[MOC] 3-2-XR repulsorlift sled
thanks... is difficult to work out the details in construction in small structures. lego to know that, one example is the ATRT. normal: lego
- Sandcrawler in Microfighters scale
[MOC] 3-2-XR repulsorlift sled
I like to build small mocs. thanks!
[MOC] - "duel of the titans"
I appreciate the comments !!, ships appeared in "dark empire", the Ewing has the color palette of the xwing, and the interceptor has the colors of imperial ties, the ship is white, but I decided to leave him with a visual "aggressive ". by caparica, thanks!
[MOC] Boba Fett's Deluxe Rocket Pack
good work!!
[MOC] 3-2-XR repulsorlift sled
hello, I built this new moc inspired vehicle in the expanded universe called 3-2 repulsorlift-XR sled. released by Kenner named "desert sport skiff." I hope you enjoy
[MOC] - "duel of the titans"
POTF2 Speederbike - Expanded Universe
very nice!
[MOC] - "duel of the titans"
sorry, my english is not good ... hello members! this project, I set up two ships, with parts I had left, the two ships appeared in the expanded universe. rebel "e-wing escort starfighter" ("jek-14 stealth starfighter"?) imperial "A-9 Vigilance interceptor"
[MOC] T-wing interceptor
the cockpit is a "technic miracle"! thanks!
MOC: Lancer Bike - Star Wars "Clone Wars"
thanks guys!
MOC: Lancer Bike - Star Wars "Clone Wars"
Thank you! I was worried the speeder be great for the clone, but the intention was to leave it detailed.
[MOC] T-wing interceptor
thanks for the comments!
MOC: Lancer Bike - Star Wars "Clone Wars"
Thank you! you would like to build it?
- [MOC] Yoda's Jedi Gundam
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