MOC: Hill Valley Clock Tower
Wow! Only one comment I'm surprised... -LddBuilder
MOC: Hill Valley Clock Tower
This is a WIP, The reason I used some colorful bricks was, I ran out of black 1x2 slope bricks. More images on my Youtube channel; Gumbo777productions
Lego Town Contest
You have to build a 32 by 32 MOC with BTTF, Space Police, etc. -Dan
Lego Town Contest
Today I've decided that I want to host a contest. 1st place gets 2 collectible minifigures. 2nd place gets 1 series 1 collectible minifigure. There is no 3rd place. Post votes and ballots in the comments. - Dan
Vote for your favourite Category A entries
42) Lifeguard Entry (Build by The Soup Nazi) - 2 Points. Fantastic Work! 31) Surfer Entry (Build by mookage) - 1 Point. Awesome!
Too Much, Too Modern?
Wow! Realistic details! How long did it take you to make it????? XXXXXXXXTheLddBuilderXXXXXXXX
Grand Emporium Caption Contest
MOC: Pizza Place
MOC: A day in Brickston
Ok this is an MOC of my dream that I had last night, ___________________________________________________ In my dream I woke up in the morning and went to watch some TV, then the coffee table caved in, then I ran out of my house. ___________________________________________________________________ These are some pictures of the part where I ran out of my house
MOC: lego Camper with car
Ok, so I built this on LDD universe mode. Here is a picture of the camper: There is no interror yet, so I photoshoped the picture to look like a leco city set for 2011. The car is MOC of the smart car. There are no minifigures with my set.
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