Everything posted by Borador
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I said I'd not be back unless provoked, but um- well, that Minas Tirith is rather, hm, provoking. I wouldn't get too excitied, but I'd also not discount it entirely. I certainly can't think of anything else that might be. Yet I can't help thinking that this has happened before- didn't we see a Lothlorien set in the background of one of the designer room photos before? That never came out- unless it is scheduled for relase along with Minas Tirith, which I do NOT expcect. Certainly, this must be a Bigfoot sighting. I'm having a hard time believing that this theme is really coming back. Yet I cannot help but hope.
LEGO Ideas Doctor Who
Well, I figured it was coming sooner or later. Really thrilled about this- though hopefully it isn't based too heavily on the last series (which I found to be not so good). If not for the picture in the article, I'd say we were most likely to get 10, but now it seems most likely that we'll end up with 12. I'm hoping we get a set based on the 50th Anniversery Special, with 10, 11, and the War Doctor, with the TARDIS and the "big red button" (Possibly with Rose and/or Clara, but I guess they aren't particularly necessary). Probably won't be what we get, but I can hope.
Help With Bricklink Wanted List
HA! Yeah, that's what it was. Thanks!
Elves 2015
Love the castle. It looks fantastic! Cannot bear the sight of those figures or that winged horse, though.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Help With Bricklink Wanted List
I'm having an issue with Bricklink's wanted list feature. When I go a page for a minifigure, if I click "part out" it takes me to a screen with a list of parts with check boxes next to them. If I click on them, the part next to the one I click will say "yes" while if I leave on blank, the part next to it will say "no" on the next screen. But then, it uploads all of the parts to my list regardless of weather I checked them or not. Has anyone else had this problem? If so,can you please help me fix it? EDIT: If this is the wrong place for this, or if there is already a topic for this, please let me know. I wasn't too sure where to put this, honestly.
New Decals for Castle torso's
That looks really good! What sort of decal is it, just regular waterslide?
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Didn't MARVEL ban all F4 Merchandise so that they wouldn't promote this film? I wouldn't hold my breath for a comics based set.
Hello from iceland
Well, yes, it is small, but there are many stores in other countries that have worldwide shipping. You'll have to check their splash page, or the store terms.
Hello from iceland
Welcome to Eurobricks! You can try Bricklink: (only one store in Iceland, and it's pretty small:, but I'm sure you can find one that ships internationally) or BrickOwl: or even EBay. Good luck, and have fun building!
Decal Wish List
Is it just plain yellow? If not, do you have a picture, because I have a design you can use, but it isn't based on Episode 1, and it has a green shirt.
- MOC: Boromir & The Ring
Welcome to Eurobricks!
Nexo Knights 2016
Fantasy Era is coming back? YES! YES! YES! Oh gosh, this is so exciting! I've still got all my orcs and dwarfs from back then, and I would LOVE to expand their ranks and add a bit of variety. Oh wow, I'm thrilled, I cannot wait! Hoping for some mythical monster fights like the Vikings line. A Cerebus-type creature, maybe a Kraken, a Leshy, etc. The possibilities are endless! Maybe we can finally get a three-headed dragon mold, or some other monsters. Best news I've heard all day!
New Decals for Castle torso's
Is that Crusader printed by POP? If I may ask, how much did it cost? Steindrucker's website (which I don't have a link to, but can found through Google) is all in German, so if you don't speak that, it'd be best to just email him (he does speak English), but you have to send the message through the "Kontakt" feature on his website, putting the address into a regular email service doesn't work for some reason. Also, when I mailed him, it went to my spam folder, so I got it a bit late, but he was quick in his response, polite, and helpful. I'm still weighing my options, but his service sounds pretty good.
Simpsons 2015 Rumors and Discussion
Welcome to Eurobricks! Used to drive me mad, but not anymore. Eventually, you learn to enjoy it, especially in the CMF threads. I remember speculating on series 13 since August, watching the thread for news, etc. and was actually kinda sad when we got pictures since that would all end... Of course, the series was awesome, so I got over it. In short, you get used to it. Eh, can't help you there. I myself have a hard time buying all the sets I want due to monetary constraints... Just get what you really want, the rest is not that important...
Question about new Brasso formula sold in USA
Yeah, don't use Acetone. That's just a bad idea. No Nail Polish Remover either. These are expensive pieces, be careful with them. Safe alternatives are toothpaste (not all kinds work, but some do, I can't remember offhand what kind I used), or a pencil eraser. But be careful with those too, since they can potentially dim the shine of the plastic (this mostly goes for the pencil eraser, but the toothpaste can have some problems too). I have, thus far, found no way to fix this, BUT if you put a clear decal (or rub-on-transfer) over it, you won't notice. I've also never had this issue much on heads, it seems worse on torsos. But I'd still give the new Brasso a go if I were you- just try it on a cheap/unimportant/useless part before you modify the piece you have in mind (which, honestly, is a good idea no matter what you use).
I'd need advice on a LOTR/ The Hobbit project
There are a few ways I know of to do this... Bear in mind I've only heard of them, never actually done them, but I'm hoping I can put you on the right track. If there is a LUG (LEGO Users Group) in your area, I've heard of them doing these things called "drafts" where everyone puts a little money towards buying one or more sets, and then they part it out. Everyone picks what pieces they want, and then they only pay for those pieces. I assume figures cost more than the standard price per piece ratio, but they'd still be cheaper than they are on Bricklink or BrickOwl. If you don't have one in your area, there are websites that will do it, but I couldn't name any. Also, I've heard of people doing bulk bricklink orders, but I think that will only save you on shipping, not on the pieces themselves. If I were you, I'd make up a Bricklink wanted list of every figure I wanted, both complete and parted out, and then try to match that to stores to find the best possible price. Also, have Bricklink notify you when quantities and prices of what you want are available. If all else fails... Photoshop is your friend.
Scooby-Doo 2015 Rumours & Discussion
It's classic? Oh thank goodness! I was wrong! I cannot tell you how happy I am about that. What a relief. This is literally a childhood dream come true! When I was a kid, I built a very crude version of Scooby and the gang, and have some very fond memories of playing with them. I'm gonna have to get these just to fulfill an age old childhood wish. Man, this is good news. Thank you, LEGO.
CMF LotR and Hobbit wish list
The size of the Fellowship is the main problem. My thinking is since they split in the story, they could split them among multiple waves, but I don't think it would work like that. What we would end up with is the nine members of the Fellowship, with updated prints so even if you already have them, you have to buy them, and then only seven other characters. Well, one would have to an Uruk Hai, probably an Orc, too. And I'm guessing they wouldn't let this go without at least one Elf (probably Elrond or Arwen. Probably Arwen so they can maintain, to the best of their ability, their typical gender ratio). Which leaves us with four spots. Eowyn is likely (as I said before, the gender ratio), so I'm guessing there isn't a ton of room for army builders... Furthermore, if we were to get a second wave (totally hypothetical since 1 isn't even happening) I think it would be The Hobbit. And how many main characters does that have? 13 Dwarves + Bilbo + Gandalf = 15. I'm not sure how they'd make that work... Maybe axing Gandalf (they wouldn't do that) or something along those lines. But worse yet, I assume that last spot will be filled either by Legolas or Tauriel. Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic for a wishlist thread...
Collectable Minifigure Online Codes
I don't think you can until you hit 10 posts. But, to do so, there should be a little open envelope at the top of the screen, right above the banner, above where the little search bar is. It should say your name, and next to that have a notifications logo, and then an envelope, which if you click, will say something to the effect of "compose."
Collectable Minifigure Online Codes
It's entirely possible, he sent me a PM asking for mine a few days ago. I have never even been to this thread before (though I did mention having S12 figures). I was gonna give them to him since I have no use for them, but I suppose I can't now (and I question if I want to...?)
- Custom Rohan Soldier Decals
Predictions for Collectable Minifigures Series 14
Well, with the exception of Frankenstein's Monster and Dr. Jekyll, most of those were not created by those authors for those books. Vampires are ancient superstitions, and so are witches. (although to be fair, Stoker's Dracula is the foundation for the modern vampire, his is not the only interpretation). There are numerous other ways to interpret them, and I'm sure that LEGO can figure something out to make them distinct. Frankly, as long as we don't end up with an Edward Cullen figure, I'm down with it. EDIT: I'm not even going to bother guessing, since anything I could come up with has already been said.
What's in a name ???
I could've swore I already posted here, but I guess not... Anyways, "Borador" is a combination of "border" and "Labrador." Used to refer to a dog that is a mix of a Border Collie and a Labrador Retriever. I had one since before I could remember. She's gone now (and has been for a while) but during her life I never knew that her specific breed mix had a name. A little while after she died, we got a puppy that was some obscure mix of an obscure breed, and while trying to find our new puppy's breed, I found that my original dog was actually known as a Borador. I liked the name- it was short, easy to pronounce, odd enough to be distinct (and is hardly taken), So, I started using it as a tribute to her. Variants of the name that can be seen elsewhere are: Borador M. (her name started with an M, and MOCpages requires you to have two names) Borador1 (I don't actually recall- I think just Borador was taken, or Flickr was being a jerk and made me put a number?) and BoradorIV (It was Classic Castle, so I figured I'd add a Roman Numeral to make it seem more like a monarchs title. The IV comes from the fact that was the 4th LEGO website I registered for)
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