Everything posted by GallardoLU
One Word At A Time Story
- Star Wars vs. Marvel Contest
Let's make Bat-Pod happen!
although there is a limit of 75 for any given state, the odds of actually hitting that limit are very slim, everyone in the US is still going against the rest of the US. after all 75 for 1 state would be is 15% of the sets (15% of the 500), and since California is the most populated state at 12% of the US population they statistically still wont reach the 75 limit. as for our European friends, your odds are much harder to generalize. after all your entries are based solely on purchasing sets, and DC ones specifically this will dramatically lower the number of entries to compete against relative to the number those of us in the US are going up against. which probably explains why they adjusted the quantities in the way that they did.
Guess that movie!
Fairly sure this is Limitless, Lucy was Scarlet Johansson.
Let's make Bat-Pod happen!
I'm fine with this being exclusive so long as the following happen: 1. the tires get used in more sets, I mean come on those are awesome tires and so for they are in a UCS set and a 750 limited set. we need more options to get those! and 2nd. someone has to share the instructions. (if I win I will be sure to do that if no one beats me to it)
- The Big Bang Theory Discussion
Advanced Models 10248 Ferrari F40: Discussion Topic
what if we've been lied to and its not a Ferrari at all! what if after all these months of waiting its a Merc E-class, or a Porsche boxster. I am setting myself up for the possibility its not the car we've been waiting for and for the possibility that which ever car its supposed to be wont look good. this way if I'm wrong I'm wrong in a way that makes me happy :)
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
Would you be open to changes in the minifig to make it more poseable?
Take a look at the Simpson figures, Bart, Apu, Homer, Snake, Milhouse, Willie, Comic book guy, Patty, Marge, Lisa, Martin prince, Itchy, Krusty, and Nelson. All have short sleeves (or at least 1 variant with short sleeves) there are also a few CMFs that have short sleeves now Carpenter, Genie Girl, Dino Tracker, and Pizza Guy. there may be others I haven't come across yet but not many, good news is that it will likely become more common as years go on.
LEGO Ideas Discussion
So excited for the marble Maze its been on my support list for so long now I had almost given up hope for it. and when it made review I refused to let myself think it might make it. there have been plenty of sets before it I love but none have made me as excited as the Marble Maze has (I didn't expect that) looking forward very much to the day I can get a copy (or 2) for myself!
One Word At A Time Story
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
size wise it ends up feeling a bit small, but that's really the only complaint I have with it. its a sold build, the interior has space enough to fit all the figures inside, and the Tie release system is honestly quite remarkable given the space available for it. over all as a set I'd rate it about equal to the newest AT-AT.
Iron Man vs. Thor
great build, i'd really like to see how you got Thor's arms in that pose, they can't be connected to a standard fig body like that. (also there is a rather long hair stuck in the bricks near Thor )
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I can confirm sets are out early, Wal-Mart near me most (not all oddly) of the new wave on shelves. I bought the Gozanti :)
WTT: My LEGO for your RC car or truck
if you are sticking to Traxxas the forums there are second to none for any issues you may come across. RC Universe is a good place to learn the ins and outs as well, and covers virtually every brand or vehicle, lots of knowledgeable people there.
- Episode VIII: Shaping the Odds
WTT: My LEGO for your RC car or truck
although I am not inclined to trade off my RCs I am curious what condition your looking for. as there tends to be 2 main types of RC owners (hobby level RC that is) Group 1. bashers, the kind of people who use the cars/trucks hard and break things often, these vehicles will have lots of replacement parts in them and are probably built to take a beating but will show signs of said beatings. and Group 2. showers, these are usually full of aftermarket parts across the entire vehicle and look fantastic, but likely represent a substantial amount of investment into the car/truck and are not usually for trade/sale and almost never cheaply. For example I am a basher, and my old EMAXX is currently in need of new shocks all around and I’m fairly sure I destroyed a motor last week. I’ve got replacement shock towers in and reinforced skid plates all around (among other replaced parts). Soon as I get it fixed up it will be good to go for another summer (probably). But it’s not pretty any longer; the shell is scratched all over the skid plates have shown they are being used. Oh, an important side issue to RC cars, Nitro cars require a tune fairly often to run their best and the exhaust is oily, you’ll want a garage or similar space you’re not concerned with getting dirty. Electrics won’t run near as long and the higher quality batteries recommend some rather expensive charging unites (not included with car/truck) but are generally much cleaner to work and play with. I recommend you go for an electric on the first one, and you are on the right track with TRAXXAS try and find a water-ready vehicle (Stampede, rustler, bandit) All that said it’s a great hobby, and one that I can’t wait to share with my own boy (when he is old enough, I don’t think it’s appropriate for a 2 month old )
Guess that movie!
Razi, these are more challenging when the image doesn't contain the answer in its name
What can be called a MOC?
Also along these lines are MODs kind of obvious what those are but in case it isn't they are simply official sets that have been altered and improved. the bulk of the model still being Lego design but usually finishing details improved. (if extensive changes were made some of these push into the realm of actual MOCs, this is the only grey area I can think of in our naming scheme)
Guess that movie!
I don't recognize that scene, but in an effort to keep the thread moving I'll guess "Jaws"
Best 6 wide modern vehicles?
well in that case I recommend heading over to MOCPages and doing searches for specific cars and to look for 6 wide versions. it is a slow process but im sure you can find the gems by switching to most popular. for example, this really nice VW Golf GTI (older model but GTI hasn't changed much overall) : it doesn't hold a fig yet, but could easily be changed to fit one. the bigger issue I think will be keeping an even scale across multiple cars. for example ER0L has a scale he tries to stick to, to help keep relative sizes in check. (im sure you've seen his works)
Best 6 wide modern vehicles?
so you are looking for cars like the Ford Focus, Chevy Cobalt, or VW Golf? I ask because I am unsure what other nations might consider an urban car. in the US basically any car can be a rural, or Urban car, utility vehicles included.
Guess that movie!
correct, your turn Corweena
Guess that movie!
OK, looks like its my turn :P so here ya go!
Guess that movie!
beat me too it, love that movie
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