- Are all LEGO Themes connected?
What's up euro bricks?
Ideas for town moc
Thank you all! I will start building and post some pictures when I'm done.
Ideas for town moc
Thank you laka. I am currently building modular buildings.
MOC: Modular Curry Station
Love the interior.
- MOC - Bakery
- Winter Village 2014 - New diorama
Ideas for town moc
Ideas for town moc
Ok eurobricks I need your help! Recently I bought a green baseplate to build a town on. So far I have a coffee shop, a park and road/sidewalk. But I have no idea what kind of stores to build! Would love some help and pictures of what they would sell, etc. for example if it was a tool shop a picture of like a power tool you made. thanks in advance! -Lazorapple
What's up euro bricks?
Hi euro bricks! I've been reading your post for some time and decided to register. I make mocs watch tv and live in Canada. Loved lego ever since I got my first set and just couldn't stop collecting from that point on. Love the site and hope to post more! -LazorApple
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