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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Jannik

  1. After Endor, Jannik tried for a couple of years to go back to his previous pre-rebellion life as a mechanic. However, after meeting a corsec recruitment officer in a seedy cantina, he didn't take much persuading to join up for a new cause..
  2. Sorry I didn't enter this episode, still not got my lego properly sorted following a house move and I started an overly ambitious SHIP which I didn't get very far with because I got stuck on the engines. I agree it's a shame that there seem to be lots of people producing mocs that would fit great with SoNE but don't get entered,although I believe that although lot were for a contest on another site
  3. Great story, and I am very impressed by how many different interior shots you managed to get from that relatively small shuttle,it looks fantastic in every one
  4. great build, and it would be good to see those builders return one day...
  5. Is this wiki approved by the moderators?
  6. The flashback was supposed to be before the Death star attack
  7. It is highly suspicious how often the Empire win!
  8. Well done Ninja Nin, well deserved with that amazing build. Thanks to the organisers
  9. No, the pictures are unfortunately pretty sparse and mostly just characters with plain backgrounds rather than scenes. There is a close up of Baze in front of the crashed X-wing and a few of the pilgrims with bits of fabric shelter above their heads, but the background is very out of focus and no other buildings are visible. The pictures of the tank show a fairly featureless sloped wall behind, with just a couple of small grills and some holes from weapons being fired at it. I'd give it a miss unless you find it very cheap... I only bought it because it was discounted and I was very disappointed to have not been able to find the visual dictionary that day.
  10. Thanks for the comments everyone, and definitely not too harsh goatman feedback is appreciated (especially considering how epic your Jedha builds are). The building is based on a picture from the book "Rogue one - Mission Files". The rounding of the doorframe at the bottom is basically true to the picture, although the picture shows a much thinner frame. I was pretty pleased with the half stud offset on the frame, especially being able to replicate it in the ruined version. The grilled windows should have rounded ends but I couldn't work out how to build those. The picture in the book is fairly tightly cropped, so you can't see the scale of the overall building, it's probably a lot bigger than my version! I agree it is overall a bit too clean... As for the figures, I had an idea for the heads of the religious figures which didn't work out when I tried it so what I used ended up a bit thrown together at the last minute, I look forward to seeing how you manage to integrate the grills a bit better. And I never noticed about the buttons before, that is a very good point!
  11. Really nice build, especially like the sign and the brick built figures
  12. Awesome landscape, especially the river outlet
  13. Amazing use of colours in every scene,great story too!
  14. This story takes place just after my last freebuild. We had walked for two days from where the drop ship left us, finally reaching the city. My feet were so sore I couldn't wait for this mission to be over. When we arrived, it was soon obvious that the whole place was in lockdown, with the local population hiding inside their homes while Imperial Stormtroopers patrolled the streets. Faces appeared through cracks in boarded up windows, watching as we scurried between alleyways, hiding amongst rubbish in the streets. We had so far evaded the Imperial patrols, and had entered a more run down part of the city, with many buildings collapsed into rubble. "Are you sure this is the safe house?" "I double checked the co-ordinates twice, this is it" "Well it sure doesn't look very safe anymore! What are we going to do now Sarge?" "You two get in closer, see what you can find out.....but do not engage" As usual, Dax was less than happy. "This is crazy...Cooper's unit are probably in a Imperial detention centre right now..." Then the alien appeared behind the ruined building where we hid, his face all mouth in a silent scream. Dax started to raise his blaster while I had a strange sense as if I had been here before...not that I had ever been to this planet, but somehow I knew that the alien was a friend... "Its ok, we can trust him" "I ain't trusting that thing, looks like he wants us for breakfast" "I told you we can trust him" "And what exactly are you basing your new found trusting nature?.....Jannik?.....You ok?" I remembered now... The safe house reminded me of the kind of buildings they had in Jedha city, where I had visited as a child with my Uncle. And the alien... one of his kind had warned my Uncle and I to back out of the way as members of a strange religious order passed us. We had stood and watched dumbfounded as other tourists not so lucky as us had been dragged away to join their sect. This alien was definitely a friend. Thanks for looking. Overview:
  15. Wow that is fantastic! you really captured the feel of the place
  16. I guess maybe it depends on the position of the legs, or perspective, but the ones in Return of the Jedi don't look as tall to me
  17. The AT-ST just looks so big
  18. that is amazing! so clever
  19. I so far only have the U Wing and Krennic's shuttle, both bought really for the figures and parts for mocs. Only got Krennic's shuttle because it had a big discount on amazon before Christmas. Both ships were a lot better than I was expecting,I guess neither photograph particularly well. The tank and AT-ST both don't really look right to me so seem like a lot of money for a load more grey bricks (think I already have enough parts to build mocs of either) and one or two nice figures
  20. --Rebel dropship entering orbit, requesting orders to proceed to destination-- The Sarge briefed our squad as the ship was buffeted by the lower atmosphere. The squad was being transferred to a unit under the command of a Lieutenant Cooper. The only problem with this was that no contact had been possible with them for some time, due to suspected Imperial communications jamming. Our orders were to proceed to the location of a known alliance safehouse to make contact with the rest of the new unit, and provide Lieutenant Cooper with the prearranged coordinates and time for extraction. Once we were on the ground we would also be under the communications black out, and the drop ship would not be able to remain to provide support. The rest of the squad did not seem happy with this situation at all. "I ain't even heard of this Lieutenant Cooper, he wasn't at Hoth was he Sarge? What makes you so sure he is even still alive down there?" "Our orders are to reach the safehouse location, we will assess the situation from there, but you wouldn't be so quick to write off the Lieutenant's chances if you had been with us back in the early days of the alliance" "If you say so Sir" I was to be the first to exit the ship, and their discussions were drowned out over the noise of air rushing in as the door opened. I tried to get a handle on where we were before it was time to jump. As soon as we hit the ground we would have to move out fast, before the Imperial garrison could react and send troops to investigate the arrival of our ship. I knew that the pilot would select a safe spot to put us down, somewhere away from the security patrols. Of course I trusted her. But...stepping through the door into the unknown I couldn't help a sense of fear. One last look around and I went for it. Thanks for looking
  21. "Just fly casual" The bounty hunter's words were echoing in my ears as I piloted the stolen speeder towards the blast door at the southern entrance of the mining complex. This had better work or I would have a lot of explaining to do, the Black Sun were not to be messed with. "You look just like him, they won't know the difference..." I knew that the others would be in position, but as I approached I could only see Dax, hiding alongside one of the columns supporting the platform. As I got closer I could see he was with her, the bounty hunter, hiding in the shadows. None of us were comfortable working with bounty hunters, but the Sarge had insisted that there was no other way to achieve our mission. Dax seemed to be speaking to her, but I couldn't hear his words. "Are you sure that we don't all need one of those respirator things?" For the past three days the bounty hunter had watched this same speeder fly up to the blast doors, and wait for them to open. Which she assured me they always did, presumably due to a transponder located somewhere on the speeder. I tried to relax, and not think about what happened to the poor Rodian who owned the speeder before the bounty hunter acquired it. I hovered in front of the doors, and wound back the repulsors to lower towards the platform. The doors slowly ground open and a bulky looking guard appeared in the opening. This was it, the moment of truth. I held my breath. "Hey Drug....wait....you're not Drugo!!!!" As I threw the speeder to the ground and rolled for cover behind it, all hell broke loose. Dax took out the guard but he was soon replaced by the Vigo and two bodyguards. As I found my feet behind the speeder I saw the falleen Vigo strolling confidently towards my team. Something didn't feel right, and then I realised, there was silence. For some reason they had stopped firing. I hadn't expected the Black Sun Vigo to be a woman, and quite striking looking, but the others seemed transfixed by her. I slowly raised my blaster and pointed it towards her back. It felt cowardly, but my friends were now in danger and I had to act. I pulled the trigger and watched her fall. The spell on the others was instantly broken. It was all over, and silence again. Then one of the bodyguards appeared in the doorway, his arms raised. "Please don't hurt me, I am unarmed, I surrender" At that moment the bounty hunter appeared on the platform (where had she been during the fire fight?) and glared at the bodyguard. "Kill him" "Um...thats not really how we do things in the Alliance, we won't get a medal for that" "There must be no witnesses to what happened here, unless you want your princess to be in danger of Black Sun reprisals" The Sarge looked down at the ground as he spoke, "She is right, it has to be done". We all looked away as he did what had to be done.
  22. that is absolutely amazing!
  23. Great news about having two new gamesmasters! good episode idea as well
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