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FatalT 71

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. WWE

    FatalT 71 replied to Gremer's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I do enjoy the video games, but the product on TV? Not really. I'm more of an old school fan that enjoys the older NWA and WWF stuff from the 80s and early 90s. I watched up until around 2006, then just lost interest. Nothing I've seen since has given me any more reason to watch further.
  2. Take my money! Christmas is my favorite holiday, and this set is exactly what I've wanted for a holiday display/decoration. I will be buying this ASAP.
  3. Check your order status. I got no confirmation email or ship notice, but my Exo-Suit and ISD apparently shipped today.
  4. Well said. That is exactly what I took away from the movie. I have to admit that the live action part does replay in my head whenever I see my kids looking at my LEGO - instead of aggressively shooing them away now, I tend to let them look at and touch the toys for a bit before steering them back to their own toys.
  5. Of all the Transformer movies, this one was probably less bad than the second and third, mainly because Shia LeBeouf wasn't in it. Despite the usual incoherent plots going all over the place and blatant product placement shoveled all over you, I actually thought the cast for this particular movie was much better than what we've had in the past. John Goodman as Hound, Kelsey Grammer, Stanley Tucci, Titus Welliver, and Mark Wahlberg made the movie much more palatable than its predecessors. It was particularly nice to see Frank Welker as the voice of Galvatron (for the two or three lines he had, anyway). I was surprised to see Optimus get a bit of character development, didn't expect that to happen. But in the end, despite some good points, it was still more of the same from Michael Bay. If any are wondering why I would fork over the cash to see this dreck, well, it's because my wife (also a big Transformers fan) and I enjoy watching these movies MST3K style and having a good laugh at them! We are both of the opinion that if the actual Transformers were made the primary characters and humans relegated to a supporting role, these movies would improve. Oh, and getting a writer and director that have the first idea about the property would help too, not hacks who throw in useless fanwank every now and then.
  6. Ordered the new ISD yesterday, very excited to get it and build it!
  7. Got in on an Exo-Suit and an ISD. When I tried to buy the first time, it didn't give me the free shipping or VIP points, even had me in the wrong country! So I closed my browser, waited five minutes and tried again. Went through normally the second time though I haven't received a confirmation email yet. Order still shows on the shop though, so I reckon I'm good.
  8. That IGN footage is absolutely epic. Cannot wait to play this now, especially the retro level!
  9. That DC picture has me drooling...the possibility of owning any or all of those minifigs is very exciting! Particularly Red Tornado!
  10. Glad to be here! Got back into the LEGO hobby last year after picking up the Superman/Lex Luthor set last year and couldn't stop...even got my wife in on it. All I had to say was "Ninja Turtles" and soon she was hooked along with me.
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