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  1. 31152 Space Astronaut Alternate creation: Transformer Tiger (Large category) A roaring start to a brand new year I'd say!!
  2. I'm at it again! Last year I made a few Transformers beasts using official LEGO sets. And experience gained led to try and built another one , using LEGO Creator 31152 this time! THe biggest challenge unique to this project was using the remaining parts to built the animal tail! Most of the ball joints from the set have already being utilized, so I'm forcing myself to be creative to find a way to implement its tail. Builders remorse crept in while shooting photos of this MOC: I should've built a longer tail! The hind legs are locked in. However, this doesn't stop it from displaying a "ready-to-pounce" stance. As always... I'm very generous with poseability of my Transformers MOCs. He even has waist swivel! VIDEO! BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS! Visit my rebrickable page to purchase building instructions of this MOCs. https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-207068/alanyuppie/transformer-tiger-using-lego-creator-31152-space-astronaut/#details
  3. Transformer two-headed dragon using set 31121: Crocodile (Small Category) Definitely not the last dragon Transformer I'm going to build in the coming weeks/months!
  4. Since this year (2024) is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese zodiac, I've been thinking to build a Transformer dragon using official LEGO set. However, I kinda forgotten about this plan until last month! So I scrambled to find the right lego set to start a dragon project. And finally.... this alt MOC is born! This 2-headed dragon transformer is built using only parts from set 31121: Crocodile . And this is my 7th (Yes, SEVENTH) Transformer made using the said set. Seasoned G1 Transformers fans might recognise this MOC as Hung-grr, a Decepticon from teamTerrorcons that turned into similar alternate mode. Noticed the tan colored triangular parts below his necks. THey're important to stabilize the heavy necks and heads from sagging. ROBOT MODE As always..transformation between modes doesn't require reassembly of parts. More photos in my blog link below https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2024/12/video-tutorial-transformers-two-headed.html VIDEO TUTORIAL LAST WORDS.. I'm not done with dragons yet! I'm anxiously waiting for next year's LEGO Creator Dragon to build another Dragon Transformer from.!.
  5. 10338 Bumblebee alternate creation: Transformer Lion (Large Category) I'm on a roll with set 10338! Shall be cranking or a dozen more alt builts with it in the coming years!
  6. Move over Bumblebee! Bumblebeast is in the house!This project is my second custom Transformer made using only parts from LEGO 10338 Bumblebee. This project started life with intention to build a Tiger mode . But as I go along building the animal head with chunkier slopes... it looked pretty good as a lion, too! And the yellow color scheme helps to pivot the project to this outcome. Transformation from robot to animal mode doesn't require reassembly of parts! The rear legs are locked in in lion mode. However... there are still some articulations on his front legs. VIDEO MORE PHOTOS AND PROJECT DETAILS IN MY BLOG LINK BELOW https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2024/12/transformer-lion-using-lego-10338.html LINK TO PURCHASE BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-203101/alanyuppie/transformer-lion-using-set-10338-bumblebee/#details
  7. Thanks. I'm a fan of G1 TRansformers and had been attempting to build Transformers characters since I was a kid back in the 1980s. Thanks to modern lego sets with ball joints, I'm having a field day building alternate creations/transformers with them. Can't wait to get my hands on upcoming 2025 Creator dragon set!
  8. 31150 Wild Safari Animals alternate build (Medium category) I'm planning to complete all 5 members of team Dinobots.
  9. LEGO Creator 31150 is a powerhouse set that was released in the year 2024 and is one of my favorite set to built Transformers from. Swoop is my 3rd Transformer made using set 31150: Wild Safari Animals.. He is a character from G1 Transformers cartoon series. He is a member of team Dinobots, a group of Transformers that turned into dinosaurs / prehistoric creatures. Swoop turned into a mechanical Pteranodon. Just like most of my LEGO Transformers creations, transformation between robot and alternate mode doesn't requires reassembly of parts. And he is very poseable and articulated, too! For more photos , visit my blog (link below) https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2024/12/video-tutorial-dinobot-swoop.html VIDEO TUTORIAL
  10. If I post my new MOCs/contest entries here, and also in other sites online (like facebook,youtube, my own blog). Will this be allowed? I built alternate creations from official LEGO sets frequently and post video tutorials online on how to build them.
  11. As a fan of Creator theme, this year (2024) is quite an exciting year for me. I build Transformers alternative creations and sets with decent parts count and ball joints are highly desirable. And set 31152: Space Astronaut fits the bill! Upon acquiring set 31152, I immediately build the space puppy model, and skipped the other 2 main models as I was very excited to MOC something out of it! To get the ball rolling ... I made a Thundertank Transformer using the said set. Thundertank is one of the most iconic vehicle from Thundercats cartoon series from the 1980s. One of the main feature in this tank is the pop up cannons from inside the cabin, which I implemented in my creation as well. The robot mode is articulated and very posable. \ BUILDING INSTRUCTIONS Building instructions can be purchased from my rebrickable page (link below) https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-174217/alanyuppie/thundertank-from-thundercats-cartoon-transformer-alternative-built-of-set-31152-space-astronaut/#details
  12. PlopiNinetySix started following alanyuppie
  13. Name: SkyTrax Allegiance: Autobot Alt Modes: Seaplane, Excavator This project was Inspired by a sketch shown in TF:Generations book published back in the early 2000's. Since I am a fan of triple changer, I have been harboring intentions to build it one day , using LEGO of coz! And that day finally came (early last year), when I discovered the toy prototype of this TF actually exists ,despite not being used in G1 Transformers (below). What a shame! And off I go! First 3 months progress were really fast and I'm almost done building in 6 months. It took me another year to put a closure to this due to me procrastinating* and felt unsure of its final color scheme. *I actually initiated 5 other lego triple changer projects between this one. EXCAVATOR MODE I kinda lowered my bar here. Usually I prefer to use real working tracks for my LEGO creations. This time around, due to complexity of triple changers... I must implement "fake" tracks. SEAPLANE MODE Propeller was the last thing I applied before wrapping this project up. Initially its a 2-blade prop, but I took the liberty to confirm my design by googling photos of seaplanes to discover 3-blade is much common. ROBOT MODE He ended up top heavy with huge back kibble. Luckily his wide footprints ensured his stability. For more photos especially on how he transforms from 1 mode to another, visit my blog link below: https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2020/08/lego-transformer-triple-changer_30.html After this .. I shall return to completing my Astrotrain, Doubledealer and Octane. Do follow me on instragram to see my work in progress www.instagram.com/alanyuppie78
  14. After a spark of inspiration last month, I immediately halted my project LEGO Astrotrain in favor of this one . And I vowed to complete and publish it before Xmas. So here I am. Can you guess which component/carriage took up most of my building time? You'd be surprised! One fun thing about building LEGO TF is the uncertainties and pleasant suprises along the way. I never intended this bot to have weapons or turn into war machines, but somehow... here's what mid-transformation ended up looking. Building the tree took up disproportionately longer time than the rest of the carriages and train, since the tree conceals the robot hand*. I think I revised the tree design for more than 4 times before I settled down for this one: *the hand is MORE than 2 studs wide no thanks to the protruding finger parts. This makes things much harder , than concealing a hand that's exactly 2 studs wide inside the tree. Despite the size, the Robot mode is fairly articulated and poseable, thanks to the chunky train coaches as legs For more photos, as usual... check out my blog link here: https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2019/12/lego-christmas-train-transformer.html And if you got bout 16 minutes to spare....view a vid of this creation in my youtube channel too! You'll get to see how the transformation/merging goes. Merry Christmas everyone ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-trNtnV5j8
  15. Name: Apeface Allegiance: Decepticon Subgroup: Headmaster Horrorcons Alternate modes: Jet plane and gorilla Motto: Obnoxiousness is not a problem. It is an art ========== Actually this guy was never in my to-built list.. but since this is "year of triple changers" for me, and Apeface is sort of a low-hanging fruit compared to other triple changers when it comes to complexity, I give that a shot. Compared to the original G1 Apeface.. some compromises must be made in the form of a different-looking jet mode. Hope you guys like my rendition! The ball joints used for the gorilla rear legs are too weak to hold his body up. So he can't stand upright . With LEGO Snapdragon I rebuilt few months earlier. (He's not a Headmaster though). To view more photos especially how he transform between modes, proceed to my blog entry below: https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2019/10/lego-triple-changer-apeface-part-2-of-2.html Follow me in Instagram please! https://www.instagram.com/alanyuppie78/
  16. Building instructions up in my blog guys! https://alanyuppie.blogspot.com/2019/09/instructions-for-lego-transformer.html And a short vid too !
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