[MOC] Cyberpunk Patrol Fighter Drone
Looks interesting. Would be great to see this as a part of a larger build!
[MOC] The little Prince
Wow! What a magnificent-looking little planet! And where's the rose?
The Beast
Incredible. I love this character and it is nice to see him done in LEGO. Really appreciate the detailing.
Braaiiinnss!!! Sci-Fi Contest
Hey, @Bob De Quatre. Can I build some brick-built giant zombies because I don't have a lot of normal zombie minifigs (I have only one). And, If I enter the veichle category, can I build one main vehicles and one or two small support ones (e.g. motorbike or small buggy near a huge truck). Also what about time and space bending. Like guys from the future and steampunk people trying to save the world?
AG - Rules and FAQ
I'd like to ask a few questions before I will start participating the game: 1. Can I be banned for asking too many questions? 2.Can I temporary change an apperance of my character a bit? Like changing faces with different emotions or hairpiece depending on situation? 3. How many mistakes can I make before I will be banned? I'm afraid that I misunderstood something.
[MOC] Goat herding Turaga
THIS IS AWSOME!!! I really like it. Very very cool!
[Renders] Toa Metru
Geat work Crash Sanders. The greatest part of these mocs are custom heads. That`s it. I think they look quite better than actual toa metru. Waiting for real life models. ;-)
- MOC: Hero Factory Breez
Favorite G1 Bionicle Set?
My favourite Bionicle G1 sets are Rakshi and Takanuva.
- Mixels Series 4 Infernites Review
[MOC] Mata Nui Derp Bird
Good connection technic,hero factory and old Bionicle.
- Kanohi Suva 2015
- [MOC] Constraction-class Recon Combat Mech
- [MOC] Constraction-class Recon Combat Mech
Bionicle Protector Alternate Builds
Great. All your custom pieces are very cool. What the type of material did you use to make those parts? Amazing one eye Bugatti veyron head!
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