Everything posted by hollisbrick
Episode 2 Clone Troopers
"The Person Above You Game"
the person above is a beatles fan!
LEGO + Water?
mayby... ;-)
List of 2008 sets (January)
lol quick, call EB security! we have one saw trigger happy man in forum LEGO News & General Discussion! X-D anyway...thanks for the indy update Christian! cant wait for all these 2008 sets to come! 2008 is going to be 1 hell of an expensive year!
Happy Birthday legomilk!
Happy b-day and thanks for all the news that you have given us over the years!
LEGO + Water?
I repeat do not!!!!!
LEGO + Water?
they float for a bit but then they sink, in some ways its more realistic that way lol it makes it more exciting,well, it did when i used to do that :-D
Indy set pics for 2008
i dont think they'll be that different. anyway we'll see in 2 months (hopefully sooner for Aus.)!
Killing the Dead Contest Semi-finals POLL
there are so many great ones but i voted for jocko's and zz-80! *y* *y* good work guys!
Cap'n SlyOwl vs. oo7 Build off!!
i nlove how the islander vig uses the hat as the water as water and the knight helmit bit as blood! X-D geneous!
Miss Legoland Pageant (The Final Round)
that is sooo kool!!! *wub* the hair peice
"The Person Above You Game"
The person above me is Member No. 1999
Indy set pics for 2008
either way you guys and girls in US and Europe are luckier than us in Aus., its really random in my area sometimes we get some themes about a month early eg this year we got Castle early but only in one shop but for some SW sets we got them a month late.
Indy set pics for 2008
it must be true then! if it is already in stores now that means Indy sets will be out on Jan. in most of the world! the hunt is on!
Your Star Wars 2008 wantlist
yea i know but the cloud city costed heaps! and theres no harm re-releasing sets, they have done it to the x-wing lol.
New rumoured Summer 2008 set list
Cant wait for thise sets to come out!!!!! I hope at leat 1 of the batman sets are cheap. I dont have any yet because this year has been soooo expensive with the batman and i was going through my dark ages when they first came out :-( 2008 on!
Indy set pics for 2008
why would you want that scene anyway?!?
Castle sets 2008/2009
yea its really kool. anyway back on topic, do you think all these sets will come in April?(damn thats ages away :-( )
2008 Picture thread
sweet thanks i cant wait!! hmm...where do you think the guy that sold the Ani fig on ebay got the actual fig from????
"The Person Above You Game"
The person ubove me is kool because he is a Jew(it's the closest religion that i'll consider beliving in because most of the Jews athat i know are really cool, but ill stop talking so i dont get banned.
Dwarves Mining Box Cover Discussion
lol yes hinckley...of course they do... X-D
New rumoured Summer 2008 set list
Thanks for the info whung! and welcome to EB!!!!!!! are those and hopeully new impulse??? 8-
2008 Picture thread
I dont really care what faces we get. it dosnt relly bother me. I actually like the ani face. Especially the hair! *wub*
Portable LEGO-Zoo in a Box!
X-O *wub* it!!! its so...perfect!!!! Great job! keep up the great work!
2008 Picture thread
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