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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by hollisbrick

  1. true lol RIP brave bothan RIP
  2. Yea i know. But why not post all the pics? Also that wasnt really my main question.
  3. Where is this 2008 catalogue and who has it?????? Does any one have any info about it???? thanks *sweet*
  4. Woah that is reallllly good!!!!! I reckon they should both die lol (dont know how that will work out)
  5. Thanks for that Are there any more rules that we should know about?
  6. Lol go to sleep for 10 hours and this happens :-D . Pretty good looking sets. With the mining one I think it is comming out in November for Australia (well thats what is says in the 2007 Catalogue) The tower looks alright probly wont get it tho. I dont know what the last one's name is though??? But i'll probly get it it looks pretty kool. bUT I STIIL DONT KNOW WHY tlc KEEPS MAKING CATAPULTS??!!! I still want to see pics of this "catalogue" who has it?!?!?!?
  7. hollisbrick replied to sam89's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    X-O X-O X-O Woaaaaahh!!!! They look so much better that i can see them lol!!! Tnaks for the pics! What is the website that everyone is getting these good pics from? anyway i'm of to bed it's night time in Aus.. Make sure nothing good happens when i'm asleep lol. Hollisbrick out. Btw the only thing i'm disapointed on is that the German soldiers faces are only smileys. But they are fleshies which are good. Goodnight *sweet*
  8. X-O That is soooo kool!!!!!!!!!Keep up the great work! *sweet* *y*
  9. Then why dosnt some one post all the pics in the "catalogue" then?? Do u have it??? I went to my local shops today but i only found the 2007 one.
  10. Nthan is right it does look a bit mega blocky but it still has the lego.y touch to it.
  11. hollisbrick replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    X-O These pics look abolutly great! I like the sets much more now that i can see them lol.Thanks for the pics!
  12. you know what i mean ;-)
  13. Happy Birthday (I know i'm a bit late)
  14. hollisbrick replied to Optimax X's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    My fave music is All types of rock!(Like Punk, classic, soft, alternate, rap ect.) But I dont really like Emo rock. My fave bands are, Linkin Park!!!, Blink 182, Greenday, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Oasis, 30 seconds to Mars, Fall Out boy, Hinder and someothers i cant remember. I also dont mind rap it is pretty cool. My faves are Tupac (RIP) Jay-Z, 50 Cent and some others. I hate Mika!!!!!!! >:-( My top five songs are 5.Changes-Tupac 4.In to deep-Sum 41 3.Dirt off your shoulder-Jay-z and Linkin Park 2.Faint-Linkin Park 1. idno lol there are so many good songs.
  15. hollisbrick posted a post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    We've had Worst music ever topic. but what do u think is the best music ever? (I know there is probly already a post on this but your taste of music might have changed) My fave music is All types of rock!(Like Punk, classic, soft, alternate, rap ect.) But I dont really like Emo rock. My fave bands are, Linkin Park!!!, Blink 182, Greenday, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, Oasis, 30 seconds to Mars, Fall Out boy, Hinder and someothers i cant remember. I also dont mind rap it is pretty cool. My faves are Tupac (RIP) Jay-Z, 50 Cent and some others. And remember, dont pay out any one because of the music they like or the actually bands. (Even Mika)
  16. hollisbrick replied to Vader's post in a topic in Community
    Happy Birthday!!! *vader* . Hope your b-day is filled with joy a.k.a. Lego! *sweet*
  17. I soo agree i absolutly hate it!!!! and all his other songs. Probly the worst music is Mika!!!! I quite like rap and hip hop some of it is really good but i hate emenem!!!!! I also hate it when people only know 1 song by an artist and they say it there fave band. I eg. really like Linkin Park Then I say wots ur fave song then they go "What i've done" then i say what others songs do u like by LP and they go I dont know. My favourite band is Linkin park.
  18. hollisbrick replied to legomilk's post in a topic in Community
    Haha very funny lol :-D Damn Damn lol
  19. hollisbrick replied to Hinckley's post in a topic in Community
    Well my last name is hollis and people in my rugby team call me hollisbrick (weather i'm as thick as a brick or as strong as one i dont know :-D ) and i like to play with lego which are bricks sooo yea
  20. hollisbrick replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
    U r kool Linkin Park is my fave band! Papercut-Linkin Park
  21. hollisbrick replied to Chuck's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Mr. Mandalorian is right they're really kool. Most interesting thing i've sen all day (besides that new castle set)
  22. Thanks hinckley39 You pretty much said it all *sweet* Sorry Chuck i didnt mean to sound like i was braging.
  23. It must be from the same catalog where we got the SW pics from! Hmm must find this catalog.....
  24. Woah X-O That looks pretty cool. Love the new peices (eg swords) although it looks a bit mega blocky. Where did u find it??? There are probly more pics of 2008 comming soon because we've already got SW and Iny pics!
  25. hollisbrick replied to TheFrisian's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Enjoy your stay. I've only been here for 2 weeks and i've already met heaps of cool people!
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