Everything posted by hollisbrick
Avatar: The Last Airbender
IMO the choice of actors aren't very good For Aang yes. But for everyone else especially Zuko is disappointing Lets just hope I'm wrong!
I'm Leaving! I'm Coming Back! Do it all HERE.
Hi all. For those you don't know or remember me I am hollisbrick. Because of some personnel issues I have had to quite some hobbies/pleasures including Lego. But now that what some might call a "mini dark age" is gone I am glad to be back! Also I got a new camera (finally) so hopefully ya'll might be seeing some reviews and Mocs from me in the future! See you on the forum! -hollisbrick
Space Police 2009!
Max security is lookin pretty sweet. And the price isnt too bad either. I'll probs get it depending on its availability in Aus.
Ben 10 discussion thread
Ben 10 is still fairly popular in Aus. I reckon. Where I work people are always buying Ben 10 toys, bags, books and etc. And hopefully the figs should be pretty cool
Atlantis 2010
The set looks okay-ish. But the theme sounds really good and has lots of potential. I cant wait to see the rest of em
What did you buy today?
Well today I got the Assasins BP. My first set in about 2 and a hald months I quite like it
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Do you have prices by any chance? Thanks
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Yay! Bounty hunters! My favorite people in the SW. I can't wait to see these as gigs! Or maybe even a Boba Fett
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
The magna guard fighter for 40$! Thats definitely a buy for me!
Disney and Lego Join Forces
Thats alright, I see what you're saying. I know that these are a bit different to normal lego but I think it is alright being that it is toy story. If it was a normal system theme I would be raising my eyebrow. But it suits this theme. And remember, story is targeted at kids
Disney and Lego Join Forces
Umm...I'm sorry?
Disney and Lego Join Forces
Wow these figs look awsome! The prince of persia figs look amazing!!! And the toy story ones look about as I thought they would be. A cross between system and Duplo. But generally good. Although a bit <insert that tiresome argument>. And if those soldiers are removable then that would be perfect!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Exactly Not long to go before sales!
[Review] 7778 Midi-scale Millenium Falcon
Thanks for the review KimT! It's an alright set. Sure no figs, but it's nice. The design is nice, the idea of Midi-scale is cool. (Midi scale Slave 1 ) The price is not good at all, and the DSS is the worst I've seen. for that price it should all be printed But iverall, I am considering it.. Thanks for the review again
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
All SP3 sets are good at my Big W, but they arent at sale price to 2nd of July. Same with the SW
Michael Jackson: Dead
Well his music was simply amazing greatest musician/artist who ever lived really. As his music and record sales show. I was quite shocked when I saw it on the news at work this morning It actually makes me quite sad. With the whole child molesting thing, I just watched a 10 minute inteview with him on a tribute show and how he explained himself is very credible. He obviously didn't moleste that boy. They slept together yea, so what? And the reason he loves children so much is because he knows how importent being a child is being that he didnt have one (childhood) himeself (as discribed by him). Also he was just trying to help those poor sick kids when he invited them into the Neverland place. Sure he did some, rather strange thing,but the media didn't help the problem. As the old sayin goes. Good News doesn't sell. But you got to remember the kids as well poor things. Where are they going to go being that their mum clearly doesn't want them Also, you gotta love his dance moves Anyway R.I.P. Jacko What? that monster is still alive?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yes they were, I also saw the catalogue today! Bear with me I cant remember what the cents were. Freeze ray frenze was $10 something Squid man was, if i remember correctly, $8-something and then gold heist was $20-21. Also MicroM prices are correct, just to comfirm them Also, you heard this from hollisbrick, not S***** Hollis
What are you listening to?
I second that Run DMC anyone?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Ahh, massive influx of new lego and marked down prices...must...resist...temtation... Man I'm glad I got a job though Only bad thing is I work at Big W so I'll have to go to a further one to get my stuff. Apparently it goes crazy so I'll be working more then spending, although I guess you have to work to spend right? Btw did someone say pirates?
Brickworld SigFig picture 2009
It seems I have missed this topic Can I still join or am I too late?
What are you listening to?
Yeh, well they are maturing, although still, a great rock n roll album.
Space Police 2009!
Well IMO I think these 2 exclusives are pretty good Max security transport looks fine. Very solid with some alright figs (cant have enough aliens) Also looks pretty massive Some nice pieces as well. Pitstop also looks neat I agree with some, a little thrown together but its nothing a little modding cant fix. Also a nice parts pack as well with some nice aliens (as I said, cant have enough of em )
The Epilogue of Interactive Apocalypse
WOW, just wow You've certainly come along way, with your building skills and your story telling! It's been a real highlight of EB It's also been very enjoyable to watch all these months which is almost 2 years. Keep up the great work for your next project! -hollisbrick EDIT: I demand more Block Block
What did you buy today?
No, because it wasnt actually lego.
Review: 7639 Camper
Great review! I must jave this set now! Goes to show that TLG listen, being that I've nagged them for an RV type thing for a while Although I was a little dissapoined because it is a little plain insde but nether-the-less I shall get it! But hopefully they'll make a bigger one in due time. Thanks for the review again
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