarrassingly misplaced. **All Munchkins also carry an Ethereal Deck*** of five playing cards, which shows their personal strengths and attunements to the world. ***Perhaps 'short' was not the best adjective I could have chosen to describe my back-story...
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I was calling myself that as a bit of a joke - I do like coming up with unique solutions to problems, but not ones that would be trying to cross the break the rules/annoying to the GM/the other players. The sort of solution like asking if a weapon that only works on enemies at night, would have any effect on bosses in a cave, since the inside of a cave is effectively always night.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
I really liked the reference to classic literature. And I was excited to see what would happen when a Munchkin* Rogue and a Master Thief tangled... "Set a poacher to catch a poacher," as it were. *Not the annoying type of Munchkin, the type of Munchkin that's carefully read all of the rules and game mechanics, and uses them fairly, but cleverly to his(and the rest of the group's) advantage.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Well, thanks for answering my question... In the one in several hundred thousand chance that only four of the currently signed-up heroes respond, and there aren't any new signees of an higher rank, would I be part of the group then, or does "aimed" more mean "restricted"*? *Really sorry if that sounds rude, I tried to write it so it didn't sound that way, but this was the most diplomatic phrasing I could think of at the moment... Thanks again for answering my question.
Heroica RPG General Discussion
Sorry to bother everyone, but was my sign-up to the Hall Board yesterday in time for Quest 103? The post said that it closed on the twelfth, without giving a time, and I was really looking forward to this particular quest as soon as I saw it...But if I was to late, I understand.
City Layout - Inspired by Los Angeles, California
Well done! Very nice mixture of Classic Town sets with City - they're very hard to successfully meld together without the differences being easily noticed, but you managed to do it very well!
Heroica RPG - Heroica Hall
The lone Rogue gently slipped into the bar, after his long journey to the Hall of Heroica, from the forgotten forests of the Blue Pools. He slipped over to the board, his passage unnoticed by the patrons clustered around the bar. He swiftly read the short list of names, and seemed to puzzle over his choice for a moment. From some hidden pocket in his cloak, he pulled out a well-sharpened quill, and signed the name 'Lind Whisperer', to the bottom of the sheet for Quest#103. He strode over to the bar, and gently waited for service. "Aye, and what'll you be having?" "I'll have a very strong...crystal water, thank you." OOC: My apologies that I have not been able to make my signature work thus far, it won't let me post an image or a hyperlink to my character info.
Ice Planet Siberia?
I've always thought of them in terms of the commonly-published story-line(although I have noticed the obvious resemblance to Sputnik 1), but this is a very interesting question...I would tend to think perhaps that maybe Ice Planet was supposed to be the Russian space program in the future, perhaps? I remember reading that the designers considered the megaphones and antennas to be weapons...perhaps they were aiming for something along the same lines with this, albeit slightly more peaceful?
Heroica RPG - Hero Statistics
Lind Whisperer *Encouraged at half health* * *Immune to Dark* *Double damage to humanoids* *Halved damage from Holy/Light enemies* *1/3 chance of dealing Fragile* *All battles start with one round of Electric weather* 23-year-old Human Class: Black Knight Level: 24.66 Power: 43 (12+24+7) Defense: 13 (3+4+6) Health: 40/40 (7+24+9) Gold: 273 Glory Points: 14 Equipped Gear: Gladius (WP: 16, darkness-elemental greatsword, 1/3 chance of causing Fragile on successful hits), Invader's Armour (SP: 3, wearer is encouraged when their current health is at half or below the wearer's maximum level), Immortal Palms (+7 power; all battle start with one round of Electric weather. Handwear.), Vorpalis Netherwings (SP: 4, the wearer deals double damage to humanoid type enemies and takes half damage from Holy/Light enemies. Backwear, suitable for anyone.), Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to dark-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only; shield.) Unequipped Gear: Steel Knife (WP: 12, throwing weapon), Star-Breaker (WP: 5, darkness-elemental halberd *1/2 chance of stun*), Trickster's Mask of the Human (suitable for anyone, changes users appearance into a human of the same gender, accessory), Mugger's Mask (Protects from loss of gold from gold stealing enemies, headwear.), Akrone Fez (Artifact; SP: 1, Max. Health: +1, Headwear, suitable for anyone), Plasma Shield (SP: 3, user absorbs electric attacks), Swift Boots (Changes HIDE into STEAL & HIDE, allowing the wearer to steal gold equal to the target’s level if it carries gold in addition to hiding; suitable to rogues; footwear.) Unequipped Weapons: Darker Ethereal Deck (Playing Cards) (WP:7, throwing weapon), Ethereal Deck (Playing Cards) (WP:7, throwing weapon), Wind Spitter's Deck of Cards (WP:10; wind-elemental; causes triple damage to mobs; suitable to Lind only; throwing weapon) Gems: Ruby Potions: x5 Potions, Bone, Last Wish Powder, Military Grade Firebomb x2, Grand Potion x2, Greater Potion, Remedy x4, Mulled Wine Tools: Bedroll, Shovel Scrolls: Scroll of Frailty Things: Quest/Role-playing Items: Newspaper with Picture of Lupine, Alfendi's Cape, Alfendi Lupine's Blank Calling Cards, Map of Olegia, Arena Pass x2
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