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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by nerdsforprez

  1. Thxs for the response. I am in the US so we don't get all the deals you guys do on amazon in Europe. But, that being said, I really don't mind buying from Lego.com or stores. I like the points program and I always get several little goodie sets along with it. I know alot of folks like the discounted approach, but the GWP on a 200 plus set usually end up worth 25-30 bucks and the points add a few more.
  2. Not to mention when you are just building the official sets you really aren't a builder. Not a creator. You are just an assembler. They are different. Assembling something gets boring over time. It could be the most complicated machine in the world and it would still get boring over time.
  3. I find all the comments about money somewhat amusing. We just had another thread talk about paid vs. unpaid instructions from AFOLs, and it was obvious there folks were reluctant to pay AFOLs for instructions created. Pay even a fraction of what Lego sets costs (I get it is for pieces only) . Again, they complained about $$. Hobbies cost money folks. And I dare say Lego is one of the cheaper options for adults. Sure, there are cheaper ones. I hunt for fossils along with building. Costs me pretty much nothing other than gas and other travel expenses. But there are much, much more expensive options. Seems to me that part of the issue, is us. We should, along with all our skepticism towards TLG, look internally. Here is an idea. If you don't like official sets, and you don't feel you have the time, talent or abilities to build amazing builds then go to rebrickable and find a MOC from an AFOL to build. Sure, you have to build up an inventory of parts... and yes, that still costs money, but serious AFOLs often already have a good parts selection. I find it somewhat contradictory that many complain about the costs of sets, but you can get the instructions for much better builds on RB for 15-20 bucks USD (I get it not a direct comparison b/c one must have the collection) and people then complain about the instructions not being free. Amazing to me. Are we as AFOLs too cheap? Not a popular take... but I'm afraid it must be asked.
  4. Very cool crane and idea. I think the "mini" title fits perfectly. Even though it is >1000 pieces it is mini to scale of the actual beast. I have several builds on my to-do list right now but I wouldn't be surprised if I return to this and build it sometime!
  5. If this is the case, which I and many others agree with, then the more appropriate question to this thread would be "What is happening to the Technic audience" rather than "what is happening to Technic" Just like the fan of any sport or hobby, we tend to think our needs and desires is what the team or company is targeting. When in fact, it is not. We are small fish in a large pond, and I think that most who gripe about Technic trends forget that....
  6. Agree with everything you said before, however, this is the point that I see things differently than others it appears. The Technic team is putting in A work IMO. Here is why. They understand the assignment. The assignment is to sell sets. Not to produce the most mechanically sophisticated sets. Most are confusing this distinction. That is why we have all these complaints. I don't care for the sets at all. I like the parts. If I want a mechanically sophisticated or accurate builds then I build them. And that is not some weird flex or something. I am one of the LEAST talented or knowledgeable builders on here. But honestly, even I understand this distinction. We get pages and pages of complaints on sets that are like <500 pieces, where the advertisements are done with 14 year olds, and we here as adults are on this site griping about them? I dont mean to be insensitive, I get there was once a heyday where more sophisticated sets were built, but com'on, this simply does not make sense to me. Agreed. Many of the new elements are for show. Not necessarily for mechanical or technical aspects of a build. But wouldn't you agree some are? The new flip flop beams open an explosion of possibilities alone. Almost like a punctuated equilibrium model. This piece alone could afford a re-do of many sets in completely different ways. Last few years we have seen an explosion of transmission parts as well. So many opportunities. Also the swashplate from the Airbus H175 set. It is not 100% accurate, granted, but such an interesting element(s) that I don't even think the AFOL community has fully tapped into yet.
  7. Lego sets are becoming worse, but Lego is pumping more and more novel elements out. And the crappy sets are selling better than ever allowing us as AFOLs to have collections tens of thousands of elements large. Upshot, sets are becoming worse while MOCing opportunities are improving. If you build to have shelf queens, then yea, the hobby is degrading. If you are building to actually build and not just assemble then the hobby is on the up and up. Honestly, I don't get why everyone is so upset.
  8. Don't mean to be the jerk here but why create a post for this? Anyone who answers is just going to go and do what the OP should be doing. Open your preferred web browser and research.
  9. Yea, mine was also needing more weight than the ~336 grams recommended in the book. But if you replace the 16T gear with a 24T gear you get the added torque and therefore can keep the weight ~ 300 grams. I found this to be the best solution. Less weight and stress on the overall clock mechanisms. WHen I did this the whole thing ran just fine...
  10. TY for the reply. I tinkered with it all last night. I finally found that changing the gear that holds the chain from a 16T gear to a 24T gear, thus increasing the torque, I could decrease the weight a bit. Placed less strain on everything. Worked perfectly. Ran it for a whole hour not with a single stop. Works great now. Eager to play with things more and try some of your other mechanisms out.
  11. I have also ordered the book and built the simple clock. What a treat! QUestion for you, does yours work well? Mine works for a few seconds, but then stops. Also, not sure i used the correct length for the pendulum. The book states the pendulum should be around 9.8 inches, but also shows it as 3 15L liftarms, which is more like 16 inches. How long is your pendulum? And did you use the exact weight recommended in the book?
  12. I don't see how paying for something precludes the payee obtaining joy. This is a flaw with modern consumerism, and doesn't reflect the reality for all people. I enjoy paying for goods and services that carry good value. I enjoy paying a good tip at a good restaurant that I received good service. I recently made a purchase at our farmer's market this morning. I enjoyed giving the couple my money for the wonderful food they grow. I am interested in mutually beneficial things. I gain by the goods/services others provide, and they benefit from the money I give them. Mutual. Reciprocal. Obtaining stuff free is a flawed and even pathological social relationship. Even if initially enjoyed, eventually it will burn out. I am not sure why so many people cling to it. If one's joy is dependent on obtaining something while the other party receives nothing I recommend examining this relationship
  13. This indeed is a great model. Is it still put together? Even if there there were pictures of is construction / deconstruction I am sure folks could re-engineer it. Do you have any more pics of its construction? If still put together, when/if you do take it apart, could you take some pics of it at its various stages? Great job btw....
  14. Okay,,, just seeing this thread. Few questions I have, and sorry about the noobishness. I haven't played the Lego points/insider game for a while. If there is a GWP that I like now, if I make two separate purchases will I get two GWP? Scenario - I plan on buying two Milky way sets, each over the threshold of obtaining the current GWP (books are my passion). So, if I make two separate purchases will I get two separate GWP sets?
  15. So, another question for the group.... Wow... I have been out of the game for too long!! I see on the insider points page that there are all sorts of free gifts one can buy with their insider points. But the one I am looking at "World of Wonders" is out of stock. Anyone know if these come back in stock with time, like regular sets do?
  16. The Milky Way set. I want to buy at least 2 and make a larger version. Perhaps even add another color. I also think there is some modifications that could improve it. While I love the darker blue at the bottom and off to the right, I think adding some above to the outer most ring would look great as well. Yea, I think you are right about the GWP. I just missed out on the P1 Logo GWP, which is a same. Not excited about the current GWP, so I will wait. I could have swore I saw a 3x points offer before, but don't quote me on it. Thxs for your response. Good point. Used to buy often, not so much anymore. But I'll look for the next GWP I like. Milky way set. Mentioned this already, but I want to buy two and create a larger, more detailed one
  17. So it has been a long time since I have bought an actual set. Long time member, and I have built up quite a collection, and I mostly MOC. But there is a set I want to actually buy! So fairly excited. Reason for this post is that I don't know anymore the best time to buy. WHen 2x or 3x points are given, or when the best time for bonus sets is. Thoughts?
  18. TY for the response. I deleted the whole app, then re-downloaded it. Ran the firmware update again and it worked. Thanks!
  19. Hello Everyone - Looks like there is at least some chatter on this thread for troubleshooting BuWizz problems. I own BW 2.0 and it is telling me that I need a firmware update. When I press the red icon for "update firmware" nothing happens. 5th line down, right after "waiting for BuWizz 2 to restart... it just stays in "connecting..." mode. The BuWizz unit is just blinking red lights. ANy advice?
  20. Yup. Agreed. But for paddle shifters, just based on basic hand ergonomics, I don't see any variability in how paddle shifters can even work, unless the "opposing implementations" mean they aren't even paddle shifters. I.e. like the center console shifter... But it does bring up a good question that I hadn't even considered for the Lego cars. Are these supposed to work like the real thing in that the shifting is pulling and not pushing? I dunno...
  21. we are talking about paddle shifters. Not central shifter, which are very different. Just basic ergonomics don't really lend themselves to "pushing" the paddles, at least as I understand it. When one drives, palms are facing driver. Hand muscles are stronger, and more refined, when pulling fingers towards oneself as opposed to flaying them outwards. Of course I could push the shifters by reorienting the hands, like if you were pushing something aways from you, .... but obviously that does not work as it takes additional time to take hand off steering wheel, reorient, etc... As I mentioned, our family has both a crappy, old car (2011 hyundai sonata) and a modern sports car (2024 M2). Both are "pull" in terms of using paddle shifters...
  22. ? Is the P1 different than all other cars? I have an old hyundai sonota. Gears change by pulling. Gave that to my kid. Now I have one of the new M2s. Pull. "pushing" makes no sense. I believe it is pull. Actually... I am editing my response. For Lego, perhaps it is push.. but that is not how it is in real cars. In real cars, gears change by pulling on the paddle shifters...
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