Everything posted by GallardoLU
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- HELP! ! !
- HELP! ! !
Peter Capaldi for 2017 NTA
Eccleston - brought The Doctor back to us, his reign was short and quickly over shadowed by his replacement. Tennant - Was The Doctor, IS The Doctor, and will always be "my" Doctor. sure his episodes too had plot holes and silliness but it was his wrecklessness and passion that made him so much more than the others (for me) Smith - the good Doctor, perhaps to good, he was always the softy, a nice contrast to Tenant's version but this grew tired quick, add to the fact things got very weird leading to the end of the Amy and Rory era and it was easier to see him go. Capaldi - arrived with a bang, hope restored in The Doctor, then came the strange need he had to face every conflict imaginable, and wouldn't you know it they were happening on earth in present day more than any other time period. I lost interest in the show before the end of his first season. as stated above not his fault I loved his rough and abrasive take on the doctor just didn't enjoy the plots either (moon was an egg, creature upon birth immediately lays another egg... Huh!?! ) John Hurt - war Doctor, weary and tired but so amazingly well done, stole spotlight in the special (Day of The Doctor) in fact I would absolutely love to see a spin off of his efforts in the time war leading to the events of Day of The Doctor. (side: how fitting is it that a man named 'Hurt' was the one to play a role of a scared and defeated Doctor finding redemption) (EDIT: I just learned of John Hurts passing, at the age of 77, he was an amazing actor, and as Forresto below me has said really is the only one fore the War Doctor role. God Speed John Hurt)
- 2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
- 2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I can't believe people stealing figures from sets is still a thing
I actually agree with you here, so I guess I need to clarify my meaning. some stores near me have a dedicated "Clearance" aisle. this contains random things, often damaged goods or returned goods, that can't be priced back to it's "new" price. this is the aisle I was referring to avoid. I often see heavily damaged sets here (clearly opened at least once before) so I stay away from these. clearance items still in the normal Lego aisle I follow Phil's guidelines above.
WIP Portland firestation n°7
interesting station, would love to see pictures of the inside in its original form. do you know much of the Fire fighting history around this building? I'm curious to know what method they used to dry their hose after use, I don't see a hose tower which was the most common method from this era. as for the MOC it's coming along nicely, I imagine by now LDD is starting to fight you due to the model size you've got here. keep up the great work, i'm very curious to see this completed. what era of truck where you planning on building for this? something modern, or something more 1920/1930s to match the age of the building?
I can't believe people stealing figures from sets is still a thing
another thing to look out for is sets where the security device is distorting the box, not only does this hurt resell if you wish to do that it also very commonly splits the box open. meaning anyone can walk up, reach in, rip some bags open, and take what they want without bringing a single tool. most stores wont even look at a box with a security device on it, they just assume the device is stopping thieves because the box is still in the store. Also if there is a set you want and the ones on the shelves look... violated, ask if there is any stock in back. most employees wont even question the request and will get you a un shelved set (if they have one) you can also sometimes request to have a new shipping box opened in front of you (annoys the workers I'm sure, but if they agree then I guess they can't complain right?) this ensures that the set is in its best form and any flaw within the set is from the factory if any exists at all. lastly stay away from clearance aisle sets, most of these have been opened and returned and are not complete. the only time I buy these sets is if the price is really good and I plan to use it as a parts pack, and not build the model (price should 50% of original price or less)
Episode VIII title revealed
I'm fairly certain that the following will come to be true by the end of EPVIII. Luke will be the last Jedi (possibly die for one reason or another, probably to save Rey) Rey will NOT become Jedi, but she will be trained to use the force, she will hold to her passions (non-Jedi like) but will still fight for the good of all. a balanced individual. Kylo will continue to push towards the dark but will not be able to eliminate the light in himself, still wishing to become Sith like Vader was. the Resistance will have an early victory but ultimately the First Order will have the final (more impactful) victory of the film. Snoke will become over confident, setting up his fall in EPIX (also seriously how awesome is EPIX as an abbreviation for episode 9!)
- Expand the Winter Village Contest VII Voting
The UCS Hype. What will 2017 bring? (40th Anniversary)
Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter is actually a fantastic model, the problem with it is scale and the fact it is vastly over sized compared to every other ship we've seen. Naboo Starfighter is better scaled (still too big) but the model is not as well done in my opinion so i'd say Naboo is the worst of the UCS ships. then there are the busts, Yoda and Maul, neither one really is all that great but not having a modern comparison I'm not sure where to rate these.
[MOC] SC Koenigsegg Agera R
Nice return to the Agera, definitely has a Speed Champions flair to it, had you been able to submit this years ago in the SC contest I think the results may have been quite a bit different. (that said I do like the older style one best, and I too have been drifting away from SC style builds)
2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
to clarify, 75880 has had 2 names "Mercedes pit stop" and "McLaren road car" I get the impression that Lego and Mercedes changed the set to become the "flagship" of this year and forced a redesign and it got a new set number. and in response Lego likely still wants to release 4 introductory cars like the last 2 years have had. so they have added a McLaren to this years wave on short notice. this could explain why we've not heard of it till now, the name change, and no leak info as they were unable to pre-show it. i'm speculating of course and this all hinges on Lego actually releasing a set numbered 75880.
SWTOR Cantina
thought I'd give this a bump see who still plays (short list to begin with I know) also I've moved to "The Ebon Hawk" server for 95% of my time in SWTOR, I've still some toons in shadowlands but primarily i'm over on Ebon Hawk now, (Got into a really cool Jedi RP guild) if you want to catch me in game some time whisper either "Redlight" or "Magnar Luccien" (both Jedi) those are my most active toons at present.
2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
call it Speed Legends, could include cars like the F40, Miura, McLaren F1, and countless other cars from yesteryear. we've already seen the 1968/69 Camaro and GT40s, along with a 32 coupe hot rod, in the 2016 sets. i'm sure if the theme keeps going we'll see more of the older cars in time though.
- 2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
- 2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
- 2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Rogue One movie discussion thread
The below quote is in refferance to Dr Evazan and Ponda Baba in Jedha City I'd wager that they were already on the way off world when they encountered Jyn. meaning there was still the battle to fight, and being captured by Saw's guys, and transported by apparent foot to his hide out. a distance that would have taken an average person many hours to complete. giving them plenty of time to load up and jump off world without issue before the order was placed to evac the planet.
2017 Speed Champions Sets - Rumours and Discussion
interesting that they announced this now, in the midst of holiday shopping. usually announcements are 3-4 weeks or so before street dates (exception exist of course) that would put this set into the winter wave with the rest of the January releases. but speed champions are have been a March release so far. so the question obviously is... when will we see these on shelves? January based on the announcement timing? or March as all other indicators seem to be pointing?
"Extra pieces" in Death Star 2 (10143)???
I've actually experienced the "extra" doing it's job. often it is easy to predict which pieces you will have extras of due to shape, size, print. well one of the microfighters I got recently ended up having no extra 1x1 studs (black) left over at the end. was very surprised that I had used the exact right amount and it was highly unlikely that I lost it myself. conclusion: Lego failed to provide the appropriate number of parts needed and therefore the "extra" stepped in and became the required part. (I'm sure we've all done this without noticing but this case was an obvious one)
- Minifigure designs that get worse
[MOC] New airport shuttle monorail
very nice, I almost like the setup more than the monorail on it's own. life in the city feel to it. The train is nice and sleek and looks like it belongs with those modulars.
[Moc] Bugatti Chiron
going to repeat my sentiments from MOCpages (I know you are fazing that out) going to be the critic here and pick at this a little. the nose bothers me a bit having the 2 cheese wedges sticking forward past or equal to the "grill" (half round plate) while the real car the grill is the very front most detail. the sides are lacking the signature curve, but I have no solution for that to offer, your unique style and proportions just don't seem to be friendly to that particular detail. and lastly the tail feels long for this scale. all that said this is immediately recognizable as a Bugatti, and is a very sleek car. I'm sure you've exhausted options already on this and I'm always impressed with the details you achieve in such a small package. (not to mention each car you build makes me want to find time to build some new cars my self)
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