Everything posted by nokialover31
How to build an hangar?
What is this grid? it would fit perfectly in my hangar! How can I find it on bricklink?
X-wing 7140 original is the best
X-wing 7140 original is the best
This topic is about X-wing 7140, not AT-ST
X-wing 7140 original is the best
It's gray!
X-wing 7140 original is the best
Yes, this is what I mean, 'that LEGO charm'! New models are accurate, we agree about that, but the newer is a model, the more it losts LEGO SW ORIGINAL SOUL, until the UCS models that are without soul and some are even without minifigures!! For a real collector it's like a jazz, man! you feel it inside when you watch aN ORGINAL TRILOGY 1999-2001 model or a newer model, YOU CAN FEEL IT, inside, you know latest models are only frozen copies of REAL ORIGINAL 7140. They were made by LEGO to sell, because many people doesn't have this particular collector sensibility, so they are made for the MASS, to sell, because X-wing it's the most famous space ship in the world, and you can sell for ever 7140 model. It's a merchandising choice of LEGO, and it's right because LEGO has to survive. Because money comes from the mass. But, if you can feel that something like me, so don't be afraid to distinguish from the mass and agree with me, in this topic.
X-wing 7140 original is the best
Ohhhh... another Star Wars Rogue Squadron fan like me!! Yes, best game ever... why they don't do an actual game for pc with x-wings an TIE-fighters and all that wonderful stuff? Problems with George Lucas copyright? I would like a new version of game. Not of 7140
X-wing 7140 original is the best
My now famous sentence 'what are we...' meant only that, in my opinion, the older is a SW model, the more is collectable and important for a very precious collection. I really didn't want to offend anyone. I have this: http://www.brickshow...asp?setnum=6984 , are u interested in buying?? OK maybe my english is not perfect, but we are on an international forum, this is the only way to communicate each other, why do you have to point out my language-level? Is it a kind o defense mechanism against your supposed offence?! This is babyish
Very nice!! Good job man!
X-wing 7140 original is the best
I see someone did coming out and admitted to prefer 7140 like me! I also bought 4502 Star Wars LEGO X-wing Dagobah with Yoda's Hut for error because i thought it was the first LEGO x-wing! I have to sell it (even if it's very rare) or build a diorama with lake platform (actualy lake platform doesn't exist, so I should buy blue baseplate and then green pieces on his sides in circle to re-create the x-wing in the lake's water film scene!) but it would cost very much to buy al the pieces for the plants and grass and leafes... I don't want to spent so much! So I think I will sell it and hold only THE FIRST, THE ONE, THE ORIGINAL 7140!!!
What is this walker?
Oh, I didn't know all this information, thanks very much for sharing!!
X-wing 7140 original is the best
Well, I have not so much space in rebel's hangar to keep 7190 and 7144 and all the 1999-2001 sets! I must choose some sets more representative, so I choosed: 7140 X-wing 7150 TIE fighter of Darth Vader and Y-wing 7146 TIE fighter I would like to add: 7134 A-wing 7180 B-wing with rebel control center (it would fit great in a rebel's hangar) but i wait to see if I will have space on hangar's floor to put them in, otherwise it would be however complete a rebel's hangar with 2 ships and an imperial hangar with 2 ships and a walker (8038 AT-ST) walking on hangar's floor, and 2 brown speeders just parked apart. Now, the walker, yes I took 8038's walker and not the first, I don't want cwebecca's brown walker, i want imperial walker (gray and superb: 8038). Ok here my logic falls? Com'on guys, first walker had brown parts!! However, this topic is on X-wing, don't go OT (Off-Topic), remain on OT (Original Trilogy)
How to build an hangar?
How can I find this bricks on bricklink?? Search function doens't help very much... can u tell me the pathway to find them?
X-wing 7140 original is the best
7140 is gray, is dirty from battle, it's not pearl white of new X-wings... 7140 perfectly sets in rebel's hangar, people walk and work around that dirty honorable ship.
X-wing 7140 original is the best
I'm not speaking about film-like-accuracy, I'm speaking about LEGO original trilogy 'feeling'. Lego ships are not meant to be exact models from the film, they have their LEGO taste inside, and this was progressively lost until the UCS, that are more exact models than LEGO constructions. From this extreme comparison between first X-wing and UCS one, you can see clearly how much the original LEGO feeling was lost, with all the shades between them. Same thing for TIE fighter and Y-wing, in my opinion. But it's only MY opinion, as I can see from your comments here. I didn't want to insult anyone before, only raise your souls about this topic. I don't want any new ship in my hangar, only original trilogy's, I don't collect exact accurate LEGO models from the film, I don't collect WAHAMMER's 40000 beautiful ships. They are LEGO. Can you feel it?
X-wing 7140 original is the best
Yes, if u want an accurate scale model u can buy, but a model, not a lego ship. LEGO has a own feeling and breathing that comes up from first original sets. Unfortunately, for money reasons, this feeling went lost nowdays on new LEGO sets. But, thanks God, there are ebay and bricklink that allow us to buy first sets and breathe again LEGO original trilogy star wars meaning.
X-wing 7140 original is the best
Even the presence of mechanic's cart makes 7140 more 'original rebel hangar type'. In last version there isn't any cart. In UCS thereisn't even any minifigure!! And the original rebel's symbol is not in the last version of x-wing, even if it's still present in another version of x-wing. The first sets are the ORIGINALS, they must be present in an O.T. collection. They breathe the real feeling of LEGO star wars, that went getting worst with years, until fully lost with UCS collection.
X-wing 7140 original is the best
Collectors collect first versions. Children play new versions. they don't care. What are we? Collectors or children??
X-wing 7140 original is the best
A COLLECTION is more precious if made of VERY FIRST things. Don't u think so? What sense does it have to collect things that you can find on or in a supermarket of toys's market? I hope u get what I wanna say, the meaning of my choice.
X-wing 7140 original is the best
I want the VERY FIRST X-WING (7140). Not later versions, even if more deatiled. That's all.
X-wing 7140 original is the best
My preferred x-wing is 7140, because it's the first. I like it more then all the others x-wing made later by LEGO. I think all the others x-wing are just copy of first. It gives me the sense of 'original trilogy' that i search in lego star wars sets. Does anyone feel like me about this?
How to build an hangar?
Lego3364 nice pieces! You are defenively killing my financial resources!! Very nice structures to build gates above the hangers' floor!!
How to build an hangar?
I bought many many tiles (mostly gray, red, yellow, white...) and 4 gray baseplates (2 with all studs and 2 with 2 streets inside). The will be the floor of my imperial and rebel's hangers. Maybe i will order some pieces for a structure above the ships? like bridges above where minifigures can walk trought
What is this walker?
For AT-ST I agree with you. But for TIE fighter and X-wing and Y-wink I absolutely like much more the very first versions. They all will be part of my rebel hanger and imperial hanger.
How to build an hangar?
OK, I bought about 160 euro of tiles and baseplates on bricklink, now I wait for shipping :D I feel not ready for SNOT tecnique, even if I admit it's very nice.
How to build an hangar?
Thanks. Any suggestion on how to put them into LEGO 30225c01?
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