Everything posted by Lind Whisperer
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
I guess that's personal taste. In my mind, participation/putting yourself out there, is a better game than staying hidden. Maybe not more townie, but it's not right to stay low while people are putting so much effort in the game. 2%. Personal feelings, whatever. I have absolutely no case. I don"t play that way. Because Riker hasn't pinged me. Wesley has. *I have no case... i.e., I don't defend myself.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
If I wasn't at 4% percent, I'd post a montage of his "insights". And a count on his actual participation. Some process. "Gee, can't be Troi, and Riker DESERVES to win if scum...must be Picard!" @Hinckley Feel free to vote on me.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
"I find everyone and everyone credible! But that guy I've had tunnle vision on until today? Yeah, I'm finding him scummy again. Re-vote!" When it looked like Troi was going to be the vote, you unvoted me. Now that focus is off of her, and back on me, suddenly you re-vote. And you make sure to add an addendum letting us know you "totes" hadn't seen Wesley's vote. Then fluff about a "mafia-free weekend". Nothing I haven't already said. I had my first ping, and I voted. If you want to skip a night kill, feel free to vote Picard. But do promise me you'll give Riker a good sound questioning on Day Seven/Six/whatever. 'Cause it WILL come, and he WILL keep lurking. (Separate note: Its interesting how quick Wesley was to change his mind on me once I said I was voting on him.) More fluff?
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
I would; staying low is lazy scum. Be out in the middle of the action! Already checked mine, for the heck of it. No change, sadly. (Imagine playing two days of the game convinced you were town, but you're actually scum!) It was the way you said it, nothing to do with context or content.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
Forgot the proper format. Unvote: Picard(Lind Whisperer) Vote: Wesley(Pandora)
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
Vote: Wesley(Pandora) It could be perfectly good metagaming, it may even be a logical deduction. All I know, is that's the first time I've read something and gone "okay, that's scummy." Combined with your earlier post about "bait"...and now I'm second-guessing. But I keeping it. Troi is scummy, but that was a ping, in a pingless game.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
You keep waffling on night kills. First you're saying we should have one, then you're saying "what! You support a night kill!?!", then you're back to promoting them again, and now you're back again being critical. Honestly, I just want to vote for one of you but I keep going in a circle. "Wesley's my gut, but he's putting together a good case against Troi. But Riker's still scummy-wait, he's unvoted, great, that clears a lot up..."
Heroica: Glory Amongst The Stars RPG - Game Development
I have radically different ideas about what I liked about Heroica, so I've been working on a homebrew(a more straight adaption+a few QOL improvements), but one problem that seems to be universal, is time. This was not a particularly dense quest. (As is typical for Endvame) it was a GOOD quest, but a quest that took nearly two months. People posted about once a day, tops. What might take two nights at a tabletop, takes two months.(Times aren't exact, but you get the point.) Time is expensive. It's one thing to commit to, say, a week long thing. It's another to commit to things that can take a month at the minimum, months if it runs long. It's not an inviting prospect and I can't be the only one who feels this. I like these games, but worrying about having to commit to months, when I barely know where I'll be from week-to-week, isn't fun. I've tried to come up with a way to get around this problem but the solutions so far involved either Community shared player characters or Quest Masters posting on "autoplay" - both of which would severely diminish the level of fun
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
Troi voted also, check top-of-page.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
Vote: Extend day "I wouldn't shut up about how hard I was trying to be town, so people assumed I was scum." I was making a joke about myself.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
I have some personal stuff going on. I checked occasionally to see if there were any shocking revelations being posted. There weren't. End of story.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
Quote me where Isaid it had anything to do with Fworg. People have lives outside of Mafia. Good! I l should really have been more scrutinized. Every game before, scum or town, I tried to be a Townie. No one was a better Townie than me! Naturally, everyone assumed I was Scum. So last game and this, I just gave up trying, and just played it as fast and loose as possible irregardless of "how it looked". And, apparently, my "ludicriously scummy" is everyone's "probably townie."
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
? There haven't been any"clever" defenses. Just a bunch of people crafting overly long scenarios. A re-tread of Witch Hunt Mafia isn't as impossible as Hinckley seems to think. The original didn't even have as many reasona for it as this one does. "If only the computer were to tell us that your vote didn't count...!" (The rules mandate we must all vote.) Scum can PM after death? Not in any game I've been on. And there it is. Becuase the townies can't make up their minds, and the scum doesn't want to stand out. As usual. Witch Hunters didn't, why should it be any different here? I forget. You, Fqorg and her were three-ring circus of chaos. Knocking one of you out would disrupt that. And, no, in retrospect I added that you COULD ALSO kill me, becuase 'why would you kill the one person standing up for you'. This is a true point. The last day should have been Troi/Fworg/Riker. No, Troi, I'm going to play how I play. I don't make hasty decisions becuase people are inpatient. I take too long, but I'm not hasty. Unvote: Wesley(Pandota) Vote: Picard(Lind Whisperer)
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Five
@Hinckley I felt horriblhom yesterday,m, gave myself a break from posting. Read occasionally, that was it. Don't feel any better today, but not posting isn't really an option. You want an early vote? Fine. Vote: Wesley(Pandora) He'a probably not guilty. I have no idea which of you two is less scummy, you've both been setting the other up all the last two days.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
Well, do. What happens if Fworg is town? Who will you advocate then?
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
Wesley is almost as good as Fworg. I thought you found Wesley more trustworthy? Though I'm not sure why I thought that. This has already been hypothesized, by myself upthread.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
If you're really waiting on me...I guess Vote: Worf(Fugazi). Not a fan, though. Not at all. ( I have maybe 10 more minutes before I'm AFK)
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
No, that would be either Data or you, as far as I know. Riker is second mate and uses the "Riker Maneuver" to sit down. I'm a pre-Disney Wars fan, not a Trekkie. "I was waiting to see what you were going to do!" Eh. I promised Data I'd vote for one of two people. Think Fworg might be a twofer. That would mean that Wesley's slipped out of lynch two days in a row, but he's spent such time after Fworg, he's locking himself in a corner. Riker's slippery, but @Fugazi is as ficused on Wesley as visa versa. Not enough votes. We could try and have a scum kill, but not really sure what that would do - other than taking the responsibility out of our hands. Although I maintain that I'd be the likeliest scum target. Which would be almost as much use as if we vote to bump me off- which, I suppose, is a possibility.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
Probably because he hasn't done anything overtly attention drawing. It could just be coincidence but I noticed that his posting stepped up since you started taking notice of him.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
I wasn't piggybacking off of Data, I've been offering to self-vote since Day Two. Troi and Wesley keep making the points I'd like to make before I make them. Repeating isn't helpful, and I thought Troi might be on to something with letting a scum kill. So I ran the numbers, trying to put myself in evey ones shoes. The point was, if someone got scum-killed, would it give town any clues? Was there anyone itwould point the finger at? I don't think so. Only point of letting a scum kill now would be to break this deadlock. And I think, it would probably be me, and we'd be right back where we started. Six-ish hours left. No posts for nearly twenty hours. Troi is doing triple duty, if scum. Riker's staying lowish profile, but nothing really other than that. Wesley keeps dodging a lynch. Fworg is getting excited, and the closer the chance of him or Wesley getting lynched is, the more he offers other targets. Probably innocently but could also be pre-prep for after a Wesley lynch. I'm almost tempted just to vote for Fworg. Wesley's putting a lot of eggs in one basket, if he's scum.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
Phone-posting, yes. I'll try and respond to Riker later, but first: @Hinckley It just now struck me - you made the first objectively scummy post all day. You yourself said that I/Riker are, the odd ones out. You've also pointed out Fworg's tunnel vision, and Wesley's focus on Fworg is self-admmited. I have floated the idea of a self-vote since I joined. Riker not so much - but I have voiced suspicion of him. And your plan floats knocking him off first, followed by either my being lynched voluntarily or not. I'd might be presumed to go along with a Riker vote, and then self-sacrifice. But where does that leave you? As the swing vote between two people with tunnel vision. The perfect place for a scum win.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
My gut says a Troi/Wesley/Fworg standoff will end in a Town loss. If it comes down to it, I don't have any problems being lynched, other than being tired of dying every game. Riker would provide more answers, at least for me, than mine(I just realised typing that out how obvious an observation it was), but I know I'm town, and I don't feel like wasting a day defending myself if Riker comes up as town.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
I wanted to keep the letter of the promise - casting a first vote - and Wesley had already voted Fworg. I was not sure whether I found Fworg or Wesley more guilty, so I un-voted. You mentioned it Day One and Two, not (that far) Three. I made a note. Fworg was active the same days, but had not yet posted- MIA. As I said before, he's a perfect middle - although his poat have heated up in intensity today. I'm laying things out as I think of them. (Can't PM, so I laid it here.) You had proposed a scum night kill, as a test. I went over the options - as I saw them - of who could safely kill who, without suspicion. Only common thread was that everyone could probably get away with killing me, without drawing any scrutiny. Thus, it wouldn't shed any light, but would leaves us one townie down. Waste of a dead townie. Like Data, I'd rather be lynched than a wasted scum kill.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
If this is a set-up on me(can't be Riker, he's been zeroing in on me), not a good one. Why "desparate"? You and Wesley are yanking at each other's throats. I'm sitting back saying I'm finding everyone sketchy. I promised Data I would for one of you(and I did)(letter of the law) and I intend to place a final vote on one of you(spirit), but I have no interest in rushing, and I imagine Data would forgive me breaking the spirit, if it led to a Town victory. This comes off more as projecting emotions for the sake of setting up a future lynch, then sleuthing.
Star Trek 2 Mafia - Day Four
Vote to extend. As a thought experiment. I decided to make a list of possible night targets for each of us, if we were scum. Troinckley: Picard, Fworg, Riker(Wesley is too high profile.) Wesley: Riker(Fworg is too high profile, Troi causes confusion, and I'm not as hard on him as old Picard) Riker: Picard, Fworg(Troi/Wesley lovefest allows him to stay shadowed) Fworg: Picard, Riker(See above, R. T/W) Picard: Fworg? Not really anyone I can imagine myself safely axing. Wesley seems to stand up for me - I've mentioned Troi, but I suppose I could pull him off, but, then what? Fworg would take a day of lynching, and I'm the only one looking at Riker, so in a Wesley/Riker/me standoff, Wesley would probably flip Riker. I agree with Troi that a scum kill could be informative, except that looking over the list, it, would almost certainly be me. I'm the easiest name to knock off, for everyone except maybe Wesley. Unless he knocks me off as a twist, because why would he kill the person that's interceded for him?
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