Everything posted by rexusprime
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
How come ultron prime and sub ultron soldier look totally alike except the red lights but in lego form they look totally different? Edit: never mind I just realised they have the same face just this neck thing is different Where's the truck driving at? Why is black widow shooting Iron Man? Is Vision swinging out or in the truck? If he's swinging out how could he grab the rope if he was in the truck? If he's swinging in the truck what was he thinking? Like is there a good reason to just swing in the truck? And why does he even need a rope?! He's freaking Vision! He can fly! A lot of things are wrong with this picture. Edit: I'm sorry for quoting pictures which can be found on the exact same page. My tablet doesn't offer me the option to not quote them. Edit by WhiteFang: Removed images with deeplinks. Please take note of not quoting it again, Thanks.
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
[MOC] An All-Terrain Dewback-Transport (AT-DT)
@dansto There´s something wrong with the file...can´t open it
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but what country is the lego Star Wars reviewer solidbrixstudios from?
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
[MoC] Marvel Civil War!
Lovely little moc! Captures the scene perfectly. Unfortunately they're not going to use the original civil war storyline
Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
I think they're going with Doctor Strange in 2016 (a magic theme is better than a Cap movie about government and so on) GoTG in 2017 (even If I'd like Black Panther sets better) Avengers Part 1 in 2018 and Avengers Part 2 in 2019 Having a 2part movie is new in the superhero theme so I'm not sure what they're gonna do about it. Maybe we get 2movie waves in 2018. If so I'd really enjoy Inhumans sets! <3BlackBolt<3
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
Lego Super Heroes Instagram
Is anyone interested in creating a Lego Super Heroes Instagram account with me? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this question here so please tell me a topic where I can.
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- Marvel Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hey guys! Do the Rebels mini figures have the same style as the OT and PT ones? I know they don't have big eyes like TCW but do they match with normal mini figures?
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