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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. @sdotcarter! Now it works! I http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=549335
  2. @sdotcarter: Here are some more pics. Was not so easy for a beginner ;)http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=447329Now there is only one pic from 8 or 9 uploaded ones left
  3. Today I want to introduce my Unimog mod. It is very similar to Stefans blue one and he helped me a lot to finish it with ldd files and tipps. So it is time to say thank you very much Stefan!The tires are from Ansmann (bought in Austria at "Der Schweighofer")The model is fully RC controlled, the bed moves in three directions.Two pneumatic pumps and a air tank are responisble for the air to move the bed and the equipment.The springs are a little bit harder than the original one but unfortunatley they are still too soft. Now I am working on the winter equipment.
  4. The Ford County is cool. Never heard of it before!
  5. Great! I like the drift sequence with a lego Chassis. And the complete car is superb. A few years ago I saw a stratos live at a rallye for historic cars. And when I was a child a had a stratos with a spring pull back motor.
  6. As I heard and it sounds quiet logical it ist a question of stability, cause of the same size of the wheels. Look at the MB trac. The "nose" is also a bit longer but not so extrem like the Dutra. The pic of the instruction was only an example. Unfortunatley it is not for free
  7. I made a small version of the old set 8859. The piston motor, the steering and the lift is working. The scale ist 3:4.
  8. I have a complete instruction. Partlist included, presentation included. It should be easy to rebuild and also not too expensive. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pr80sgmbm1wboiq/Bild10.jpg?dl=0
  9. Here a link to wiki to explain what it is. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutra_D4K
  10. Hey folks. Today I would like to present a MOC of a tractor. This is an oldtimer tractor DUTRA D4K. It has an 4cylinder serial-engine, permanent 4 wheel drive, swinging front axle, steering, two solenoids with the same pole allows a damping of the seat, there is a lifting a lifting unit and a power take off on the rear side. I built a water cooler a battery a fuel tank and a compressoer. The hood and the roof can be opened.
  11. Hello Stefan! Besides the of course very informing pictures in brickshelf I want to ask you if it is possible to get some mor pics of your unimog. I´m trying to rebuild it since a week. It would be very helpful to get an overview about the size and some "internal" details like the double air pump and the realising of the drive.The biggest secret for me is how to achieve the dipping in three directions.
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