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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by hollisbrick

  1. Yess!!!! Some one who liies avatar!!! I dont know why most people dont like it i think it rocks!!!!!!!! I agree i used to like bionicle i bought most of the 1st and 2nd wave and even some of the 3rd but after that it got more and more crap. (no offense to those people who like it) At the moment i still really like exo-force but i hope it dosnt turn into another bionicle.
  2. hollisbrick replied to Pate-keetongu's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hello and welcome. Nice brickshelf btw!
  3. Happy Birthday guys!!!!
  4. I like it! U did a good job!
  5. hollisbrick replied to Hotshot's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hello and welcome *sweet* What themesdo u like hotshot.
  6. hollisbrick posted a post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Hey everyone. I was wondering if there is a topic about the preliminary pics in the last couple of years, if not Do you guys have any pics of them (or know of a brickshelf file) Cheers *sweet*
  7. hollisbrick replied to sam89's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
  8. hollisbrick replied to sam89's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
  9. Interesting.....it's almost like the pics we saw were leaked on purpose, why else would TLC give us an update on the pics.....Btw thanks SW4J for the info.
  10. Happy Birthday man.
  11. hollisbrick replied to Athos's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    I think he means that in the month we will do Moc, Contests reviews, contests ect. for a peticular theme. It's a good idea but i think we should do it for a week because a month is too long and there are only 12 of them and we wont be able to fit all the themes and (because we'll probably have to do christmas and halloween ect.) and we need to have some normal weeks that are not celabrating a special theme to.
  12. hollisbrick replied to Brainbox's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    I *wub* Them. They're simple....yet great!
  13. Welcome to EB fartface. Thats a very...umm...creative moc you have there. It reminds my of the thme time cruisers. Btw was your parents drunk when they called youhinckleyfartface or are they just really mean? X-D (Btw hinckley i get what your saying when people say "go easy on me it's my 1st moc" )
  14. hollisbrick replied to NBFD841's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hey pual and welcome. Nice Fire Dept. you got there. Are you one yourself?
  15. hollisbrick replied to hollisbrick's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hey thanks for making me feeling welcome i completely forgot about this topic soz. Now to start answering the questions. DB24:hey i'm from Queensland on the Gold Coast. I pretty like any sport, what ever gets me moving. But my faves are Rugby, Basketball and boxing. Afl is alright, but i rather play it than watch it amd thank you for making me feel welcome *sweet* Asuka: Lots lol mainly SW, Castle, Anything to do with history, space, exoforce(not that much because the mechs are to big for the theater X-D ) There are quite a few things named after hollis (well it is a pretty kool name :-P ) I've gone to a town called hollis as me, brother and dad went driving to Melbourne and back.Thank for making me feel welcome. zouave: the themes that are at my theater are the ones i like ;-) Brainbox: yay more sams(that is my 1st name but most people call me by my last) Norro: may God Bless you to. Kimt: I think your wright ;-) . Sinner: Yea sorry for not saying thankyou for making me feel welcome but no one was posting so i forgot about it. Dont worry i forgive you lol ;-) and for the people i didnt mention thank you for making my feel welcome. It's been about 3 weeks since i joined i've already have met heaps of cool people.
  16. Yea why? Did toy find something?
  17. hollisbrick replied to VBBN's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Whats wrong with the jungle?? I think it will be kool.
  18. Nice work! You could add something else in the inside so iy's not so empty. A jousting barrier like in 7009 or a big tower.
  19. Thanks for the picks! Can You pleeeese post a pic of the figs inside the falcon and outside??? Thanks *sweet*
  20. hollisbrick replied to xwingyoda's post in a topic in Community
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Nice work oo7
  22. Woah thats really good. You should give your ideas to lego.
  23. As long as there small buildings so they dont die ;-)
  24. hollisbrick replied to DNL's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    hello and welcome
  25. hollisbrick replied to VBBN's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
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