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Everything posted by GallardoLU

  1. Thanks, feel free to use this, credit is nice but not important as this is all just for fun anyway. My plan is to build the Cruisemissile Trooper this weekend and roll into the other deluxe guys after that (though I don't have them on hand like I did Boba Fett)And thanks also to Markus, Mahtion, and CheifPie!
  2. LEGO Classic Space fans, this may be something that you may want to add to your collection. Geeky Jerseys has a pretty sweet looking hockey-style jersey which features the Classic Space logo across the chest. The back has a Galaxy Explorer patch with the word Spaceman name. The arms also have a couple of patches as well. Both the Name, and the number can be customized. Web link: http://geekyjerseys.com/product.php?id=199
  3. Mandalorians if they are to call themselves as such must follow the RESOL'NARE(below) and honestly i try to do just that myself, and honestly making it work in our world is much easier than you might initially think. I imagine that any place Mando is mentioned could be replaced with any other group who is important to you. 1. I will defend myself and my family. - something i believe we all strive to do 2. All my children will be raised as Mandalorians (or as i see it, in my own faith). - really to me its to teach them Honor and Respect, and heritage 3. I will take pride in wearing clothing that represents my Mandalorian status. - to me this is never be ashamed of who you are as a person, or as a people 4. I will always speak Mando'a to other Mandalorians. - speak your faith with those that share it, and honor your past 5. I will help my aliit to succeed and sustain itself. - plain and simple, aliit is your family and friends, help others to succeed and you succeed yourself 6. I will answer the call of the Mand'alor. - obviously this one can't be followed as written, but i use it as a rule to all ways answer the call for assistance of those i hold respect for. i don't view this as a religion but more as a conscious choice to try and be the best i can be, I'm not a strong man physically but i think this guideline could make a willfully strong person out of any physique. Sabine Wren, then, as i see her is a rogue, and does not appear to be adhering to the lifestyle a Mando should. I'll give her a few episodes to try and say that opinion though.
  4. I've Been seeing people making great MOCs based Action figures from years gone by, and it cot me thinking about one from my yonger days (grew up in the 90s so not it's not as old as some of the one's i've been seeing but its a personal favorite. Deluxe Boba Fett: With Wing-Blast Rocket Pack and Overhead Cannon! yikes what a mouth full! well with out further ado here is my Minifig ready version of that wordy Rocket Pack: Retracted Wings: Wings Readied For Combat: Free standing Rocket pack: and reference pic of the Lego and Hasbro models: Hope you enjoyed that! next one i will be building is the Imperial CruiseMissile Trooper!
  5. I've been to the troy store several times, and it sounds to me like you got caught at an off season. when I was there in June, the minifig kiosk was really diverse, I remember seeing knights, clowns, firefighters, and almost everything from the Lego Movie Collectable figs. the wall at the time was very "Friends" heavy though. your gauge on the employees was spot on, very helpful, and friendly.
  6. sums it up nicely for me, and honestly I don't like her, I just want a Pink Mando armor . and she happens to be the one to bring it to us. (Pink is a great color, why it is relegated as feminine, I will never understand)
  7. So far I’m only looking at: Shadow Troopers Sabine Wren Azure Angel T-16 (maybe) ITT (maybe) Hailfire slim maybe, but the prelim model doesn’t have the “wheels” on it yet, just 2 giant clear pieces.
  8. very true, though to be fair to Lego, the Rogue Shadow is 65 meters long, that's 20 more than Millennium Falcon.... so getting it at Minifig scale was never going to happen. I've wanted to do a large build for quite a long time. maybe I tackle Rogue Shadow.... (58inches long at minifig scale, that's longer than the SSD, and wider than UCS MF.... oh boy! )
  9. GallardoLU replied to MrLee's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    honestly all the flaws in 7259 are fixed in 8088, but in place are new flaws. best version will be a modded one with the best elements of both combined. (canopies from 8088, engines from 7259, printed window from 7259, and which ever base chassis you like best)
  10. close, they all carry the Disney Logo, but not all have the Rebels logo, Geonosis Troopers, Skyhoper, Azure Angel, and Hailfire, do Not have Rebels logo. (might be others too but didn't feel like checking all of them)
  11. its only a guess but I think the rules thrown out by Disney on EU based products has something to do with it. anything that was in development can go forward, but nothing new. therefor, Lego (among others) will likely push out what ever EU products they might have been holding to get what they can out of the time invested. along with that Disney probably gave companies a time limit to release things from the EU. but I'll take it any way I can get it :)
  12. OK, this is the only comment (in this thread) i will give on the subject of what is relevant to star wars. Star Wars is a Universe full of stories, the films follow the story of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. But the thing about star wars is, its massive its a realm where there are more stories to tell than any one film could dream to capture. (George Lucas himself acknowledged this too) "After Star Wars was released, it became apparent that my story—however many films it took to tell—was only one of thousands that could be told about the characters who inhabit its galaxy. But these were not stories I was destined to tell. Instead they would spring from the imagination of other writers, inspired by the glimpse of a galaxy that Star Wars provided. Today it is an amazing, if unexpected, legacy of Star Wars that so many gifted writers are contributing new stories to the Saga." so some of you may only care for Mr. Lucas' glimpse of the Universe and that's fine, enjoy it, I do. but there is so much more to Star Wars, and that's what makes it so amazing. and its in that "so much more" where the EU lives including TOR Era, and many back stories of characters from the films. Boba Fett, a fan favorite world wide, is as far as the films reveal, is a near silent Hunter wearing unique and damaged armor, and one who brings fear to the rebels, and the son of Jango a man that for all we know is just another man with similar armor as Boba Would use. that rally is all the films tell us. the CW series has opened that back story up and is Canon, so we know that he really is Mandalorian and a clone of Jango, and all the rest. but there are many people who don't like the CW or the PT and live only in the 3 films, and its a shame. we all want more stories and more adventures in the Star Wars universe, so why would any fan shun a part of it or be so willing to dismiss the stories preceding and following the films? i cant understand that logic, that's like living on an island and the only thing about the world that you love and know is what you can see from the shore and never caring or knowing what lies just past the horizon. now all that said, we are off topic and i'd rather not continue to drift further away, if anyone feels the need to continue, i'll be more than happy to continue the discussion here --> http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22725
  13. Yeah, there are quite a few things that are missing from the films. Being an EU fan makes desires for sets tougher. I would prefer if there was 1 set per wave from EU. After that all the rest could be OT.
  14. for a man who has spent years fiddling with the Neo Crusader Armor designs, trying to make a game accurate Set for myself (still not happy at all with my creations), a Neo Crusader Battle pack would be the greatest thing Lego could ever do! i would personally buy $200+ worth of them! also on the TOR era mando's how insulting was it that in 4 sets not 1 bounty hunter or Mando was made! I did manage to create Shea Vizla though. Used Helm, Jet pack, and Chest from Arealight, and legs are from Iron Patriot. (sorry about image size) http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp215/SilverSnoDrift/ShaeVizla.jpg
  15. it isn't over till its over. currently we have equal numbers of builds on across all planets, we also have an additional 10 points over them (we have 25 points from planets they have 15) granted its not looking great at the moment we still have time to swing the tides.
  16. Yeah, I knew the sets all happened before Disney took over (I didn’t list Revan, but he must have been pre planned, as I’m sure he was after that announcement) I hadn’t realized that they shut down products from the Legends lines, that’s a much bigger blow to Star Wars than I had realized. at least I still have SW:TOR as a source of still expanding media in the EU realm (they should really just Canonize The Old Republic, it’d would be a great place for their EU to start from as it has a huge fan base already)
  17. keep in mind we have received popular EU things in the past. The Old Republic (~3000 years BBY) and there was the Rouge Shadow, the TIE Tank, TIE Defender, Imperial V-Wing, and a few others. so EU/Legends always has a chance of making it to a set, though odds are greatly reduced. (I should note the Disney takeover may have changed that, though we don't know in what way)
  18. apparently an employee at a Lego store mentioned to a person on the forums here that they were expecting a large display for January and it was "death star sized" very vague and full of hearsay. so take it or leave it that's where things started from.
  19. something that I just noticed and applies to everyone using a boarder. on builds this size, 16x16 space is very limited and that lovely boarder eats into that space quite a significant amount personally i'd like to see that space used to expand the build even further. consider that in the outer ring of the 16x16 box is 60 studs! out of only 256, nearly 25% of the building space. now, all of that said, I love the build the scene is great and the building is wonderful, but how much better could it be if it had been just that little bit bigger? hard to know but I would like to find out
  20. Well those images took the shadow troopers and the ITT from "might get one of each... maybe.." to "will be buying as many as my bank account can handle"
  21. I only have 2 issues with Disney throwing out the EU. First is it leaves the door open for them to change everything we know about some popular characters and potentially ruin them. with new stories coming out all without regard to existing stories, I fear characters like Boba Fett will get the Vader treatment and have back stories that are all wrong with who they have been for the past 20-30 years. And the Second issue (and the far lesser one) is that "Legends" stories and characters will be far less likely to make it onto/into merchandise.As to the enjoyment of pre-existing EU books/games/comics I agree, there is nothing at all stopping me enjoying them, I’ve still got several books I’ve not even had time to read, but the Legends tag won’t stop me doing just that.
  22. I'd guess Ewoks have another year solid (probably 2) and the 5 month old sandcrawler will likely last till 2018, these are just guesses based on the recent trend of UCS lasting longer than the old 2 year lengths. but really we wont know for quite a long while.
  23. Fox, an interesting comment was left on your kickstarter. the idea being you outsource some of the work and parts. people could sign up to build sections (or sub structures) and send the resultant builds to you. I know these sorts of builds have tons of trial and error in them, but it could be a novel and fun way to get bricks and help in a mighty large endeavor. if you should decide this option is viable for you I'd be willing to help through this. And as others have said this is just fantastic! the SSD is an amazing vessel and one that deserves this sort of epic recreation.
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