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Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
You are overestimating the weight LEGO puts on getting proportions or scale right. The main quality LEGO strives for is readability, and that applies to all of their figs, animals, regardless of their real-life size or the movie example. Scabbers is only one example. The same is true for Cornish pixies that are magnitudes larger in the LEGO rendition than in the movies. Yes, the stud seems to be the minimum scale orientation in that regard. However, characters like Griphook or Dobby, mere half or a third/quarter the size of Harry etc., even in the first two movies, are the size of first and second graders in LEGO, because LEGO wants the figures to be read as "humanoid character", regardless of their actual size (which would be closer to the Cornish pixies in LEGO, which apparently is not too small to be done technically). There are loads of examples like this (I mean take the recent gorillas; they are near the size of a horse lol). To name another example close to what we're discussing is the Fang we recently got. He's characterized as massive dog/gentle giant in the books. In the movies, Fang is hardly the height of the kids' hips, in LEGO he's almost eye to eye with the first graders from the same set. Again, it's because the focus is on the readability as Fang being a massive dog; any other dog mould would not convey that notion to the "reader". They even changed his color to make Fang's face print readable as boarhound/Neapolitan mastiff with all the creases. So why would that not apply to Padfoot/Sirius? He's described as huge dog, so intimidatingly big Harry questions if he's actually seeing the grim. And regarding the movie example: I don't know what movie you saw, but at least the CGI version in PoA is massive: In this scene the shoulder height is like what, 8 inches/20 cm higher than the back of a regular park bench? So what height is he; 90cm, 1m? That's bigger than an average wolf. Also this is what you call "the fact that, large or not, Padfoot isn’t near the size of an actual wolf". Check at around 0:34. That thing is absolutely massive, nowhere near the size of a wolf but larger. Yes, he's smaller than werewolf Lupin, who, again, is rendered a minifigure so he's read as "actually a person". I don't expect the wolf mould to be larger than the Wolfpack fig it comes with, so I don't see your point that it might be larger than werewolf Lupin?!?. The wolf mould would scale quite well from what we can see (ofc it's no final judgement, as we don't actually know). I think the tattered look of Padfoot is also captured quite well, especially around the neck etc. (at least better than the current mould, and I take any improvement over that one). Also, again: I said I would not be surprised if they used the mould, NOT that I would be surprised if they don't. I don't expect LEGO to use the mould or anything, but certainly I wish they would for the given reasons as it would be an improvement in my eyes. Luckily for you, you already got a LEGO Padfoot that fits your idea of him. So what's your problem with people who think it doesn't?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah and Scabbers is more than half the size of a minifig. I think you're focusing too much on the limitations given by the real-life proportions in the movies. Also it only was speculation, as I said.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Sure, it's speculation. But from what we (or I) can see, the mold seems to be more accurate in shape at least. The current dog mould used feels somewhat... flat. Regarding the size: The most recent dog mould we got was the Afghan hound whose shoulder height is one plate higher and whose head is two plates higher than the shepherd dog and the retriever. Padfoot being described as a huge dog, I'd say a slightly larger mould than the current one is proportionate. But as I said, it's speculation, though I'd love to see that. Totally forgot about the rumoured Knight Bus. Makes it more likely imho hahahah. And if not: Acrylic paint ;)
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I saw it on instagram, @cmf6169_leaks was the account. But the image had a confidential stamp, so it might have been taken down again already.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 27. Rumors and discussion
The hair is going in a different direction, but you are right, the idea is the same!
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 27. Rumors and discussion
It looks more like she's wearing a reversed black baseball cap with some green hair showing on the sides and through the hole on the cap's back. Highly specific piece, but as I have green hair occasionally, I'll certainly be able to use it for my sigfig :D
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
An image of the upcoming CMF series just leaked. We'll be getting a new adult wolf mould and what seems to be a long-haired cat in white (hard to tell, but the tail seems to be more fluffy than the one of the existing cat mould). I would not be surprised if we see recolors of those new moulds as Padfoot and Crookshanks in the future.
Latest news about Lego animal moulds
Well, I get why they don't print classic black eyes on black, and in case of Padfoot, that's movie accurate, so I'm fine with that. It's the eyes' position for me. The recent padfoot has the eyes printed on the side of the head almost. Looks cheap. Now that I think about it... The long-haired cat mould you suggested could also be reused for HP as Crookshanks, maybe in Dark Orange or Medium Nougat.
Latest news about Lego animal moulds
I logged in to write that haha. I think you are right. The cat lover fig would be deliberately designed to be underwhelming if not; I can't imagine LEGO would do that. Also I hope that LEGO reuses the wolf mould for a recolor of Padfoot. I really dislike the one we got in the recent Shrieking Shack; the eyes look just so off...
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LEGO Castle Lore. Trying to connect the dots for a videogame I am creating. Help is appreciated.
- [MOC]Highspeed bullettrain
Really awesome train and great use of the cockpit part! I don't know if you are aware or if it is a coincidence with your choice of depicting the Shinkansen, but the Shinkansen E7/W7 has exactly the color scheme of that train/cockpit, but is white instead of dark blue below the nose.- New Hogwarts Express
Dunno why you are talking about 12 blind wheels in case of Scenario B... Aren't there 18 L wheels (4 Loco, 6 Tender, 8 Carriage)? However, in this newly released video by the guy the HE was sent to, you see 8 unflanged wheels at about a minute into the video. So this rules out Scenario A at least, but neither B or C. Earlier in the video you see the XXL/XXXL wheels lying on the carpet. Does seem to be a one-wheel-mold.- LEGO Trains 2022
While I like the platform's design, it is another example of LEGO saving on parts wherever they can: The doors of the carriage are 40 studs apart, 44 studs from one door's central axis to another... the straight tiles on the platform only cover 42 studs: So the two carriage doors can't be 'serviced' at the same time, as there is a gap created by a rounded tile in front of at least one door at a time. In a 500$/€ set. - [MOC]Highspeed bullettrain
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