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Eurobricks Ladies
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  1. Ho ho ho! Beware of the terrible Lady Esther of Tortsborough!!! Lady Esther of Tortsborough by fujiia, on Flickr Read who she is by clicking the pic! ;-)
  2. Here goes another. Meet Hector, the turtle that was a frog, or the frog disguised as a a turtle. Actually, if you must know, Hector is 100% genuine turtleness! Hector - The Turlte That Was a Frog par fujiia, sur Flickr When standing up straight, Hector is exactly 8x8 studs wide (green dish being largest part).
  3. Well, here goes, Signorina Pink'n'yellow Pink&Yellow TinyTurtle par fujiia, sur Flickr
  4. fujiia replied to fujiia's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Thanks for your welcome :D Ah oui, à quel sujet? Je peux peut-être transmettre.
  5. fujiia posted a post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hello, name is Laure It's been a little over two years now that I've sunken back into Lego. As a child, I only played with Lego when I was very young, Probably stopped around 6 or 7. Fabuland was the only theme I absolutely adored. Today I am a major Friends fan and try to be as active as possible in the FriendsBricks community. Being neither a tomboy nor a princess (or maybe I'm both), my engagement with this community is a personal matter of political activism. We organize events for kids with my local LUG (Brick66) and I have heard too many parents say of course, their daughter has never touched a Lego brick, Lego is for boys! Let's try to fix this widespread ignorance. I am mostly a builder, although I've written a few reviews as well. Additionally, I am trying to figure out how I can mix Lego with other media, such as photography. I never signed up on Eurobricks because it seemed too big of a community for me, too overwhelming, but I realize I've missed out on a lot of cool contests. Whether they're prize winning or not, contests are a great way to keep your creativity running and go beyond your comfort zone. I'd rather be outside than in on my free time during the summer, but I'm hoping to come up with a few little tiny turtles before summer is out. You can find me on Flickr as fujiia That's all folks, I'll answer any questions you may have cheers
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