Everything posted by Schneeds
ISD Aggressor (Star Destroyer MOC w interior and instructions)
Given the piece count and complexity, the instructions and design have an astonishingly few number of problems. The biggest universal problem is probably the flooring of the small side room, but just requires some disassembly. Rask made an excellent video for attaching the panels, and it only took me a bit of work to get the second one on. The engine section plates in the rear of the ship are a tight fit, but that's pretty much every trouble I had. I would definitely build this over a 10030. Not to knock the UCS version (I have one), but if you put these side by side it's apples to oranges. Just know going in, it is a massive endeavor. 15,000 pieces takes up a lot more room than you would think. And sorting through orders might drive you to the verge of insanity. But it will be worth it :)
ISD Aggressor (Star Destroyer MOC w interior and instructions)
Is the stand correct, or does there seem to be a lot of tension/bending on the bottom plates anywhere? There shouldn't be that much of a gap; and it should be a pretty tight squeeze onto the cheese slops.
- [MOC] [INSTRUCTIONS] UCS Tantive IV - CR-90 Corvette
- SB00201 TS-PROJECT (MOC Tie Silencer UCS)
Star Wars
The short teaser actually got my hopes up. Then the full length trailer brought them back down to reality. Maybe Maisie Williams can be in Episode IX?
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
Yep. The theme of failure doens't really work when your main protagonist can't fail at anything. If Rey had been in Empire, she simply would have beaten Darth Vader and everyone would have been left wondering what the point of ROTJ is.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
Fin: "How did you do that?!?" Rey: "I don't know!" :) Again, if Kylo was injured, it didn't clearly didn't affect his movement. People want to find ways to rationalize the absurdity of the fight, but there just aren't any. As for the Royal Guard scene, I guess it looks flashy, but actually look at the fighting. Look at the fighting techniques... it's absolutely ridiculous. It looks like an episode of Dancing with the Stars. John Wick's choreography was based in reality. Have you seen the guy run a three gun course? Even if you believe Rey has been a pilot and flown the falcon, even if you believe that being a junk salvager some how made her a scrappy and capable fighter, it still doesn't account for her force abilities. The fact of the matter is, Rey simply thinks to herself "the force!" and is able to all of a sudden do anything. All of a sudden she can control storm troopers, become a crack shot with a blaster when she doesn't even know what a safety is, use a light saber better than the main villain, beat a jedi master, beat numerous royal guards, lift infinite amounts of objects. Where is her character development? What isn't she good at? Why am I supposed to give a damn? As much as I dislike Emo Ren, at least he has flaws and seems real. Would Star Wars be as good as it is, if in ANH after Luke's Aunt and Uncle died, he could simply do everything? No. That's not Star Wars.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
Well for starters, his few hours of training is still more than Rey got in two movies. Also, that was literally the only impressive thing he did in the entire movie. He got KO'd by a Tuscan raider. He got thrown down by a bar thug. He was lousy with the remote. His blaster accuracy was atrocious, and his flying skills were mediocre (he nearly killed himself on his first run in). Rey didn't even have a learning curve, let a lone a short one. The first time she held a lightsaber, she beat Kylo Ren straight up. And the whole "he was injured" argument doesn't hold up. One, his movement didn't look impaired at all, and two, pain should make him stronger. Given that fact, one might think they would actually have Kylo Ren complete his training, so as to offer an actual antagonist and some suspense. But nope, RJ just keeps him as is. Rey hasn't had any character growth up to this point, and since she's already better than Kylo, where does she go from here? Terrible story writing.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
I've pointed those out in previous posts. Those are bad, but do not fundamentally break the movie like the others. As for the TFA Kylo fight, I used your line of thinking to defend it to people prior to TLJ, and I still like TFA. But after she beats Luke in a fight, then proceeds to dominate several of Snoke's Royal Guard, and then saves Kylo, I'm done making excuses for why she's not a Mary Sue. It took Anakin Skywalker two full movies, a lot of years, and a ton of training with the best to become a badass. It took Rey 15 minutes after she decided herself that she was one. It's a joke.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
Yes. Twice. A for Rey, she knows more about the MF than Han. She flies it at least as well as Han, despite never flying a ship before. She's an excellent shot with a one hand blaster, despite never shooting a blaster before. She didn't just confuse a storm trooper, she made him do what she wanted, the first time ever doing it. She defeats numerous Royal guards the second time she's ever fought with a lightsaber. She lifts literal tons of boulders despite never levitating anymore before. Remember how much effort it took Yoda just to lift an x-wing? As for being defeated by Kylo Ren, she just loses one time. The first time. He then fails to break into her mind, and she beats him straight up the next time, despite never having held a lightsaber before. She would have killed him outright. Also in TLJ, the little "force pull duel" you're talking about was a draw.. Also, that was after she saved him by throwing her the lightsaber. Are you seriously trying to rationalize her power? Seriously man, get off the kool-aid. Her character has absolutely no character development or arc because she can already do everything. All of your examples of Bane, are things he's doing without even knowing he's doing it. The force is an influence in his actions and it's subtle, he just doesn't decide one day that he can do anything and than do it. Also you're ignoring the fact that Bane is drawing purely on the darkside which is emotion based. Killing his father? He was doing that anyway without the force. A card game? So he knows when the right card is coming up, not exactly lifting boulders. Also you completely failed to address the fact that he was actually trained and was capable of losing at things. He loses badly in training, and is nearly killed by the Jedi, despite being in armor that makes him imperious to lightsabers. I'm glad you like the movie, but a majority don't because these flaws are undeniable.
Star Wars
Ewan McGregor dserves the chance at an Obi Wan movie. He was probably the best thing about the prequels, and without a doubt had the best acting performance. That being said, Disney will probably just find a way to character-assassinate him.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
Did you actually read the Darth Bane trilogy? He has absolutely nothing in common in Rey. He went from being a massively strong brawler who worked in a mine, to being a soldier in the Sith army (Gloomwalkers) where he obviously got training as a solider, to spending 2/3 of the first book training on Korriban with Sith Masters. In training, he loses a fight to a non master Zabrak and would have been killed, if not for the instructor. Compare that with Rey. She's a junk salvager. How is that in anyway relevant to combat? It's not. Also, she is literally better than everyone at everything. With zero training. Darth Bane is legendary, yet had numerous failures and loses. Rey has yet to fail at anything.
- TIE Fighter & TIE Interceptor - 2021 remake!
ISD Aggressor (Star Destroyer MOC w interior and instructions)
Finished it a while ago; everything went quite well :) I haven't had time to take high quality pictures yet.
ISD Aggressor (Star Destroyer MOC w interior and instructions)
I modified mine to shift the 1x6 tiles up a plate by using brackets instead of the studded bricks. The disadvantage is that they stick out the width of the brackets over the large slopes, but it's not really noticeable.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
No, that's just from the other day, not the November article.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
Just in case anyone was still trying to claim Mark Hamill's comments were misconstrued and he supports the new film, he just set the record straight once and for all. I don't know why RJ and Kathleen wanted to tear down Luke Skywalker, but in doing so they turned off a huge portion of the fan base and made a movie that just comes across as stupid and out of place.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
If you look at Luke in ANH, he could barely shoot a blaster well, much less wield a lightsaber. Even after training with Yoda for what is portrayed to be quite a bit of time, he easily gets dominated by Darth Vader. He's certainly older in TLJ, but he's not ancient. He's not even as old as Obi Wan was when he faced Vader for the last time.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
2. He massacres a village in Episode 7... hardly relevant. We have no idea what he did prior to Luke leaving, as they had Luke lie about it (because after being angry and hurt with Obi Wan for something similar, that makes a ton of sense). 3. As for the plot, what most people want is an intriguing plot that actually makes sense. Slowly running out of fuel is not that. 7. He did not do most of the work. Also you're completely ignoring the fact that she dominates him in TFA with ZERO training, and beats Luke in a fight with staves. Her having experience with a staff is irrelevant; he's a Jedi Master and a Skywalker. She can fly the MF better than Han Solo, yet has never flown anything before, and can lift hundreds of tons of rocks. How long did Luke train with Yoda and couldn't budge an x-wing? She's the ultimate Mary Sue; any objective person can acknowledge this. And Marks's words were pretty clear in the original interview. He tried to walk it back some since for the good of the Director, which is noble of him, but it's obvious what he thought of it. And he was right. If you like this movie that's great, but you're apologizing for things that clearly run contrary to every prior movie and the Star Wars universe in general. There's no point in arguing this. People seem to either like or hate this movie.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
1. It's not speculation, Luke literally says why he went there. Also, the Jedi temple just happens to be there? 2. What? 'Ben was clearly as unremorseful as Anakin after killing children'? lol what are you talking about? There was literally NOTHING to suggest that. No evidence at all was even given that he was turning dark. He's literally just lying in bed a sleep. 3. We've had 7 prior Star Wars movies and fuel has never been mentioned before. It's not a thing to base a plot around. 4. How is being incredibly fast the same as tracking a ship through hyperspace with no tracker? They just made that up on the fly to make their terrible plot work. 5. How is that a rebuttal to the fact that the First Order can't surround a single Calamari cruiser? It's ludicrous. 6. Luke admits he saw Ben as a frightened kid, and he went so far as to stand over him with a ignited lightsaber while he was sleeping. That isn't remotely inline with the Luke from the OT. 7. Not sure what movie you watched, she saved Kylo Ren. Also, she's had zero training and and took on multiple praetorian guards. That's absurd. 8. He can read Kylo Ren's mind but dies like an idiot with a lightsaber sitting next to him? No, that's not well thought out. 9. Doesn't account for surviving an explosion without a trace. If she's that powerful what's she doing hiding in a base/ship all the time. Yes, these are plot holes. There's about 50,000 reviews on RT that reflect this sentiment. Even Mark Hamill doesn't think the treatment of the character was appropriate.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
With the prequels, the plots could have been saved by better casting, acting, and dialog. The Last Jedi on the other hand, could not be. The plot holes are simply too numerous and ridiculous: Per TFA and Luke himself, the entire reason Luke went to Ahch-To was to find the Jedi temple. Then Rian Johnson says just kidding, Luke went there to abandon his family and die. In fact, Luke hated his family so much, he contemplated killing his sleeping kid nephew. Never mind that in the past he refused to fight the badass father he never even knew, killing kids is fine now. The Resistance escapes from their own base, but doesn't have any fuel. Since when is fuel even a thing in Star Wars? If that wasn't bad enough, the First Order is completely unable to surround and capture a single Resistance Command ship, but resigns itself to slowly chasing it. Really? Also this incompetent First Order fleet is able to track ships through lightspeed. Somehow. With no explanation. It's "new tech." Thanks Rose, I actually somehow hate you more than Jar Jar. The flash back dream of Rey's and the Knights of Ren? That didn't happen. Remember, Luke's a child killer. Speaking of Rey, she is the absolute best at everything with literally zero training. Force power. Lightsabers. Fighting in general. Doesn't matter, she's better than Luke. Just kidding, Supreme Leader Snoke can dominate her, but then dies like a Master Jedi from Attack of the Clones. If you're a fan favorite Mon Calamari, explosions on the bridge kill you. If you're Leia, neither explosions nor the vaccum of space put a scratch on you. There are others, and people in reviews all over have done a better job of this than me, but it's enough to demonstrate how ridiculous this movie is. It feels like an agenda-driven attempt to marginalize and trivialize the original trilogy.
Star Wars
I'll reference them in the spoiler thread.
Star Wars
Saying this is the best Star Wars film ever is absurd. The plot holes are bigger than Starkiller Base and the humor is poorly timed and on a 5th grade level. It felt more like a bad Marvel movie than a Star Wars one.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
There's a difference between subtle humor invoked through quality acting, versus cheesy juvenile one-liners. The opening dialog with Poe and Hux was absolute garbage. Luke throwing away the saber after the powerful ending of the TFA? They took all the great work of Daisy and JJ and just threw it in the trash. Luke brushing his shoulder off in the middle of a battle? Maybe he should have done a mic drop as well. No one wanted to like this movie more than I did, and I still really like TFA, but 3/4 of this movie is garbage. Disney didn't need to disrespect and tear apart the OT to move the saga a long and reinvent it; they just choose to.
Star Wars Episode 8, The Last Jedi discussion. **SPOILERS**
I tried to like this movie, I really did, but the humor is just plain awful. It's out of place, it's cheesey, and it's forced. Luke throwing away his father's lightsaber? The shirtless joke? Luke brushing his shoulder off? They turned it into a bad marvel movie. It was like Episode II, only it was even more pointless. Perhaps I'll come to enjoy it over time like I have even the terrible prequel movies, but this just has too much obvious Kathleen Kennedy/Disney influence written all over it and they did not stay true to Lucas at all.
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