Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
why did your set get cancelled?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
when do you guys think that r2 (10225) will go eol? After reading reviews and seeing the box in person, I really want this thing bad! I'm hoping it will be around for some time, but I honestly have no idea. So what do you guys think? I'm hoping to get it if lego offers double vip points in the coming months.
Experience Buying LEGO from Toy-a-rama?
Does anyone have any experience shopping at toy-a-rama(.com)? I wanted to know if they are a good/reputable site for buying lego star wars as they seem to have certain items in stock that can't be found elsewhere and if they had a good reputation I could place an order with them for hard to find items. Thanks
- shipping time
I suppose I could, I just didn't really feel like doing it. Maybe I'll give them a call
- shipping time
Alright the only thing that concerned me was that I didn't receive an order confirmation email for either of the two orders but I do get other emails from Lego ID and the lego shop so I'm not sure why I didn't get those emails. And another thing I think it said that I won't get billed until the orders are shipped to me, is that true?
- shipping time
Alright thanks guys that makes me feel pretty good! And one more thing I kind of have to do some searching on the Lego website to find my orders since they are backordered, is this normal? The orders are not in plain sight and I didn't get an email confirming either of the orders so I was wondering if that was normal as well. And will I hear from Lego once the orders are shipped? Thanks guys
- shipping time
Hello everyone,so I placed an order on a couple days ago for a Lego death star 10188 and yesterday for an Exo suit. At the time of order for both items they had been listed as out of stock but had an expected shipping date. My question is how good is Lego at shipping items out by their expected date? Do they usually get them out by that date or are they usually late shipping them? Thanks
I meant that the sets don't hold together anymore. sorry about the confusing wording, I couldn't think of a way to phrase it!
Hello everyone, I have a decent sized (to me) collection of star wars legos. All of these are old ( roughly 8 years or so) but all still assembled and on display. Over the years they have been collecting dust and now they appear dirty from years of sitting there. A lot of these sets are really fragile and seem to creak and crumble when I move them or pick them up. I was wondering if there was anything that could be done to fix this. I've done some reading and wondered if taking them apart, washing all the pieces (with just warm water) and reassembling them after they had dried would be the best course of action if I wanted to fix this problem. So have any of you tried this and how effective is it in fixing the fragile state of the sets and/or the color?? Thanks in advance
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
nice, ordered the exo suit as well! although I am quite surprised that its already out of stock! when I ordered it this morning it said it was expected to ship august 14th and now it just says out of stock on the website, wow.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Just ordered the death star 10188 on! so excited for it, too bad I won't see it for a couple weeks. It was a lot of money I'm hoping I won't get buyer's remorse!
Retired Set Value?
After reading your post I definitely agree with you! Looking at it from this perspective really helped me out because I was really torn on what to do with some of these sets, but after reading this I agree that I should just buy them and not worry about trying to resell them later on. Besides, I'd rather spend my money on more sets that I can build now so that was very helpful! Aside from star wars sets I'm looking to buy an exo suit set and dark knight tumbler (but that's for another forum!)
Retired Set Value?
which jabbas palace are you referring to? the original one (4480) or the newer one (9516) and also do you guys think that any of the clone wars sets will be worth money eventually?
Retired Set Value?
Thanks for the response! Very informative and I'll keep it in mind when looking for new sets. Somehow I never managed to buy the original death star! So that's going to be my next lego star wars purchase (very excited!) hopefully I can still find it somewhere as I've realized they are disappearing rather quickly. I wish I had an extra chunk of change to save that one because i feel like that one might be worth quite a bit in about a year or so
Retired Set Value?
First of all I would like to introduce myself to everyone here in the forum as I am new here! My name is Zach and I'm from the US! I used to be obsessed with Lego star wars sets as a kid and still have all of them on display in my room. I have been slacking on the collection of these sets the past few years as my dad used to fund my lego addiction. But alas, the day came that he no longer would. So now that I am capable of funding this myself, I am looking to get back into it (once I find more space to put them! ) Anyway my question is do all retired sets go up in value? I ask because I was wondering if it would be worth it to pick up an extra of each set that I buy and keep it sealed in hopes that I would one day see a return on my investment. I obviously wouldn't waste my time on little $10 sets but what about ones in a little higher price range such as $60-$120 range? So do all sets go up in value, or just certain ones that are the most popular (like UCS sets) ? Any input is appreciated and I would like to say thanks in advance for any responses!
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