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About SarahJoy

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    AFOL interested in learning to be a better builder.


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    United States
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  1. Best of luck with the reno and that 8 week timeline!
  2. I agree. Nearly any of us could be featured for this!
  3. Nice little build! I love the action and minifig posing.
  4. You're showing a lot of improvement! I think the decision to focus on quality rather than size was a good one.
  5. Gorgeous build! The scale and detail is impressive!
  6. I'be been enjoying the weekly selection of builds. Other ideas I like: - featured builders - tutorials / featured techniques - AoM (say, a few examples of the progression of stages of farming) - UoP (say, a few examples of one of the required builds) - Historican Settlements (Task 4) -- feature member-built settlements - thematic sets of builds -- swamps, trees, taverns, stables, graveyards, etc. - legendary builds/builders of Historica, like the lighthouse of Barqa - have members submit proposals for features, with links to the relevant builds
  7. Very cool series! The change in landscape is nice, and I've really enjoyed the shift in Minifig activities, indoor and exterior, through the series. Are you familiar with Monet's Haystack series and his Rouen Cathedral series? Monet is not really my jam, but your work here reminded me of his studies of shifting light. That's the only thing I wish this series had (and would be seriously difficult/a pain to do -- capture the different lighting qualities of the seasons.) Ok, I'm rambling. Great work, as always. :)
  8. Fabulous wooden building! I really enjoy the shape and the use of dark brown mixed in.
  9. Beautiful build! There are so many details to enjoy -- the trees, the architectural details of the chapel, that roof, the stone wall, the existing tombstone, and of course the grave itself. Your work continues to be an inspiration.
  10. Super cool build! Excellent work interpreting the inspiration picture into bricks.
  11. Reinheitsgebot! Great build -- I seriously love all the details of the brewing process. Is that malting barley in the attic?
  12. Nicely done little scene. The fallen pillar is a nice touch. I agree with Kai that the road is a bit BOLOCs, but it's a minor distraction. +1 for the UoP credits. The foliage is a bit smaller than I'd like, but it's well done.
  13. I love all the vegetation in this build! Nice work with the Kali architecture, too. I agree with brickcurve, some groundscaping would improve the build, but I really like the build overall.
  14. Wow! The interior scene is very nice, but that Arch -- gorgeous work! Looking forward to more Resistance stories!
  15. A: one point each to Gideon, Halhi, and Soccerkid. B: one point each to Extrius, Gideon, and Soccerkid. C: one point each to Halhi, LittleJohn, and Simon S.
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